Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 310: Back again

Yunan returned to the 50th floor with Drogon, Sapphira and Ignis by his side, the place felt nostalgic and familiar, since Yunan had already mapped out the floor in his last time here, he didn't need to linger too long and made a beeline for the boss, meanwhile he let his pets battle to get them stronger and more used to battle situations. The goal today was battle efficiency im the humanoid form each of them had. Sapphira turned into an agile weretiger scantily clad in silver fur, Ignis turned into a teen wearing a flaming battle suit and Drogon took on his dragonborn form, his face was less human than what would be expected, he was still obviously draconic in nature.

Each one of them was given the 7 weapons Yunan used, two daggers, two short swords, a mace, a crossbow and a staff. While the three were trying to familiarise themselves with the weapons Yunan built armours for them each fit like an extra layer of skin, Drogon was given both heavy and light armours to try,Sapphira got herself an extremely flexible full body armour that can twist and turn better than skin, while Ignis got a magician robes and some light armor as well, Yunan made sure that both his flying pets would be able to use their wings unhindered in armor and that Sapphira would not suffer due to the inflexibility of her armor.

Fighting against ghosts in this fashion was not easy, Yunan was using a telepathic channel to help each of them with their own shortcomings, Drogon was too forceful and tended to over do it, Ignis was too hasty and impatient, Sapphira on the other hand was reckless and did not rely on her mates during the fight. Making these three work together would take time which Yunan decided they should learn by doing, he acted as the healer and only interfered to heal the injuries or save a life, Sapphira was the one who was most surprised by her results, Yunan told her that recklessness worked against sentient beings that plan and tend to have expectations, being reckless in such a fight would be a working idea against those who can not adapt to change of plans fast enough.

For Debauchery, a change of plans that did not occur within 3 steps is a bit late, and they taught Yunan to adapt his plans in the same way, each step you take you have to recalculate all the various variables, each swing, each spell and each breath signified the need to to update the plan, because any minor slip of attention would cause harm to oneself and their friends. Drogon was having trouble with strength control, he was used to only roasting the occasional monster when Yunan had not time, this time he was using too much power because he had never used his body in a fight therefore he did not know the limits of his strength.

Ignis suffered from impatience, she had excessive mental energy, she could not help but become restless because her body and her partners were slower than her thoughts, thus Yunan advised her to talk out loud what her plans are and act as a form of brace for the team, Sapphira would not get too reckless with a voice behind her telling her to follow the plan, and Drogon would train his mental energy but having to focus on Ignis, thus he would not focus too much on using his strength, that way a form of sense about how much strength can be used will develop with time.

It took Yunan and his pets 2 weeks to walk to the boss room, the three pets have advanced enough for Yunan to be jealous, they were on the same level of mental efficiency and battle effectiveness as well as party awareness that took Yunan his first year to reach, still he was very proud of his partners and their growth rates. Not everyone can say they have pets that can battle on the same floor and learn faster than most beings.

During this period, Drogon took on the role of tank and swordsman, Ignis got the archer/mage combination while Sapphira got the ranger and the stealthy dagger rogue, the three accepted Yunan's hard earned knowledge about each position, the way they blindly followed the correct instructions and objected to false and misleading ones brought tears to Yunan's eyes. The three were getting along so well Yunan had to bring his wives to help them work in large-scale parties, well as large as a party of 9 was, still with Yunan acting as coach to correct them and give them things to think about, they were able to take down the floor boss with some struggle, but they succeeded in their first boss hunt marvelously.

What Yunan did not expect was the popularity of the battle forms the pets had among the wives, especially Drogon who really changed from a chill lizard to something so masculine, the sexy weretigress ranked in second in popularity because she was now body pillow size and ripe for cuddles, lastly came Ignis, her battle form was too human, she was treated as a rival by the girls who warned her about trying to seduce her master.

The new Valyrians spent two more weeks with ghosts before killing the boss as a group and moving to the 51st floor. They met wisps there, balls of spiritual energy tangled with mana and a physical core, they had different colours based on the type of mana they specialised in, blue was water and ice, brown for earth, red for fire, green for wind, milky white for holy, black for dark and abyssal, yellow for lighting, there were more like purple for toxic and pink for illusion and psychic, and then dark green for plant and so many more, with colour coding it was easy to counter individual wisps but when they combined it was a different matter, it took much more coordination and management and most importantly communication to successfully leave this place without too many injuries.

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