Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 209: Taking action

The servant left silently after leading Yunan who did not interrupt the silent and gentle atmosphere, so he bowed with the grace drilled into him by Fae, the woman nodded gently and gestured to a sitting pillow beside her, Yunan obliged her and took a seat there.

After a few silent minutes Yunan brought out both Sapphira and Silva to relieve his boredom, he was a guest and unless the middle-aged woman spoke he would not say a thing, if she was not the master of the house, then he just needed to wait for them to arrive, and for the time being he thought he could pass the time by playing with Silva and Sapphira, who were getting on very well for predator and prey, Yunan also made sure to ask the genie of the house to scan and memorise the fishes in the pond and add them to the aquarium once encountered in the future.

The little girl soon switched her eyes onto Yunan and his pets who were wrestling with his hand on his lap, although Yunan felt her stare he did not raise his head and kept his eyes on the cat and mouse trying to trap his hand and stop it from petting and cuddling with them. Silva was first to put his attention on the little girl, while Sapphira ignored her completely, the glint in the little girl's eyes was like a magnet for the mouse, it looked at her with interest but kept its distance, it was not yet ready to play with her yet.

Yunan telepathically instructed Sapphira to slowly go closer to the little kid and see how she would react to her, and by extension reduce the anxiety of Silva who was now sitting on Yunan's shoulder and trying not to get too stressed out and die, although it was used to the presence of adults, children were a new concept and they were as stressful as any new being Silva met, so instead of associating the children with adults it treated them as a new creature.

The woman looked at Yunan with interest as she kept the child in her embrace, although this wordless situation might be suffocating for others, it was good for everyone currently in the room, Silva would be much more stressed if the strangers were talkative and Sapphira was trying to get closer to a child and silence helped the child focus on her and keep from doing sudden actions that might trigger an alarming response. It went well and good as Sapphira successfully got the attention of the little girl and got her to pat her with the most excited look Yunan had ever seen, and he had seen orphans around sweets.

All that built up atmosphere went down the drain as a servant barged into the courtyard with a frightened expression, that prompted Yunan to immediately send Silva and Sapphira home and cautiously waited for the servant to talk as he was fixed with a deadly glare by the lady who then said with a flat voice "speak". Yunan could see the frantically beating heart of the servant beat faster after he heard his master in fact it beat so hard that he could not even breath properly let alone say anything, out of pity Yunan cast a calm spell on him that helped him regain his composure and he finally said "the young master has been brought back with grievous wounds and a festering poison, the healers have all been unable to reverse the damage and they doubt he would survive the night, the healer from the guild arrived with him and gave the same diagnosis, the poison is resistant to magic and it is undoing all the healing, currently they are trying to keep the young master alive as long as possible so that the guild can summon a poison master and non-magical healers, however they recommend master to attend in case they are unsuccessful".

Yunan immediately sent out his maximum output scan and then after locking onto a target he sent Drogon like a shadow with one order "bring me some honey", after that he brought out Kitty and Ophelia, and called to Anne to stay in contact he gave Kitty and Sapphira the task of keeping the little girl occupied and said with a firm and resolute voice "please lead us there, me and my healer may be able to help, with haste, we have no time to spare", the now calmer servant immediately teleported Yunan, Ophelia and the middle-aged woman to a room full of pungent miasma, the foul nature of the poison had spread to the healers and started affecting them as well.

Yunan was not the kind of guy who would save someone he had no relationship with, he might save an outsider on a whim but that was very unlikely, what spurred his actions was the look the middle-aged woman had as she heard the news, it was one Yunan has seen countless times and did not care to see one more time. It was the look of a worried mother that has just thought she would lose her child; he had seen that look too many times for a single lifetime.

Without delay Yunan used mana shield to isolate the section of the house that has been infected and as well as the infected people, he telepathically sent orders to all the infected people in the vicinity to find a room and stay together and wait for their turn to be saved they were told not to use mana because it would only aggravate the poison, at the same time Ophelia started screaming orders at the healers to stop using mana and cease hastening the death of the patient, the poison used mana to multiply and they were feeding it more with each spell they cast to the point it became a miasma, although the healers ignored her, Yunan just held her back and teleported the healers to where the other infected were gathered and cast on them a continuous spell break and mana Syphon to prevent the spread of the poison any more.

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