Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 362: a few moments of fun

While the kids were having fun, the gods were having to deal with being seen as intruders by the awakened gods, even if Hephaestus was welcome due to his services and help for the awakened, the other two were basically red flags, the goddess of luck who might just curse the entire event if she was dissatisfied with something, and Death, not any death god the damnable main one who could doom the whole festival, all that would be needed is for him to forget to hold his power under control, and then disaster would be unavoidable.

It is absolutely nothing based on any logical or realistic thought process, how could Death have anything less than perfect control over his power, not to mention Fortuna who has to work on providing and guiding the luck of a planet on her own, even if we say she might not feel good about something, she would not just curse a festival for it, if that was all it took she would have cursed the other wives of her man long ago.

Still, Death politely sat with the annoyed Fortuna and let Hephaestus do the talking, he -Hephaestus- was the closest in the group to this exclusive club of gods after all is said and done, these gods would be forgotten about if they were anymore exclusive, thankfully, Hephaestus kept in contact with them and dealt with them often enough.

"Come on guys, we are just trying to have some fun, we even came to the island with mortals that are not linked to us by any means that is not friendship or mutual liking, even Death here is obedient around them, our own mortals are just that good, as for what you fear, you can have my guarantee, or does my word have no more meaning to you, kids?".

The local gods were not very satisfied with the way Hephaestus put his statement, to them it felt like he was implying that each of the gods here was older, stronger and more importantly a senior that could just wipe them out of existence with a mere thought. Although that was true, the three actually did not care that much and if things got more annoying they can just barge in without a care, not like this bunch of local gods can even cast them out even if they wanted to.

These gods were just trying to say "you are in my territory so behave", all three understood this, they knew not to get too hung up on this play, it is just that it was getting annoying, this was not the eternal plain or the godly domain, it was just an island in the mortal world, Hephaestus played along because he was a nice guy, Death and Fortuna wanted to have fun with the odd family they came along with therefore this farce was taking away their precious fun time.

With the annoyance on both Fortuna and Death already showing its signs, Hephaestus sighed and cut to the point, he too was getting a bit annoyed by the idiotic way these gods were acting toward him. He said with sudden coldness to his voice "so what do you want from us, letting us into the island, what will it cost? we all know that this is a farce so let's end it as fast as possible, we are not as free as you are". This sudden turn warned the awakened gods that things were not as they seemed, and just as they were about to start making demands, Apophis sauntered into the hall and silently sat beside Fortuna and Death, this was a blatant show of disregard.

Now that even Apophis was joining this odd group, the awakened gods now felt fear, it was known that Apophis was a loner, a neutral factor that never joined any side and dealt blows to everyone in his service to the chaos, it was therefore imperative to get these people out of here as fast as possible. The demands they made were easily met by the four and they promptly left to find their own targets.

Hephaestus found his way to Kitty, Catelyn and the rest to check out the scenery, Fortuna and Apophis went ahead to find Yunan and greet him, while Death made his way to the perverted trio to see what fun they might bring him.

When Apophis and Yunan met, they shook hands like old friends and then started chatting while walking around in search of any bits of interesting knowledge and techniques for Yunan to learn, meanwhile Luna was accompanying Sarah and Reina to follow behind Yunan while they too occasionally joined a circle in order to test out some of the attractions of the arena, games and skill events were as a way to show off superiority.

Meanwhile Death was also sucked up in the gambling and stupid bets the perverted trio were having, he too performed some magic and talents that he picked up along the years, well that only lasted until he was discovered by Fae who came to bring the three rich men to pay for some sort of Luxury Leader was enjoying since Lucian started to run out of pocket money. He was taken away with the three to meet with Leader and her group, among which, Anne was happiest to see him, her drunken stupor was at its peak and Death seemed like a good target to cuddle with.

Leader was really nice today for some reason and allowed Anne to eat as many men as she wanted, and Death was just her latest target. Meanwhile the four men in Debauchery chose very wisely to not step in her field of vision or they too would be eaten and discarded too, they started a betting round on how things will end, got themselves scolded by Fae, gave all their winnings to placate Leader, knowing they cheated a bit to get it, cheating was forbidden to all members of Debauchery party.

On the other side Hephaestus was happily playing mule for Catelyn, while the wives; Kitty, Lilly and Ophelia started a shopping spree, even Ignis was told to turn to her human form to try so many clothes and buy only a chosen few, since Hephaestus was with them, there was no need to care about staying vigilant and care about security anymore. As for Hephaestus, since he took the role for the mule, he was obliged to let her taste every sweet and savory candy out there in the arena, there were some who recognized the old man and deeply bowed to him but none disturbed him or his company, these people truly knew how to be grateful.

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