Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 251: Performance

Yunan always acted decisively, thus when he saw his pray flaunting its power carelessly he struck with impunity. Mana syphon was always first because an adventurer without mana is like a limbless spider, once the adventurer loses their mana they take a moment to understand the situation and another to make sure that it is reality and then a third to remember they have skills that don't require mana, and by the time they begin to think which skills to use they would find themselves either dead or the next best thing; waiting to die.

For a well-trained person like Yunan any threat; that present itself; has a solution that has been already calculated, and so when facing someone carelessly flaunting his power, the moment he felt the aura of the criminal ramp up his tentacles were already seeping into the ground through his feet and mana syphon was being cast, it only took for the tentacles the time between the cast of mana syphon and the time the opponent was drained to sprout like vines from beneath the man and wrap him up and restrain him, and just in case that was not enough a plethora of paralyzing venoms were pumped into the man.

Being drunk and showing off his mana, the man only noticed himself being syphoned when his mana was draining like it was spilling into an abyss rather than being shown off outside his body, once he was fully drained the thought that he was under attack finally struck but it was already too late as the cold touch of the tentacles has already taken over him and restrained him, next he was so powerless that even struggling was out of the question.

There were some low-level thugs enjoying the tales of cruelty the man was telling and they were still celebrating while Yunan was done and planning to leave, he was stopped by the guide who looked towards the thugs as if asking Yunan to apprehend them too, since they were mostly those that were always on the fringe of breaking the rules. Yunan understood that the guide was asking him to handle them in an effort to lower the threat to the peace preserved by the underground government.

As for the excuse, it presented itself in a hurry as one of the thugs tried to stab Yunan from the back, his blade was shaken off by the manifestation of a pair of wings and when his friends came with their weapons drawn a swipe from a tail sent the lot sprawling and coughing blood. Those in the bar were mostly outsiders, true criminals if you will, including the underground government agent here and there to keep them in check.

The crowd had watched the fight, in a blink of an eye the man who claimed to be a level 40 killing machine was wrapped by tentacles and his lackeys were blown away by what seemed to be wings and tail, the monster did not even look at the lackeys and seemingly it was just releasing its monstrous form in preparation for flight after leaving the bar. They saw the monster turn around and fear gripped the hearts, even the guide was shivering and had his teeth clattering from fright.

The monster turned around and it's hideous face full of scales and fangs and icy cold blue eyes with vertical pupils, its snout did not belong to any being they knew about and no matter how they tried they could never remember anything but darkness and fear in that figure. The eldritch horror turned around and faced the thugs that were now shitting themselves, he said in a voice that could only be born in the most wretched hell. "Living on the fringe of the law of the syndicates is not enough for you, now you have to interfere with the enforcement of the law?"

The eldritch horror raised its claw in the general direction of the thugs, then suddenly tentacles sprouted from its palm and captured the victims then brought them closer to face of the monstrosity, after taking a sniff of their necks the monstrosity said some more words, words the audience wished they never born to hear in the first place. "You live under the protection of the syndicates and I am the sweeper that cleans the trash, he broke the law and you tried to save him, knowledge is not an excuse, the law says to never break the peace and you have broken it, however, lucky for everyone here I only sweep the trash and do not clean the dust".

Satisfied with his little show, Yunan dropped the thugs after dislocating their major joins and just left. He went straight to the location were the prison for the murderer floating behind him was situated, it only took them a few minutes to reach the location, Yunan was feeling like it should be about time he learned some memory magic, because waiting for the guild to provide answers was too long and inviting Leader or Bai would cost him, therefore, he thought he should start learning both torture and memory magic.

Back in the bar the atmosphere was still tense, the guests were still shivering from fear, the guide was just starting to get himself in functioning order, the thugs did not even try to move or struggle in an attempt to escape, what Yunan did was just a small play using some fear and intimidation, shape-shifting and voice control, basic things even the weakest explorers were able to use, however, unbeknownst to him the legend of the horror of the pearl raised by the crime syndicates to keep the peace would resound through their corner of the world.

Many a criminal organisation that was still hiding inside the pearl left running, those who tried to get a piece of the land drew back their claws and most importantly, the underground government could finally make the whole country fall under its gaze, and even gained it a reputation, because something that imprints fear and darkness instead of an image was just too much of a threat to the sanity of humans, and anything that causes insanity by merely showing up had enough power to be respected.

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