Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 376: smite

The rumbling heavens idea was something that Yunan actually gleaned from the emotion of the man who attempted to prosecute him, ever since he became more in tune with his divinity shards, he could more or less peer through the minds and the feelings of those he focused on, it was something like a reading a spreadsheet about the man, all the available information on him was gleaned through a different shard.

What Yunan felt when he tried to peer through others was what he supposed gods felt, but in a much more extensive way, for example, a god of justice would see the guilts of a person, thus could not judge a man guilty if the man had no guilt, a god of death or life, would see the lifeline and how long of it is left, as for Yunan, his shards gave him the ability to understand so many things, however the information would be vague and fragmented, except when it came to dreams, those were a bit more tangible and complete.

On the crowded harbour, fear and anticipation saturated the atmosphere, no matter how legendary Yunan was, it was not simple to just take over a dedicated worshipper, however, the truth was that the self-proclaimed priest was not related to Idan in any way, other than worshipping the deity, that is.

It was simply outrageous for a god of justice to actively make his followers judge someone based only on the biases people have, there was nothing just about denying the Awakened a home in the continent, however, personal biases are a great way to recruit followers, something that is used too much in any religion.

As a user of faith, the follower of Idan was rather adept at playing with the feelings of mortals, thus trying to use this opportunity to recruit more worshippers for Idan and get his attention that way, unfortunately for him, Yunan just pulled out his nightmare and brought it to life, the man's own worst nightmare was to be smitten by his god for using underhanded means to recruit, even going as far as to frame the innocent.

Upon seeing the rumbling heaven ready to smite him into nothingness, his resolve now weakened but still said something that was truly the last nail in his coffin. "You would smite a righteous man for simply standing up to you and declaring you guilty of your wrongdoings". Yunan did not respond immediately, he thought for a moment then responded with a smile.

"If you do not prove the evil in my act, I will not only smite you, I will make your own god banish you himself, using his own words and power, you see, among the gods, I have a reputation for making them do what I want". The smile Yunan gave made the man shiver, he wanted to speak but did not know what to say. Other than the biases known to all, there was nothing wrong with the awakened being part of any kingdom.

"They are murderers, they kill our own kind in the dungeon, they are monsters who will only kill and destroy this beautiful land…." CRACK the lightning coming from the sky descended upon the man and nearly burn him to a crisp, he stopped breathing, he could only look at Yunan with indignation, it was impossible to escape the dilemma he was in, the Awakened were by no means criminals, they have been away from the sentient races on an island so as to avoid conflict, they also were not the same as the monsters in the dungeon, any adventurer knew that yet many still discriminate against them, that, and being born to a monster was no crime, it has been many thousands of years since killing the offspring and family of a murderer last came to pass.

Seeing the man has not said anything more, Yunan snapped his fingers and the amalgamation of fire and lightning descended on the man and burnt him to a crisp, the ashes themselves scattered in the breeze, the people present were dumbfounded before their emotions finally split into either wonder and exasperation, fear and terror or pride and relief.

Those tourists who only came to watch were positively in wonder and awe, this previously gentle king has shown power belonging to the gods as if it was nothing, those who felt fear were the mongers who came to disrupt the welcome ceremony, they thought they would be next to be smitten to oblivion, as for those from the Pearl felt pride and relief, their king had godly powers, he also did not tolerate injustice and unfounded critique, his resolution was for all to see.

As citizens of the Pearl, they would have felt insecurity if their king could not defend the people he himself named as citizens, even if they were monsters, as long as the king did not turn his back on them, he would not turn his back on any other citizen, ever. Unexpectedly as if Yunan heard their inner thoughts, he proclaimed in a voice that everyone present heard clearly.

"In the Twilight Pearl, you will be judged by what you do, race and background do not matter, these people have been invited by myself to help my kingdom grow. if anyone goes against them because they are different, well, let me remind you that smiting is the by far one of the simplest spells I can conjure".

Leaving those words behind him Yunan ushered for his newest citizens to follow him to the arranged transportation and then towards the plot of land he has chosen for them, it was a little forest with a stone beach adjacent to the bright palace, it was not renovated nor were there any landmarks or enclosure, it was open for them to use as they see fit.

As for those left behind on the harbour, each had their own thing to do, informants spread the word about Yunan's extreme ease of using faith as well as his disregard for the gods, more news about the kingly way he stood up for his people spread, and lastly, it was the news that Yunan was not as weak and hands-off as he seemed, he was strong and meant business.

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