Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 254: Unworthy, buried for valuables

"That would be wonderful, as payback for your favour, l will also help grant you a request as well, that way we can be called even, and if we meet again we can call each other friends". Yunan was a not the hero type of guy, he was not a hypocrite nor was he delusional. He was raised to pay back the good deed a thousand times better and the bad deed a thousand times worse, he also had his own set of rules that govern his interactions with others, mainly three rules: hiding one's secrets when exposure meant the possibility of a headache, treat everyone with respect then switch to the appropriate response depending on their actions and temperament, and finally treating everyone and everything with sincerity and integrity, until it was time to show them the ugly side if they act too badly.

The old man was just a consciousness mounted on a shard of divinity, he felt genuine and his words were mostly true. as far as Yunan knew he was the first to visit the man in such a long time, even some current major gods were still mortal or yet to be even born. Even so, the old man acted with the same genial way that his smile and demeanour suggested, therefore Yunan also responded in the same genial way, he told truths as needed and did not brag about his own power or the fact that his collection of divinity shards could overpower the old man's.

The old man also found Yunan to be agreeable enough to actually share a few secrets, like the creator going for a stroll and the fact that the heart of Dreamscape was but a rose garden tended to by a dead god. The news that the true God was away was like an open secret, anyone that had any regular contact with the ascended would know that, as for the fact that the heart of Dreamscape was owned and possibly controlled by the whims of a consciousness, well that one was rather big news. Someone who has been known to take away divinities like Yunan would most certainly act like a madman to get his hands on the divinity, that divinity maybe only had a chance to access such a place. even if the divinity had no control over Dreamscape or draw power from it, the access to such a place meant almost endless energy because sentient beings could not help but dream.

"If that's the case then let's get you to the test grounds and see if you are worthy to be granted a boon by me". After hearing the words said by Yunan the old man decided to go with the processing and to Yunan's shock, he woke up momentarily inside the cave, the blinding light was gone and what replaced it was a graveyard of dead and old bones. There were so many that Yunan found he was standing on a hill of skeletal remains.

As the kind of man he was Yunan used his automated looting to strip away all valuables in that hill and then used earth shift to create a massive grave where he laid the remains to rest and said loudly "I took your possessions as fee for your burial, please refrain from haunting me because I am no saint and will exorcise you if you do, if you have a grievance then blame yourselves for being unworthy". Afterwards, Yunan buried the hill in the massive grave and put a headstone that said, "unworthy, buried for their valuables".

What was called valuables was nothing but dust to Yunan, he just had to get paid for working, therefore we see him taking away whatever was left untouched by time. Afterwards he looked around the cave and followed its path to a back room where a body laid there, fresh as if it had just died not a moment ago, there were many things in that chamber that were so valuable that Yunan's appraisal was pinging like mad, there was so much treasure and all of it was beyond his appraisal level. Those only earned a glance, what truly got Yunan's attention was a fiery golden egg, the colour was so vivid that it caused one to feel heat blasting ones face.

Despite the temptations, Yunan walked beside the dead old man and said: "I would bury you and take your divinity with me, but I need to know the answer to one question, when did you decide to die?". He was answered by laughter that resounded in his brain. "I thought you would ask if you were worthy of the boon, unexpectedly you seem to be very unworthy of it indeed, you have to make a man talk on his deathbed and reveal such intentions, so very unworthy of you".

There were some moments of silence where both stayed quiet before both burst into laughter "friends indeed" said the old man's voice. "You are truly worthy, but I must remind you, all this spiritual energy is too much for you to take in even after you complete your bloodline, and I have to also tell you that once upon a time this cave was part of a lush valley that was sought out by endless hordes of dreamers, unfortunately the world sundered thanks to humans and now I live on a cliff, my only visitor since time immemorial is a man who did not even think he should ask if he was worthy or not".

"There is nothing to feel bad about, as your last friend, I will take this cave with me into my own personal dimension and will use all the spiritual energy to create a layer of spirit stone around it, I will make this place a heaven for those who seek spiritual enlightenment and ascension, I might even make it open to the public if you desire. Just tell me what I want to know".

After some silence the old man answered "this consciousness is old, so very old, first it was only executing orders left behind by the main mind, however after countless year, I have become more than just a program that follows orders, I became sentient too, and like all sentient beings, I have been so lonely for so long that I decided if ever there came a person worthy of my boon, that I would grant their wish and let them become a god as well, it took you so long to finally come and kill me".

"Yunan is the name of your killer, remember it, if we ever meet again in the afterlife, i would like to share a drink or two with you" after saying this Yunan placed his hand on the forehead of the dead body and sucked in the divinity, he was told by the genie of his own house that he could turn the consciousness into a genie too and make use of it, but Yunan thought that what was before him was no longer a stream of consciousness, rather a real complete soul.

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