Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 378: divinity of Debauchery

The uproar outside the bright palace did not die out until a month later when the armies of the worshipers stood at the borders of the twilight pearl. Failing to advance a single step beyond it, anyone with malicious intent crossing the border was vapourised immediately. Lightning bolts as thick as pillars would descend on any that dared cross the border with any malicious intent, that included informants and criminals who actually used the official ways to gain entry.

The nationwide spell also worked on the local population, any malicious action against the new religion or the new citizens was punished by immediate execution by lightning. There were many who were not so happy with the trialless executions, but this was also the stance of their king, it was always a world where power gave you the right to do anything, the twilight kingdom was lucky to have a local tyrant that actually enforced the law.

Yunan may have been king for about two decades or three but his actions spoke loudest, he always followed the laws of the kingdom, made sure the kingdom prospered both internally and diplomatically, and most of all, his mere existence was like a safety net that kept the kingdom from harm too many times to count.

Thanks to this, and his forward way of doing things, the honest and just ways of his rules gained him more fans than enemies, even when he wantonly took the law into his own hands, it was to keep his words and ensure the well being of his people, not to mention his usual walks with the family around the pearl, although he used the power of his office to its full extent, he never shoved it in the face of anyone.

It was, therefore, that even the dissenting voices against the immediate execution were only for advocating the right of a fair trial to those who broke the law, they wanted the Yuki and the Skaly-tail tribe to know that their rights as citizens were preserved and guaranteed by the law, it was purely political and in no way a voice against Yunan himself.

As for the gods, the major ones chose to focus on gaining more worshipers, the higher gods were either busy working under the major gods or trying to consolidate their own power and worshiper bases, as for the lesser gods, they smartest chose to remain silent, the rest tried to use the call of a crusade to both block Yunan from advancing to godhood, as well as make some new worshipers using the mutual sentiment provoked by Yunan and his own actions.

As for Yunan, he was currently meditating in Dreamscape with Ignis and Drogon by his side and Apophis swinging in the old hammock, the old man only felt old and looked like a teenager, his age was still regressing as the more and more chaotic emotions flooded from the continent of Burkan.

The smile on Apophis was changing from blissful to gleeful until he heard a deep sigh, he looked up to see Yunan open his eyes and gently brush his fingers on the fire that was the true body of Ignis. Drogon also beat his wings in his Dragonborn form, showing off his latest attainment in the way to the sage realm, only Ignis remained in deep meditation, her fire becoming more illusory and translucent.

"Boy, you actually turned the world upside down, even with my attainment in chaos I find it disturbing how easy you make the natural order of things fail at will, and now look at you, operating a nationwide spell while meditation inside your own realm, you have the enmity of so many gods and mortals, and you still don't have the aura of someone causing all this, no wonder fate is …. " for some reason Yunan did not hear the last few words, but he chose not to care, especially when fate was involved.

"Old man, you look younger than me, soon you will look as old as my Catelyn, don't compare me to the likes of you, even if chaos always is at my heel, it is provoked by my path and not by me, my aura is exactly as it should be, the aura of someone walking his own path, anyway, forget that and tell me, how about it? Is my progress satisfying enough to start seeking my own divinity?"

"Not yet, your apotheosis is set in stone, even fate would agree with me, however, what you need now is not your own divinity, you need to grow a vessel big enough to hold your own divinity, although I must admit your container is already too big, it is quality that matters most, you did not gain this big of a container because of your effort, you basically forced yourself to expand enough to hold all the divinities you stole and even more, all thanks to the amount of divine power present at the moment you overtook the dream world from the control of Morpheus, now that you are a step inside the sage realm, you must make sure that your container won't break when you introduce your own divinity."

"Understood", said Yunan with a nod and looked around Dreamscape, the garden had grown by a hundredfold, it was much lusher and the flower pots had now become some weird fruit trees and some vineyards, as for the small hut it had now become a full-blown country-side villa, with the power of dreams gently weaving and saturating the whole garden.

The turbulence of Dreamscape was still as endless as before, but now it looked much more distinct to Yunan, one look and he could tell what kind of dream energy was before him, what dream beasts were fighting and what nightmares were born, this place was more alive than before, and much more hospitable, a fact exploited by the family for their own good.

Debauchery party were comprehending the first threads about each of their own divinities, all of which were surprising to Yunan, Balin was studying creation instead of smithing, his divinity was titled by himself as dwarven creation, Fae choose what she called elvish nature, basically, she was trying to make Yggdrasil her worshiper by taking over the nature that elves were so fond of, Dustan was working on strength, Bai chose stealth, Mary chose medicine, Anne chose decay and lastly Lucian chose the hunt.

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