Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 269: Arrangements

With the extra hands helping here and there, the workload was shared and finished quickly, giving Debauchery family a full week before the promised day. Lady Mito even made the gang do a rehearsal to make sure all the moving parts clicked nicely together, especially the clothes and dressing part, something that kept Mito awake for days on end.

Yunan as the groom and the bright king was to wear a black formal suit and waistcoat, a white shirt and a black top hat, he looked too fancy for his own liking, he was even more so assured when the stifled smiles and hidden snickers sounded behind his back, Reina, on the other hand, wore a white dress that was accentuated by her fiery red hair and fluffy tails, the dress was rather too simple, with nothing but simple embroidery depicting a nine-tailed fox bathing in flames in light pink and gold colours.

The boys each had their own formal suits and top hats, they looked like they were part of a performing band, Lucian was extra enchanting with his "do not approach" aura and silent demeanour, Bai looked like a gentleman, Dustan looked like a reformed criminal, and Balin looked like a nouveau-riche with his majestic beard neatly trimmed and well kept, the girls on the other hand looked like shining stars when standing behind the bride, Luna was prancing around in a shoulderless blue dress with revealing back and knee cut, Lili wore a grey dress that was very conservative covering her from feet to neck and all the way to the hands, Kitty was wearing a medium length skirt with frills floating around her, Sarah wore a robe that made her look slender and thin, while Ophelia wore a healer robes that just made her look alike a wingless angel.

Fae wore a green dress matching with Yggdrasil, woven from the heart tree leaves, Leader wore a simple white robe with a black vest on top, while Anne chose to wear something that looked like a formal dress but was even more revealing than Luna's, the servants wore black pants and waistcoats over red shirts with not a maid in sight, the kids chose to spread flower petals and gems and the like were all dressed up in cute little uniforms all of them were awakened and looked like were-beasts.

The chosen ring bearers were a wolf and a cat-girl, the wolf had silver fur and bright intelligent blue eyes referred to affectionately as Little Finn, the cat-girl had a mane of grey hair and her name was Plutia, liked to be called Plu and had a cute speech quirk, she would add a "nya" here in there when talking or in the middle of words, both kids performed so well that Mito could not help but give them hugs as the rehearsal ended.

When the wedding day came, the guests were ushered in to the venue and were announced by a herald, afterwards a servant would appear and lead the guests to their table, and arranged seats, the guests were separated into three sections arranged in 3 semi-circles, at the furthest parts were those who were in there to fill up the empty tables, as you get closer to the altar where the marriage would be officiated you get to see the most important people and those that should not be offended.

The closest table to the altar was where the bride and groom sat, facing the crowd, besides them the boys and the girls paired with each other, Lucian had Leader, Bai got Fae, Dustan took hold of Ophelia and Balin was with Anne, Luna and Hephaestus were paired as well, Lili and Leol were together, Muscles was in the nearest table with Kitty, Sarah and mother Theresa, with Lady Mito

As the tables began to fill the three tables nearest to the groom and bride also filled after some odd heralding, the first table was already seated with the loose girls, the second table rather strange. The first to be seated was the barber, he was announced by the Herald in an unusual fashion "mister Robert, a barber" next came the second odd call " Madame Grace, tea maker", "drogon, pet dragon", "Ignis, pet phoenix", "Sapphira, awakened pet cat". Yes, you read it correctly, a pet was seated closer than both the pope and the guild leader as well as the father of the bride.

The latest arrival of the day was the emperor and empress of the holy sun islands, Hana was standing tall and proud, she looked like she was the most important person in the room, that did not last long, when she saw that her table contained other people she snorted at the servant in a bid to introduce her neighbours, what brought her back to reality was not the fact that there were two tables closer than hers, it was that animals were having special seats on a table with two old people who seemed to be beggars in her eyes, however she almost wanted to rage when she saw Mito, the kindly Theresa and Muscles in the nearest table.

Knowing the temperament of his wife best, Hoshi caught her hand and gestured at the the servant to make introductions, the poor guy really did not know what to do so he voiced with a rather fearful voice as if speaking the names he was about to drained more energy than usual, "here is pope Markus, besides him is mister Martin, leaders of the church of light and the guild of adventurers respectively, here is the emperor and empress of the holy sun islands".

The servant fled afterwards not willing to witness what would happen next, behind him he heard a very old sigh and "sit younguns, no need for ceremony, after all your daughter has punched me a few times already" the words pope Markus said made both of them shrink and sit like obedient children while Hoshi could not help but show a proud look in his eyes thinking "my daughter can punch the pope and he can do nothing about it!".

The rest of the guests were really having a bad time holding in their rage at the seemingly insulting seating arrangements, but the ones that mattered knew better than to get mad about such small things, even the invitation itself was a form of being polite, according to the intelligence gathered about the bride and groom they did not even need to have a wedding, and if they had one, invitations were really not needed because those who could attend needed no invitation.

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