Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 272: First blood

"I will put the dagger through your neck if you refuse my orders, it is simple we both live or we both die" the woman was trying her best to sound confident but she could not help but shiver when she found her threat did nothing more than disappointing her audience, she tried pressing the dagger to get a small cut but no matter how hard she tried the skin of her captive did not even stretch let alone be cut or bleed, she started panicking because she chose the wrong person to threaten and there was no second chance, her next move away from him is her walking into a trap to be captured.

Seeing his captor on the verge of breaking down Yunan simply pushed the knife away from him and used the ring in her hand to teleport the infiltrator into one of the cells he had in his private dimension, she was lost and there was no joy in seeing a broken person trying hard to kill themselves. Yunan put his clothes in order and said to the pope "would you mind healing him, your holiness? He seems to be under some sedatives" Yunan pointed at the religious leader sleeping on the floor in a rather embarrassing way.

The pope did not say much, he just took a step to arrive at the location of the sedated man and with a wave of his hand the man was waking up like nothing happened, a servant came to explain the situation and lead the man back to his seat. The man had an ugly expression on his face, he himself and many others were just bragging about how they had their men successfully infiltrate the wedding preparations, what hurt him most was that Yunan has known about all of them, and just let it be because he thought they would do nothing but leak useless information. However, there was one that tried to kill him and she might have worked for one of his friends and allies, on top of that he was healed by the leader of the organisation he wanted to rival. It was like the pope wasn't even aware of this self-appointed rival.

After the feast many left the venue, mostly either afraid of assassination or taking their own infiltrator and leaving, promoting several sighs of displeasure from the Debauchery family, most of those that ran away were good targets, but those that stayed could also work as well, thus the VIP table did not wait long after the feast was over to lead the way to the dance floor and start the festivities for everyone, putting the finishing touches on the plan they had been displaying bit by bit from early on.

As the Debauchery family started their dancing and singing and even musical theatrics along with the hired band, the other guests also approached, some wanted to talk about work with the King and Queen of the pearl kingdom, some tried to get a few words with Martin and Markus, the rest were gathered on the dance floor or around it chattering and watching the dancers with jealous eyes.

It did not take long before the first white knight made his way to defend the girls and separate them from the buzzing mosquitoes called Balin and Dustan, the duo took the hint and changed targets to the other ladies, after all, none could refuse to dance with them because the first one who did, got to hear a stinger "the prettiest girls in the room danced with us without complaint and ugly you gets to even reject us, how funny". The duo were not limiting themselves to just dancing, sexual harassment was their main reason for even doing such a thing, although the ladies tried their best to keep from exploding, they still could not help but feel wronged.

Most of these women have been living under the thumbs of the ones that brought them, and sexual harassment was not new to them, they just took offence because of the unscrupulous way Dustan and Balin did it. Some who were a bit more dignified and were treated well by their husbands and owners, flat out rejected the duo, showing off their own standing in their households rather than beauty, those were soon fawning on Yunan and Bai completely under their charm spells.

Thanks to the efforts of Fae and some of the wine starved guests, alcoholic beverages started circulation, it was at this point that Yunan sent his mom and Lady Mito to the portable house to avoid the upcoming fun, and soon the first alcohol boosted courage took over someone and they challenged Balin to a duel for the honour of Yunan's wives, he was soon sitting on his posterior with his sword hanging like a necklace around his neck with tears in his eyes.

Another fatso tried to woo Fortuna who has been using her newly learned arts of seduction to tease Yunan across the room, the fatso made his proposal starting with "what is so good about a married brat with nothing but fame, I can make you a queen instead of a side chick" even Dustan gasped at the man, fatso only saw the angry glare from Fortuna before taking a step back, stepping on his own clothes and landing face first on the lap of the still weeping knight with his sword turned into a necklace.

"A side chick? Who do you think I am? At best I get to be his sex relief and wish to be upgraded to sex slave now and then, humph, you think being a queen is better than being his sex slave? Idiot" what hurt the feelings of the crowd were the nods that even Balin and Dustan performed, even if Yunan was a god of love, he would not have that kind of charm right? And soon more and more proposals found themselves at the feet of the girls promising to appoint them as goddesses and holy maidens and what not.

The girls played their part and let the propositions go unanswered or responded ambiguously, finally getting one of the impatient ones to lay his hands on Ophelia and try to drag her somewhere, he was salivating, sweating and visibly aroused and about to fulfil some idea on his head.

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