Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 298: Starting with the interface

It did not take a week before Martin was being begged for a supply of the Lava wine, especially from those guests who had been to Yunan and Reina's wedding, the wine that was served there had made a big impression the guests, as much as the meat and the other dishes, but it was thought to be a brew especially made for the occasion and could not be obtained again, many breweries worked something like that, a one occasion only brew. The thing that was most celebrated about the Lava wine was the fact it could be used instead of food, drink, anti-venom and more, it was not alcoholic nor did it make one drunk on it, it was a great boost to stats and even helped the mental health of the drinker, it was the philosopher's stone of drinks, nothing but benefits.

As for the spiritual cave, Pope Markus was granted the power to invite any 10 people, only once, to experience the spiritual cave and as expected, he too was bombarded with requests to visit the place and cultivate there, his response was the same that Martin gave, "the owner of these items are not willing to spend their time making Lava wine and setting up scheduling for the spiritual cave, one person per week can use the spiritual cave and only the failed and low quality Lava wine would be sold, as for the good stuff, only one bottle per week would be auctioned".

With this kind of exclusivity, news were spread faster and got even more exaggerated by the day, the one bottle of Lava wine that was sold would rake in bundles of money, as for the low quality stuff, it was sold even faster because the price was not determined by auction but by a number of materials, the materials changed with each bottle and the variety of materials requested as a price made people think that this Lava wine was originally meant to be an all healing panacea, but ended in a failure that resulted in such a wonderful creation.

During the time when the Lava wine and the spiritual cave were gaining popularity Yunan was with Debauchery interrogating the prisoners about all the information they knew regarding any and all factions they knew about, some cooperated in a bid to improve the state of their imprisonment, some refused to cooperate and were coerced to, memory magic was not perfect, it can work when the subject was limited, but for a wordsearch like faction in the brain of an adventurer, it was much less effective and one would need to sift through too many memories that may or may not be useful at all.

The two girls that Yunan took a liking to were extremely helpful, they offered information without asking for anything in return, they were just grateful for being fed good food, the warm bed and the functioning bathroom, unlike the rest of the captives who ate food that not even animals would approach, had to sleep on the cold hard ground with only their clothes to provide protection, and the had to sleep in the same space where they pissed and shat.

Yunan wasn't even conflicting about the different kinds of treatment he offered his captives, some deserved being kind to and some did not, especially those who were stronger and flaunted that without this prison Yunan was not even worth a look. Arrogance was something beaten out of Yunan, it was a tool to fool someone and not something to feel himself, thus he gave those a bit more pain when he interrogated them.

When Yunan extracted all the information he could get out from them, he and Debauchery delivered them to the guild to deal with, Yunan was not stupid enough to hand them intact, so he made sure they had broken bones, dislocations that were near impossible to treat and made sure to share some of the information he got with the guild, that way they would be used by the guild in some mine or the other, no faction would welcome injured adventurers especially after they spilled the beans about their old faction, there was even the possibility that their old faction would just send someone to kill them before they share even more information.

The information itself may have been worthless but it was a warning to all the adventurers in any faction, if any leak of information was responded to with a death penalty, no one would dare to share any information no matter how small, because fearing death is stronger than fearing pain, after all, death was the end, pain would stop one day or the other, be healed or recovered from, but death could not be healed, it was a one time thing only.

After sending away most of the captives Yunan set up a new lodging for his newest servants, he didn't make them use the slavery mark and only just employed them with a small salary with housing and food included. The two females were given new names and were taught the basics of using the interface that the genie designed for the trading post, it was rather simple, it had three tabs: buy, sell and auction, each tab would show a different screen, the buy tab would show three items, membership rings, Lava wine and one week in the spiritual cave. The sell function had two tabs: deposit and retrieve, auction had the same tabs as the sell function with one extra tab named bidding.

The membership rings were extremely expensive, they allowed one to know about the situation of their items in real-time, to deposit and retrieve items directly without need to go to the trading post, they also could be used to reserve certain items when they appear and get notified about them, the rings could serve as a communication system between two members who are trading, of course all communication would be monitored to prevent the misuse of the rings. Although the rings would be expensive each faction would buy at least one to do secure business, like selling items that were too risky to sell before, and that would also make the ordinary members think about selling their own items at the trading post if their bosses trusted it.

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