Dungeons and Dalliances

3.14 – Gear

“You’re really so lucky,” Sammy tsked. “Having an upperclassmen willing to help you sort out your gear situation? Give advice? Especially in the same role?”

“It’s a big ask, I know,” Natalie said. “But consider this … I’ll pay you back?”

“I will take you up on that, frosh. I’ll put that mouth to work.”


“I could be convinced,” Sammy said, grinning. “So. I can spare an hour. And did you know Tenet logs ‘mentoring’ as community work? So I’m not being wholly selfless.”

“How does that work?”

“Just gotta have you confirm it. It’s easy.”

“How much?”

“Oh, I don’t know. One and a half thousand an hour, or something like that.”


“That’s not much, frosh. Not for a third-year. A single second-tier monster core and change.”

Second-tier. Natalie had half-way forgotten that Sammy was a mid-ranker. By the standards of the typical delver, she was blazing through her progression. Most delvers, by a large majority, never made it to the upper ranks; their career ended in mid-rank. One way or another—often times the violent one.

Her quick advancement was expected from a woman with two years experience in one of the most prestigious academies on the planet. She obviously made faster pace than ‘the average delver’. She approached what most people’s careers would peak at in a tenth the time. Years instead of decades.

“Well,” Natalie said. “I’m glad you can turn a profit off me, then.”

“Thanks. But don’t think that’ll get you out of tonight. Like I said, I’m putting that mouth to work.”

“Like I said,” Natalie returned, “I’d be upset if you didn’t.”

Sammy laughed. “Okay. Break it down for me, then. What do you have, what’s your situation in your party, and any important details to your class.”

“Personal questions, don’t you think?”

Sammy poked Natalie’s shoulder. “Can hardly advise you on how to gear up without them. Besides,” she said, smirking, “we’ve done a lot more personal, haven’t we?”

“You have ravished me and stolen my innocence,” Natalie said thoughtfully.

“The other way around!”

“So I guess I can trust you. What I have. Let’s see…”


Natalie / Level 1

Paladin of Lust



Furor: F

Tenacity: F+

Prowess: F-



Weapon Slot 1: <Ironstrike Hammer>

Weapon Slot 2: <Wooden Shield>

Equipment Slot 1: <Unused>

Equipment Slot 2: <Unused>

Equipment Slot 3: <Unused>

Equipment Slot 4: <Unused>



Ironstrike Hammer


Lv. 1



- Solid Grip. Reduced likelihood of losing weapon during combat.

- Minor increase to physical Tenacity.



A simple and reliable one-handed hammer.



Wooden Shield


Lv. 1



- Sturdy.

- Lightweight.

- Minor increase to magical Tenacity.



A basic, durable wooden shield with a rusty metal band running along the outer edge.


“Just two pieces,” Natalie admitted. “Ten monster cores doesn’t buy you much of anything.” Weapons tended to be more expensive than gear, too, so it had only stretched to two items.

She explained to Sammy the hammer and shield she’d gotten. She had also geared up with mundane pieces of armor, using the monster cores provided by Tenet, but the magical pieces were the meaningful ones. Especially as she progressed, mundane armor would be practically worthless.

“So you opted for both weapon slots,” Sammy commented.

“Not a good idea?”

“Didn’t say that.” Sammy pursed her lips as she considered, then she shrugged. “It’s fine. Like you said, ten cores doesn’t go far. Two minor bonuses to tenacity. Going heavy on defense, then?”

“To start with.”

“Obviously, a safe choice for a tank.”

“But not ideal?”

“It depends,” Sammy said, “on the rest of what I asked. So spill it.”

Natalie briefly described her class—the practical parts of it—and the role she intended to fill in her team. Without a consistent squad formalized, she couldn’t say for sure, but since Sofia and Jordan were anchors, she knew she would serve as a support tank more than an aggressive one. They had physical offense to spare.

“Yeah,” Sammy said. “Heavy defense is fine, then. Maybe I would’ve gone even heavier, instead of a hammer. But like I said, it’s fine. Not like it matters in the long run.”

And the long run was the reason she’d come to Sammy. “Four gear slots to fill. What should I look for first?”

“Some kind of breastplate is the obvious one,” Sammy said. “Or any torso armor. Chainmail, whatever. You want that big tenacity boost. But finding one with a nice side bonus is important. For you, some kind of magic boost would be nice. Magical furor? Casting haste? Even bonus mana. Lots of good choices. Really, finding something good for the price is the important part, at your level.”

“Higher up, that changes?”

“More about finding the perfect pieces,” Sammy agreed, “not the budget ones.” She blushed. “Not that I’m that high through the levels, or rich, so price definitely still matters. But baby-delvers need to get kitted out as soon as possible, not worry about the exact details.”

Natalie nodded along. “And where does fashion fit into all of this?”

Sammy gave her an amused look. “You’re one of those?”

“What’s the point in winning if you can’t look stylish?”

“You’re messing with me.”

“Me? I’m all about fashion.”

“Honestly, it’s kind of sad how many delvers do have matching armor sets. Had to have sacrificed efficiency.” She shrugged. “At the same time, having good gear matters—a lot—but nitpicking minor boosts and effects isn’t what makes a delver. Bad with perfect gear, still bad with great gear.”

“So that’s permission to prioritize style?”

“You’re insufferable.”

Natalie laughed. “Okay. So, chest armor first. Then what?”

“For you? Some kind of heavy mage gear. Whatever’s applicable.”

“Wizard hat?”

“It’d be an interesting look.”

“And the last two?”

“I’d recommend boots, actually,” Sammy said. “Footwork is important for a tank, same as a fighter and rogue. Maybe more. Since you’re always being focused, it’s important to have solidity. Not be knocked down. Like that grip effect you have with your hammer—similar ones are on boots to help stay on your feet.”

Natalie bobbed her head. “Chestplate, boots, wizard hat. And the last one?”

“Those are just suggestions,” Sammy said pointedly. “And please, no wizard hat. I don’t advocate for style, but only to an extent. Some outfits are too criminal to take into public. Plus, the goal for your level is to find whatever’s good for the price. As your class develops, what you need’ll change, anyway. Plus this is just my opinion. So don’t take it as gospel, or anything.”


“But last piece … hm. Going for full defense, obviously a big piece of lower armor. Focusing more on your magecraft, then another trinket—necklace, bracelet, whatever suits you. Some utility items are nice.” Sammy shrugged. “There’s really so many choices. When you actually have a budget, we can talk details. Check out the Exchange together.”

“You’d do that?”

“Like I said, I can bill it under ‘mentoring’. Get some credits out of it.” A grin. “And, of course, you’ll have to show thanks yourself.”

Natalie smiled back. Obviously, she was more than happy to.

She hesitated.

“You know,” Natalie said. “We haven’t really talked about us.”

Sammy blinked.

“I feel like what we have going on is obvious,” Natalie said, “but maybe letting it be implied isn’t the smartest?”

Sammy looked at Natalie, concerned. “Oh … I, um. We’re just having fun, right?”

Natalie relaxed. She’d been pretty sure she had read their interactions correctly, but they were becoming somewhat involved with each other, their dalliances happening every other day or so. And while Natalie liked Sammy a lot, she didn’t consider them girlfriends, or even working toward it, really. Sammy was sweet and straightforward, and more than that, their relationship wasn’t complicated. But they were just having fun.

“Friends with benefits?” Natalie suggested.

“Mentor and student with benefits,” Sammy corrected. “Remember your place, frosh.”

“So you’re my sex teacher.”

“W-Well, that’s a bit much.”

Natalie laughed, bumping shoulders with Sammy, and the blonde girl smiled back.

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