Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 358: on the way

As the newly upgraded and enhanced floating fortress made its way through the skies of Burkan leaving the Pearl kingdom behind looking like a rather big and shapely cloud, the world was preparing for the assembly at the awakened island.

The awakened were not the most hospitable nor were they inclusive if one could find the way to the island they were welcomed to enjoy what it had to offer, otherwise, they didn't invite people to witness the gathering that was mandated by the gods.

To many people this event was the literal attraction of the century, where else could one bare witness to all awakened races and their own ways of life, whether it was enchanting sirens or the terrifying water dragonoids, all was possible to witness on this island, enemies like the Yuki and the Yeti would declare a truce, and friendly races would bond closer, however, the most attractive theme of the assembly was the military showcase.

How to show off to the gods? Military parades were suitable for gods who had the beastly nature deep inside them but to showcase civility was just as important, thus the military showcase, where a war dance would be performed to let the gods witness both the grace of the mind and the dormant power still deeply ingrained in every last cell.

Each race of the awakened would parade a group dance that encompasses their civilized thoughts and military power, each move would have the grace of an entire race as well as brandishing their ultimate spells and techniques, a veritable feast for the eyes, especially to those who liked seeing "exotic" performances, the assembly is to be held without stop until each awakened race proved to the gods they were worth awakening, or so was the intended message.

That meant, in layman's terms, if any awakened race didn't participate the assembly will still be held awaiting them to perform, the mark of the call will never fade away, until either the offending race returned to the fold or where annihilated, no excuses where allowed, after all this was a summons by the gods, excuses were useless and any slight against the bored deities would bring about their wrath on the whole island, hence there had never been a once such a thing as missing the assembly, but there were plenty of sickly, wounded and dying awakened being carried on a stretcher, their parade was their loudest possible war cry.

Aboard the fortress, Yunan was being used as Catelyn own carriage, she sat on his shoulder and held him by the ears as he tried to make serious conversation with his friends and family, Sapphira's summoning crest was acting as a beacon towards the island, the artificial intelligence was driving the fortress, while the family were having the extended meeting about what to do on the island and the list of things they wanted to do or see, items were added, changed, replaced and removed here and there in the floating list conjured by the genie.

Yes, the fortress has gone through many iterations to reach its current form, it could house both the cores of artificial intelligence and the house genie, it could change its form into a cloud and condense only what was required, it had all the luxury of home, and it had the most advanced viewing room possible, a completely transparent room with the ability to zoom in and focus on what those in the room want to see. That is without the need to mention its firepower and defense systems, it was just magnificent.

One did not even know they were in a fortress of Yunan did not wish them to realize it, there was no detectable motion and no detection as well, no one inside or out would be able to locate the thing unless permitted to or if the other party was strong enough,those guys were rare enough that going into conflict with a few hundred gods would be easier than meeting them, but hey, someone actually did that some dozen years ago.

On the fortress the whole family was gathered, Leol, Muscle and their two kids were present as the fat loyal friend cliché, Martina and Markus were here too, cause Markus was feeling too old not to mention having troubles putting his penultimate (before last) daughter on the council, Martin came by for the free ride and the good show that always follows the grand Debauchery family, Hephaestus, Luna and Death were here because Catelyn was having her first real-world outing.

The only new addition was the god Apophis who was having a hard time adjusting to social life after so long in the chaos, at this moment he was telling Yunan about divinity and trying very hard not to look at the silly youngster acting as stilts for his daughter.

"Completing a divinity is easier said than done, otherwise it would not have taken all those gods this long to only regenerate a tiny bit of their divinities, and they were the ones that made them in the first place. You see, divinity is understanding, after forming the spark of divinity one needs to comprehend the element of the divinity. You basically stole a bit of the understanding each god has about their own domains, if you have no understanding of a divinity, just give it back, eventually all domains lead to the same place, even chaos is the same, all divinities and domains will eventually fuse to become one, something that is beyond even the creation gods or the old fogies".

"Having a divinity, without having any understanding of it, will only hinder your progress, if you focus on it, so i would advise that you start comprehending your own original divinity before working on mastering control over the dream divinity then branch out from there, use the smaller divinity shards to accelerate the growth of your other domains, I may make it sound simple but my chaos divinity is still not completely under control, unlike Death's divinity which can even control other divinities thanks to his massive understanding, one must also say that Death has had enough time for a few creation gods to be born and die as practical experience."

Yunan was almost dumbfounded "you can't be that old, we are talking about counting ages in how many cycles of creation, that is too even if it was only one cycle" he addressed Death who was currently sipping daintily from a pink cup with some masterful braids and colorful ribbons in his head. There was no majestic aura of age nor was there any of the pressure one would expect from facing the one true god of death.

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