Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 372: zoning out the gebberish

There were three simultaneous face-palming sounds that resounded around the table, there was a small moment of disappointment among the gods before something else overtook it, worry and amazement, Apophis was now laughing hard and saying "genius, simply genius, kid, I like your style, hahaha…".

"So, how bad was the feeling?" Asked Fortuna as she took out a gauge that has been visibly upgraded and tinkered with a few times, she looked at it and made some magic circles float around it as she waited for Yunan to answer. "It was bad enough, I chose to go through the long way back to home, I did not dare use phase shift, I did not even dare to use the genie that was inside the private dimension" Fortuna nodded as she confirmed his story through whatever she was doing. Apophis who has stopped laughing was now trying to squeeze in between Death and Yunan actively waving the old man away, just like someone with expertise.

"Tell me three things, kiddo, what intent did you have, how many shards did you use, finally, how good is your control over your shards". Yunan immediately obliged the keen elder "I only intended to glimpse the root of my bad feeling, nothing else, I used all the shards" Yunan felt a bit bashful when he said that, it was too much for just a quick divination now that he mentioned it, scratching the back of his head he continued " I can make use them as magic conduits and actively share them with others to do the same".

Apophis was roaring with laughter again, Death was sweating bullets, Fortuna was proud and Hephaestus was obviously lost in thought. Mary wanted to leave the table as her hands shivered for some reason but she was held back. As if feeling her distress, Drogon brought over Cat and left her for Mary then took his usual spot on the medal, it took a moment before Fortuna spoke and hushed the laughing Apophis. "I know hubby was very worried, but you can't expect to use a few hundred shards of divinity just for a simple divination, that is the very definition of going above and beyond, you see, when gods look at the future, they are looking directly inside fate itself, when mortals look at the future, they glimpse from destiny, the catch is, destiny is malleable, it shows you what you want to see, fate shows you what you need to see".

"Fate is endless, vast and ever-changing, encompassing everything past, present and future, everything in there is a truth, destiny is like a river of time, it can only contain the possibilities, the ones that are easiest to tread as paths in the future, fate, on the other hand, contains it all, even the timelines that have been deleted, looking inside fate is like asking it to show you what you need, whatever you get, is a truth, even one that may seem like a lie to us, therefore, gods do not casually look upon fate with anything less than 5 divinities and a realm, it will only muddle the head if one knows something they should not".

"Let me explain the mumbo-jumbo to you kid, looking at fate requires divine power and intent, the more power you have the more it is likely fate will show you something relevant, you two performed a ritual, using faith, a divine power open to mortals, then amplified it by using hundreds of shards, and used a very basic intent, 'why do i have this bad feeling' basic but potent, now that you have both power and intent, destiny could not be the most precise instrument to look at the future, therefore, you were introduced to fate, and it liked you, so much so, it only masked the information you got, probably because the scope of what you looked at is currently beyond you, you will naturally act on the prophecy and solve your bad feeling without needing to have memories, and when you are powerful enough or knowledgeable enough, the memories will just show themselves".

" I called you a genius, because no one has ever tried to call on fate for such reason, with such basic intent and so much power pumped into the request, you see even for Death it is draining to deal with fate, only those older than time can look at fate unhindered, you, for some reason, gave fate more than enough power to ask a simple question, it was like buying an astronomer association just to ask for the name of the moon or the sun, this much of unused power, was taken instead of paying the bill for looking into fate, I assume that your nagging feeling is already gone right?".

Yunan immediately nodded, it was true, other than nursing the headache and the feeling of being drained, he was not feeling anything else at all, finally finding the courage and the stability of mind to talk, Mary with Catelyn in her lap, said in a mosquito voice "I think I have something leftover from the divination, the prophecy… it was for Yunan … my own intent was to clear up his bad feeling … I think fate showed me Yunan sleeping soundly with relief written all over him, fate did something to make it so …" she really tried to hide as much as possible after she finished talking.

"Why do I even feel amazed anymore? You asked fate, the fate, to clear up a bad feeling … sigh … I wonder why everyone else who asked fate to do anything is either, dead, missing in some part of the universe or literally absorbed by fate … it can't be thanks to that … it's not even … Hephaestus, you dove into fate before, was it because…" Death was interrupted by Hephaestus who had a near invisible smile dancing on his lips "yup, it is exactly what you think it is, its already splashing about, don't you think front row seats are the best". "I see, I see, to think that this little mortal is such a great figure, to actually go about splashing in the waters of fate, I think I should take him to the chaos for a few years". "My hubby is pure awesomeness, I am in love all over again"...

While the gods spoke like some people talking about some in-joke, the mortals looked at each other and then at Yunan who was twiddling his fingers lost in some kind of thought not really paying attention to what the gods were saying, as if forcefully zoning out their gibberish.

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