Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 190: Aquarium decoration

After a few days of rest, Yunan descended to the 34th floor, it was again a deep sea floor with naga as the resident monsters.

Naga are curious creatures, half man half fish, they have webbed hands and fight using tridents and lightning spells, they also use ice field spell and have a fear-inducing warcry. They fought in groups of four and were around 3 meters long from head to tail, the naga are the origin of the merfolk species, although they do not gain legs if their tails get dry, they can slither on dry land if need be to return to the water.

The naga did not have lungs, they breathed through gills and could not survive more than a few minutes in the open air, Yunan being the explorer he is, he did not stop only after a few meters like the rest but instead went ahead and left the safest place for the achieving better loot and evolving faster.

The naga he encountered were basically the same, they were all hostile and if Yunan allowed one to live it would bring reinforcements, and he would be overwhelmed by the sheer number that comes after him for retaliation.

The nagas were Dexterity and strength creatures, although they knew a few spells they were very dumb and would fall to friendly fire or simple obvious traps set by the adventurers. They also were a community monster but it was a barbaric and cruel community, there were many villages across the ocean floor but none of them helped when Yunan was being the bad guy destroying homes and families.

Yunan found his first village by following a naga he let live on purpose, after arriving at the village he noticed the lack of something, and that led to those villages feeling like the nests he destroyed before instead of a proper village like the ones the lizardmen had. And so when Yunan started indiscriminately bombarding the nest of the naga by ice spears, they either fled or stupidly charged at him.

Each nest had its own boss and once he killed that boss the inhabitants of the nest would simply surrender and submit, some even went as far as attaching themselves to Yunan as his trophies, Yunan sent a few good looking ones into the aquarium and told the genie to create a new aquarium for the captives that submitted, he figured a naga would be something rare in the market, and many would love to lay their hands on them, but he would have to get the guild's permission so he decided to sell them directly to the guild and let them deal with selling them or whatever. As for the ones in his aquarium, they would be the decore fish, albeit being big they would not be too outstanding in the aquarium that has been home to many variants and colourful creatures under it's waves.

Yunan spent the next 5 months trying to find the boss of the floor, however, it was not at the outskirts of the floor but at the centre. In there was a big nest carved from a reef, as usual, Yunan started bombarding the city like nest to flush out the cute and pretty naga to add to his collection while dealing with the ones who attack him, Yunan was quite disappointed to find that the most visually pleasing naga was the floor boss, it was a female that had a silver crown and azure green scales on its body, its bosom was adorned with some kind of markings and its face was almost human indicating it was the most evolved being on this floor.

Its hair reached to the waist and was golden yellow with its eyes as red as garnet, Yunan did not stop bombarding the city behind it as it approached Yunan with the arrogance of an empress, it had one thing in her eyes and that was Yunan who was destroying its home like he was dealing with insects, without the slightest emotional attachment to the havoc he is causing.

The naga queen did not look back at the nest but she wavered when Yunan's gaze caught a small group trying to flee away from the range of his ice spears, there two adolescent naga that looked the same as the queen, very enchanting, sadly Yunan's detection range was greater than how far he could see.

The naga queen was enraged and attacked Yunan using a trident made out of lightning, she could make the trident change size and it packed quite a punch when it made contact, Yunan was simply dodging when he could while his ice spears still rained down on the town at a pace of 25 spears per second, the maximum number that was still within the mana regeneration.

Yunan would direct a spear at the naga queen now and then when she was vulnerable, although the spears did some damage and added small lacerations to the scales of the naga queen it was not something that would end the fight anytime soon. Yunan started using tremor skill when he clashed with the boss to add internal injuries to the external ones, he even added the sonic attack so that it would hit at the same moment the Duo clashed.

Yunan opted to use his mace as a weapon and used it to bash at the naga queen until he could see her scales peeling off, the combination of blunt force and tremor was a very pleasant crunch when each hit landed, by the second hour of the exchange the princesses were out of range of Detection so Yunan sent Drogon to keep them under surveillance, there was no way Yunan would miss out on a good decorative piece like a naga princess in his aquarium.

The naga queen screamed and used her spells with reckless abandon while Yunan would bait her into activating her spells and skills and then teleport away, finally when the fight started to sway in Yunan's direction and he decided to finish the job, the marking that covered the chest of the boss started glowing like burning blood and she began expanding in size, however, Yunan was not nice enough to let her finish a transformation and miss such a crucial opening.

Yunan teleported an inch away from the naga and shoved her mouth full of his signature paralysis toxin then clasped her forehead and started discharging as much lightning as he could into her brain, luckily before the transformation completed the naga queen was dead. Yunan wasted no time in storing her body and chasing after Drogon to find the runaway princesses when he caught up he killed their guard and showed them their mother's dead body, they immediately attached themselves to Yunan who directly sent them to the aquarium to make it look more vibrant.

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