Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 184: So unlucky

The old man appraiser arrived a few hours later, he was visibly angry and disturbed at the thought of being called to authenticate monster corpses for an alchemist brat that was screaming fraud in the guild.

The old man looked at Yunan before looking at the man pestering the guild employee about why was a rare alchemist like himself waiting for an appraiser for this long. He then looked at Yunan who lowered his head a bit in respectful greeting. The old man returned the same nod towards Yunan with gleaming eyes, before he announced his presence, he walked to the guild employee and asked why was he needed here.

Once the old man looked at the ring he gave it back to the alchemist "they are real, there is no mistake about it, I wonder who caught such pristine specimen" the alchemist cut him off "what do you mean? is this a conspiracy to scam me out of my money, who do you think you are not doing anything and claim there is nothing wrong with these things". The old appraiser turned livid but calmed himself down "do you think you can afford my fees? If you do not behave yourself I will ban you from receiving appraisal in the guild without paying for it".

The old man then turned around and faced Yunan "that is an amazing armour you have there, can I appraise it? I would pay you if you took money", Yunan took off his medallion and gave it to the old man " please, no need for money, it's just numbers anyway". The old man scrunched up his brows and kept his eyes and hands on the medallion for a few minutes before giving up "the only thing I can read into this is the draconic nature, it is a marvel I would say, mind selling it to me for 6 middle sized kingdoms, on second thought make that 4 large size kingdoms and the merchant empire that funds them". Yunan simply shook his head and sighed "sorry about that, even if I wanted to sell it won't leave my side, it's basically bound to myself otherwise it's a dead medallion that can never be used".

The old man could feel the medallion becoming ethereal and slipping through his fingers and floating back to Yunan "shame, well it's not like you would even look at my measly 4 kingdoms with an armour like that, if you ever find the materials to make another, the payment is still the same, now tell me did you kill the big ones?" Yunan looked at the old man for a moment before nodding the old man chuckled and asked if he could see the ones he got, so Yunan used the Black Fate to send an image from the storage room were the three bosses lay side by side and beside them were Lina and Nina who were teleported there by Yunan to provide a perspective.

"Want to come to my place and have some fish old man? I have some good wine you might like" Yunan extended an invitation to the old man simply because he thought the old man was waiting all this time for someone to kill the boss, so maybe having him over was not a terribly wrong idea. The old man nodded an came closer to Yunan, however, Yunan asked him to wait for a bit and walked to the alchemist who was now panicking.

"Now that they are authentic, I want my ring back, I want compensation for wasted time, slandering and rejecting a completed quest without valid reason, I have taken a week out of my life doing this stupid quest and hunted 400 extremely dangerous monsters at risk of death and injury and was accused of Fraud, pay up!" The old man had a brilliant smile on his face, he seriously felt relieved when he heard Yunan give the alchemist a piece of his mind, he would have found it a shame that a young capable man would just cower at the mention of an alchemist.

The alchemist was befuddled, he never thought he would be treated like a street hoodlum when he was only being cautious and diligent about what materials he should accept, but the tone Yunan used was not asking, he was threatening him and that as more outrageous, he looked at the guild employee behind the counter but before he could speak Yunan took the lead "I will require mister employee here to be a witness, I am hereby applying for payment for a job that I did, but I am being denied, I am sure mister appraiser would not mind making a tally of how much mister alchemist owes me, it is 4000 corpses I have here with me to complete the quest, if I remember correctly there was no limit to the number of submissions and the consumer would take all the ones that fit the criteria, please bring me a judge, i want justice".

A case with an alchemist being accused of refusing to complete the payment for a quest affected the guild more than the alchemist, and add in the fact that he had already called in for an appraiser that had authenticated the merchandise, not to mention accusing an adventurer of fraud because he lacked information was a great insult to the guild.

The alchemist's misfortunes had just started because there was a judge on site that was on his way out of the dungeon and stopped to rest, when informed about the situation the judge almost ran to the reception hall to find the alchemist trying to weasel his way out of this by using sweet words and his status as an alchemist, the judge did not waste time and simply asked for the security recordings, he also talked to the old appraiser and asked him to appraise the quality of the corpses Yunan brought and if they conformed to the quest requirements.

The old appraiser patiently looked at all the corpses one by one and came to a conclusion, the cheapest corpse was a perfect specimen that conformed to the requirements and with a higher quality and would be worth more than what was offered in the quest, as for the larger corpses, according to the danger and risk involved and the amount of trouble to catch such high quality goods the price skyrocketed with each increase in length.

However that was not the worst of it, as the judge had proclaimed that Yunan was entitled to full payment and if the alchemist was to not pay he would lose his privileges at the guild and would be penalised, the astronomical sum was pocket change to Yunan but was almost all of the funds in the alchemist's account, and just as he finished payment his butler came running into the guild informing the man that the experiment he was doing has gone haywire and the whole house was turned to dust, nothing was left, even the servants and slaves, he only survived because he was in the garden at the time. And before he could even mourne all of his items, came a judging from the guild, the man had been disrespectful to an esteemed appraiser who he had demanded himself, and was to be stripped from all his privileges and is to immediately pay back his debts or be taken in for forced labour as payment immediately. "So unlucky" Yunan left those words as he teleported to his home with the old appraiser.

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