Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 360: show off arena

"So you rank high in this cat land? what do you call it anyway? at least when we meet the hierarchs we would not be too embarrassed" Reina asked first since diplomacy was left to the wives.

"There is no need to feel embarrassed. This place is called exactly Catland, simple and to the point, call the hierarchy as patriarch and matriarch because I chose you as my family, there is no need for many formalities, we just have to go see the hierarchs to acknowledge their dominance over Catland, after that we can use this place, as our base of exploration, and just for your information, I am the most powerful one, I just hate ruling so the current hierarchs rule in my stead, even so, appearances must be kept"

Sapphira's looked a bit pumpous as she said the last few words, after all, as the house cat, she doesn't get the opportunity to show off very often at home, therefore everyone was saying things like "as expected of our cat" or "it would have been shameful to have less then a chief-level house cat" or "our Debauchery is awesome, even the little pets are without match", making Sapphira feel even better.

Visiting the hierarchs was an exercise in tedium, polite words were exchanged, gift were given and accepted, talks about how majestic and magnificent the place and its masters were, the basic premise of every formal exchange between royalty, thankfully neither side was willing to keep the façade any longer, the Debauchery family left soon after towards the police station that fined them last time, to pay the fines and pick up the officers with the excuse of being ignorant about the island law, that and them being in need of someone to keep the impulsiveness under control.

Yunan just took his wives, his daughter, Drogon and Ignis under the guidance of Sapphira to be tourists. The rest, Balin, Bai and Dustan were hitting on their respective officers, Anne and Fei were discussing whether to follow Lucian and Leader or get their own guide. And thus the group split into three, Leader, Lucian, Fae and Anne went towards the shore, Yunan and the rest of the younglings went towards the centre of the island where the main attractions should be and then the perverted trio went to a random direction to cause as much havoc as possible with the least amount of trouble.

Drogon hung on Yunan's medallion like he always did, Ignis sat on his shoulder, and Sapphira took the lead in the form of a giant cat, on her shoulders sat Catelyn who did not seem to have enough eyes as her head darted here and there without stopping, almost drooling from all the excitement, Leol and Muscles each held onto one of their kids as they deemed it impossible to keep them on Sapphira with all the new things to see and play with.

The wives chatted among themselves about this and that leaving Yunan to himself, he didn't particularly feel lonely and just let his brain go idle as he responded to the minimum stimulation possible, but as anyone trained under Debauchery, he would immediately be alerted by a treasure or a hidden gem, he spent gold and monster cores without care, he knew he was being ripped off but he did not care, as Dustan had said sometime ago, "what is the use of hoarding money? I only care about to gather as much as possible to spend it on the things I like, if it is worth the price than it does not matter if I get ripped off".

Yunan was beyond certain that Dustan lied about the last part, Dustan loved hoarding money even more than dragons did, but one would have to say the guy knew how to spend extravagantly, and milk each coin of its value.

Sapphira's leading was not tourist friendly, she led through the shortest path and the least crowded avenue. The destination was a magnificent coliseum, it was beyond big, the circular walls were as high as the clouds, the sound of the hubbub was spilling out like it was coming from another dimension.

"This is not your usual kind of arena, this is the place to show off in the awakened island, anyone who is worthy of being known had passed through this place to get recognition, unfortunately, those kinds of people are not really too common, thus it's more like a place to showcase ability then to perform miracles."

As they walked into the coliseum, they found out it was not just one big arena with seats, but many arenas, some even hanging or floating, some were indoors some were open, but all were occupied with one thing or the other, fighters duking it out, tabletop games were being played, gambling with cards or dice and more was also evident, this place had all kinds of competitions in it, even a floating swimming pool passed by Yunan and the rest as they walked towards the great arena, there were some dancers performing in the water with cheering spectators following the pool.

The great arena was home to the most basic kind of showing off, look at what I killed, the participants would hunt monsters and bring them back to showcase and cook for those who want a taste.

"This started because of some ancestor who was not capable of fighting like the others and was thus considered weak or useless by the people of the island, but he did not care or defend himself, after every fight in the arena he would bring the newest monster he hunted and show it off to the females and cook the choicest bits to those who would spend time him. It didn't take long to prove he was stronger than all the others when every week he would bring a bigger, more ferocious monster back to flaunt, after the second year, he brought out monsters that the others would not even approach while it was dead, thus the females started swarming around him. Unfortunately he had already chosen a mate during the earliest days, his mate loved the way he cooked the monsters he caught so much she basically left a well off life to live with him, anyway, ever since that guy, those who were looking to prove themselves no longer fought like madmen, they only fought for training or comparing techniques, otherwise they would just bring their kills here to show off and cook for potential mates who would taste the meat of they were interested."

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