Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 354: you pass, how laughable

While the two were walking home Lucian again was first to start the conversation "tell me, why do you have so much knowledge about emotions and moral codes, you are not particularly the most emotional person nor are you the guy that has to compromise morally on anything, it makes no sense that you would understand such things as how to successfully comfort those of us with dark pasts"

"I don't think i would be able to do it without being exactly what you described, to me, emotions are like currency, i spend them only on those who deserved them, and my moral code is the ruler i use to measure the entire world around me, i don't bend the ruler to suit the world, if the world does not conform to my ruler, i stop trying to measure entirely, that is me, if i try to be someone else, i would fail miserably, besides, this type of personality is not bad to have, it means i am steadfast in any path i take,  for me, if i start something i finish it with the best possible results, leaving a project halfway through was never a possibility, better still, I follow goals and my path evolves with each new goal and each new resolution i make"

"That sounds all fancy and nice to hear, that is not what i am asking, boy". " i Guess" Yunan shrugged "if you think of me as a machine it solves the problem, i have my set of ruled and will measure anything i encounter with them, as far as i know, i have yet to change anything in my moral code, simply because there was no need to, it works just fine, be good to me, i will be good to you, love me and i will love you, harm me and we can brush it off with some pain and torture, harm my family and not even the gods can save you, to me, your darkest past is simply part of the package and you are part of my family, family is worth more than i am and harming them will help you enjoy hell, you have done what i would have, you even went as far as killing the woman when no joy would come from her anymore, and that is just perfect, i have killed a clan out of spite and still sleep soundly, maybe i am broken somehow, but as long as my code works normally, i would not stop using it".

"I see, strange, when we got you, you had ambition and nothing else, now you guide us through trials we need to pass successfully, fate is really twisted, making fun of us at every turn". Lucian looked at the sky with envy in his eyes, Yunan did not know what the envy was about but he said "there are no trials that are impossible, just ones that are beyond your capacity at certain times, in your case, the trial is accepting that your moral compass is not very compatible with the ordinary ones, if you need a way to look at it then remember you are extraordinary, why measure with ordinary rules? there is nothing wrong with you, you just looked through the ordinary eyes for far too long, maybe it's time to switch back to the true sight that you naturally have"

"Then if you have true sight, you can tell me what these books are simply from what i taught you, after all everything you learned came from these books". Lucian suddenly changed the conversation to a new direction, although he was not averse to letting Yunan look through his soul, he had a new thought in mind, was Yunan worthy of sharing his burden, simply put, since Yunan was allowed to see through the burdens and help reduce them, could he also be capable of sharing them?

After some thought Yunan asked to look at the books again for a few seconds, he could now see a bit more details when focused on them. the sniffing wolf had a deer reflected in each pupil, the casting wolf was displaying dominance, the running wolf was part of a pack and the howling wolf was alone under the moon.

"The first one is for ranging, tracking prey and hunting, the second is for casting, display the might or hide in the shadows, the third book is about teamwork, running as part of a pack, recognising the needs of the pack, the last one is about lone survival, calling to the moon but relying on oneself" Lucian laughed hard, so hard in fact he rolled on the floor, Yunan picked up the books to read what was inside, he had a very ugly look on his face, they were empty, these books were not actually books, they were an illusion played on students.

"That my boy is superb, fine you passed, time to share the burden and have your own students" after the laughing fit, Lucian was in a very good mood, certainly something new to witness, Lucian looking happy without Leader around was very rare and valuable scene. "So the books are just a lie?" Asked Yunan while trying to kick Lucian up from the ground. "Not a lie, there is magic in them, if you can understand the essence the pages become empty, it means there is no need to learn what is inside these things"

"Wait, are you telling me, just by understanding the covers you automatically pass? Meaning there was no possible way anyone can read what is inside, even if your wife got her claws on this she would have nothing, sweet mother of mercy! what kind of legacy is this!". Lucian finally picked himself up and started dusting his trousers "the most absurd legacy according to my master" he said " the point of this thing is to teach concepts not actual spells and techniques, having them with you is the exam needed to ensure your students understood the core of your teaching, technique and spell can be found anywhere at anytime, understanding of the subject, that is different"

"So i am currently eligible to teach the way of the wolf?" Asked Yunan feeling huge disappointment.

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