Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 206: Singing and picnic

Yunan took a good look at the excited Kitty before patting her hair gently "I just learned that my 2 months of sleep were worth it, now I have become so very strong".

Yunan enjoyed his interactions with Kitty, especially the part where they didn't need to exchange words to communicate, he also liked the way she reacted to his touches, although he could tell it was amplified by the slave brand it was nonetheless enjoyable for Kitty to be in contact with him.

"If you are happy about it then I am happy too" stated Kitty as she rubbed her head on his chest like she always did when they were alone, although she was always close to him whenever she could, she would still behave herself when others were around. Yunan found that this cat was growing on him lately, he enjoyed her proximity and liked having a few passionate moments with her, at the same time he felt that he would have a hard time sleeping without her warmth soothing him in bed.

That idea reminded Yunan of Fortuna who seemed to be not as interested in passion anymore and was happy just watching Yunan live his life from afar, so in a moment of impulse, he teleported Fortuna to the hot bath without notifying her. Fortuna; who didn't realize anything was wrong until she splashed into the hot pool fully clothed, had a questioning gaze for Yunan who seemed to be in an intimate moment with his personal cat.

"I missed you, so I brought you here to play around with your body, after all, you said it was mine to do whatever I wanted with it", both Fortuna and Kitty turned red, Kitty was feeling Yunan's lust while Luna was trying not to punch his head off before reattaching it and kissing him, it truly has been a while since she and Yunan had some quality time together, and his style of straightforward flirting always made her feel dirty for liking it more that way.

"Why are you even missing me when you are surrounded by pretty girls who would do anything if you ask for it, are you an idiot, I am just an old hag who was toying with you and it's about time we broke this off, I am getting tired of you after all" all though Luna kept saying things in the same vein, she did not resist when Yunan and Kitty took turns undressing her. "oh shut up, what kind of old hag gives herself to a youngster unconditionally, and stop trying to lie to me, you are very bad at it".

Luna was just like an innocent maiden when she lost control and Yunan seems to have a knack for taking away her control over the situation, the most troublesome part about him is that he did not shy away from her, he did not hide anything from her, she could see it all, the good the bad and the ugly, and his forward way in approaching her disarmed her completely, and just like a maiden in love, she would allow him to do whatever he wanted to her, mainly because she knew too well that this steamy moment was his way of telling her to stop watching from afar and just accept her position as his own. Luna knew she would get tired of this someday in the future, but for now, it was the most irresistible attraction in the world, and for once she thought it might be something that she would never get bored of especially if she never regained her control when she was around him.

A few hours and three satisfied lovers later, the tree left the bath for a meal to replenish some energy, Yunan offered to take Luna with him on a picnic in the 40th floor but she declined, she had some things to attend to, and she made sure to berate him for bringing her over without telling her beforehand, he just shrugged off and said "what is wrong with calling on my wife when I am aroused and in need of relief?" Although she was a bit angry at the response she still left after giving him and Kitty a kiss each.

After Fortuna left the house Yunan met with Sarah and Ophelia who seemed to be eager to go on a picnic, although Ophelia spent most of her time studying medicinal herbs in the garden she did not deny a picnic because the company always made her feel stress-free. Yunan took all of them to the residential units he registered for them and headed out from there, he cast flying on his companions, unfurled his own wings and led the three of them to the ground weaving between branches and around the gigantic trunks of the forest trees, to land on the soft land covered by soft soil, grass and moss, with tree roots as big as a cart making hiding places for the beasts that roamed the floor.

"First objective of this picnic is to spot a silver mouse, next objective is to taste its meat and examine its fur, if we are lucky we might capture one alive, until we meet a silver mouse lets have fun, first order of fun today is group singing, everyone sing with me" Yunan made few changes to his voice before letting out a rather melodic voice from his vocal box and a song started flowing through.

"On the shoulder of the road…I met a berserker toad...on its back was a prettier load...humming along with the ribbiting abode…she waved at me with a wink and a court...I walked thither and briskly strode... chugging the mead from my trusty gourd... fondling the pommel of the rusty old sword...she sang to me along the sound…hey, master on road...help thine poor yourself aboard...this lady does what she is told...for a drop from the tasty gourd...for she has no silver neither gold...she will humbly allow the sword...to plough where no young or old...has seen the Eden valley abroad."

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