Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 338: Helping the wife

Yunan was very helpful with the morally dubious stuff because he dealt with Debauchery for nigh on 50 years, with that kind of experience, he knew loopholes even devils did not know about, word play, double meaning expression, vague phrases that can be interpreted at one's will, he knew how to deal with all these and knew how to punish carelessness, many gods needed luck for their work and plans, but not many cared about it, so Yunan started making it so that those who do not send paperwork as meticulous as Hephaestus are screwed over, again and again.

With Luna sitting in his lap Yunan was looking through the paperwork while she was dealing with those who needed to go to reincarnation, so many people ended up in the realm of fortune but not many got to reincarnate with their luck intact,many were stripped of the good luck, or were even given bad luck, some were given good luck instead of bad luck, and many just were left roaming the realm because they could not be reincarnated for some reason or the other.

"Get this man and this woman to meet each other when they are hit by the love spell, they both deserve it, and make sure that their supposed partners meet someone who is of similar temperament, this guy goes to the fuck-off pile because he asks for too much how can we get these two from different ends of the continent to meet, too much luck would be wasted, it is not worth it even if the rewards are good… wait wait where are you taking that one? You have to check each request, the reward being worth it or not is for your god to decide, give it here… make it so this girl meets a nun, that will be enough, do you guys throw away luck generators? Wife, how did you tolerate such behaviour, move over i need to start going through the fuck-off pile, these guys are nuts".

What Yunan called luck generators were small requests that were not very good or had very little value attached to them, these requests would be able to generate luck like a domino effect, one only has to tip the first one and the resulting chain reaction would create an abundance of lucky encounters coincidences and one in a million possibilities, thus generate luck by doing something insignificant, foresight was truly a monstrous talent to have.

After half a day in the fuck-off pit, in god chat, things were getting lively due to the indignation Yunan accumulated while inside the abominable pit.

Dreamscape: @cupid i know you like shooting arrows and piercing butts, i can understand, but can you please not send an impossible request, how am i going to make a the number one racist werebeast fall for the number three human supremacist, they get sight of each other and we have a freaking mini war, if you feel alright about it then attach the documents from death domain, karma domain and beast domain, evil domain is optional.

Satan: @Dreamscape, why was my request for a blood cult internal war rejected, i thought about cleaning the land a bit, my pits of hell are suffering from insufficient firewood.

Dreamscape: @Satan no, no blood sacrifices for you until you deal with the bloody annoying devil spawn you sent out last sacrifice, you already have too many devils, the faith domain are asking for a chance to get their followers to meet your spawns, make a deal with them and send me the paperwork work, also don't forget to include the death domain and karma domain.

Dreamscape: @everyone why does nobody think about including karman domain and death domain in their paperwork, we work with luck here, karma and death are very related to it, you have tormented my wife long enough, make the correct paperwork or don't contact us.

Apophis: @Dreamscape buddy, i need permission to get some lawful good guys and chaotic evil doers to clean up each other, I need the chaos for something, i have the karma and death on board, just need a catalyst.

Dreamscape: @Apophis sure my friend, as long as the paperwork is fine i can give you a hand, why is it that all gods need a spanking to follow the rules.

Satan: we evil domain have innate abhorrence to rules, what should we do, don't make us struggle with our nature.

Dreamscape: not my problem, your devil kind always follow the deals you make, how about we make a deal that way you can relax about this.

Satan: nah thanks, i have a very bad feeling about making deals with you, gotta go, someone is making a conjuring.

By the first night Yunan had dealt with half of what was in the fuck-off pit and had taught the aids his devious ways to get things going, that night he learned that by Fortuna's bed there was a gauge that indicated his luck, the gauge looked about to burst to Yunan but he was surprised to hear that it could take twice as much, Yunan did not want his luck to dissipate to nothing just because he had too much and asked Fortuna to stop stuffing his luck gauge like that, she did not agree at first but a spanking did the job marvelously. The two of them spent a long week cuddling and working, the tame Fortuna was a sight for sore eyes, and even those who resented Yunan had to admit he will be missed when he leaves and the tigress returns to her seat of power, for now they enjoyed the good feeling of being commanded by a kitten.

Before Yunan left, he received a token to gain immediate access to the fortune realm, according to the lesser gods, he was needed sorely and will be greatly missed, Fortuna who still wanted some more intimate time with Yunan left her realm with him, and traveled all the way back to the mercantile city of Damask and then to the hill where they first had a date, Yunan and Luna camped there for another long week of honey and sweet passion.

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