Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 328: Day 1 as a soul: god chat

This woman was outrageous, you call Death a good guy who was given a headache by your son, you claim that He is well acquainted with Hephaestus, and you gossip about a god like he was you friend, when did gods become so common they had no longer any shock value so he decided to ask about the situation and confirm her statement in the godly version of social media or a chat group.

Lordoflight: @Morpheus, @Venus, @Hermes, @Hephaestus @Fortuna; i have a woman here who claims to have met you guys before, also says Fortuna is her daughter-in-law, and Hephaestus used to drop by her place a lot, any comments on that.

Satan: the bright bastard's out of touch again, you seriously should find help with the paperwork, there are so many lawful good guys who can help in exchange for staying at your place.

Fortuna: @lordoflight take care of my mother-in-law, hubby is very protective of her, also can we get permission to visit? It would make hubby happy to see his ma again.

Venus: @lordoflight do as she says, her hubby is a vengeful dude, very bad news, he stole some of my divinity, sob sob, i still have not been able to regenerate it.

Hephaestus: @lordoflight say hi to the madam for me, also can we get permission to visit +1

Morpheus: @lordoflight, be good to her +1 her son a vengeful dude +1 he stole hundreds of divinity shards sob sob +X00.

Hermes: @Morpheus @Venus, haha i got away unscathed when i had a fight with him, seriously though, dude is very bad news +1.

Hephaestus: shut up or i will snitch on you, my friend is a good guy, you guys went against him, ask @Death.

Death: my friend is a good guy +1 i have fought him and i can tell he went easy on you if it was only shards he took, bunch of wimps, also @lordoflight that woman should have a recommendation, so can we get permission to visit+2.

Lord of light was watching his screen when he felt someone was standing beside him, he looked to his right and saw Theresa standing beside him looking at the chat message "See, told you, anyway, they just finished with the sin scale and i am all good, what next?" the lord of light was feeling really bad about what he was going to say but what else can he answer this woman with a vengeful son and Death as her backer, not to mention both Fortuna and Hephaestus seem like they know her intimately. "If you have nothing to stop you then go ahead and feel free to use the realm as you please, don't break the rules and have fun".

With that he teleported Theresa away to some place in his realm where she was free to do as she pleases in heaven, he kept watching the chat messages go by with many gods and goddesses complaining about having their shards of divinity stolen but everything quieted down when Hephaestus tagged a very old name.

Hephaestus: @Dreamscape see what you did, now there are so many gods calling you names.

Dreamscape: wow, there a built in system like our communication system, @Hephaestus, we are celebrating the end of the 3 grief days with a big party, bring Death with you, also if you want your divinity back fight me, Prowler out.

Yunan didn't want to say anything else especially to the god of light, he just put the chat on mute until next mention and started preparing for the party with his wives, this party was a bit special so it was organised 100% by family members, it was to be held in the back room inside the spiritual cave so that Theresa could witness the party too, everything was provided from inside the portable home, everything delicious, tasty and fresh was used, the range of dishes, and ingredients was huge, Yunan even took out the special alcoholic Lava wine sealed away because it was too strong for casual stuff.

Back in the deity chat Hephaestus was called a traitorous mad man for associating with Yunan, no one dared say anything against Fortuna or they would be in a worse case than the lord of light from the amount of paperwork, there were also some dissenting voices, this kid was taking the ascended lightly, not ascending with so many shards was one thing but not ascending with a full divinity is just stupid and shameless. The friends of Yunan were having their own conversation as if they did not notice.

Apophis: @Hephaestus @Fortuna @Death, I did not know you guys knew the kid, i met him once but its been a while, think you can take me to meet him. He was such a good kid.

Fortuna: if it isn't the old hermit, how are things in that chaos? Unfortunately @Death just killed hubby's mama and it's not the best time, maybe the party after that you can come, this one is a bit symbolic.

Apophis: smh, why is @Death is going even though he was the reason for this unfortunate event.

Hephaestus, @Apophis don't be jealous @Death is going there just to be punched in the face, when the family gets drunk.

Death: true that, the food is worth it though, such delicacies, the wines are the best too, and the festive mood is infectious, all in all its worth a drunken punch or two.

The interaction between Yunan and the other deities as well as his casual behaviour with Death, not to mention inviting Death to punch him, was almost fictional for a bunch of fictional gods, what was wrong with that guy, perhaps his brain was screwed incorrectly or something, the Lord of light was very much in shock, worse was that Apophis, a chaos god, was fond of this kid because of one meeting, this is seriously a strange time, maybe they should get the council on it but the council could do nothing in this case because of who Yunan was currently.

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