Dungeons and Dalliances

3.33 – ❤ Challenge III

A/N: Splitting this one up into two chapters would be mean, so this counts as a double release for Wednesday and Friday :)


Beneath Liz, her seat buzzed to life.

Even just the pressure of the protrusion had been compromising. Now, with the magical device fulfilling its purpose in earnest, Liz’s self-control was put to the test. The vibrations coursed through her lower half and had her shaking in only moments, her nipples turning painfully hard inside her bra. No, this wasn’t going to be an easy challenge in the slightest.

“And how long am I supposed to last, again?” Liz asked, trying to make it sound like a joke, but the words caught halfway out of her throat as a shiver wracked her body.

“Not too long, right?” Natalie asked, the blush that had briefly started to fade having returned to her cheeks. “Doesn’t seem … possible, otherwise.”

Liz’s teammate almost looked like she wanted to look away to be polite, but that was against the rules of the encounter. She had to watch. And, likely, she kept staring for another reason. She was enjoying the show—the physical proof of that was clear enough, showing through a thick bulge in her pants.

Enjoying the sight. Her, Liz, being played with. The idea thrilled through her. Natalie was having fun watching her get off, be ground and vibrated against by a strange saddle-device created by the dungeon.

An inappropriate noise escaped Liz, and she strangled it halfway through. The noise bounced off the walls, though, obscenely loud in the otherwise quiet room. Her face blazed as Natalie’s eyebrows raised, a quirk of a smile appearing.

“S-Shut up.”

If she wanted to last any real amount of time, Liz figured she should probably try and distract herself. Think about something that wasn’t painfully arousing, like Natalie and her interested blue eyes and the distinct bulge in her pants. She closed her eyes and tried to move her thoughts to safer areas.

Liz should’ve realized that wouldn’t be allowed. As if scolding her, the vibrating bump pressed into her pussy and sped up, pushing harder into her. Liz’s eyes shot back open with a gasp, her back arching at the sudden increase in intensity. The device quickly smoothed back to the slower—though still compromising—pace.

“G-Guess I’m not supposed to do that,” Liz said.

“Do what?”

“Distract myself. Tried to think of something else. But I guess I have to be … zoned in.” She laughed, and it was more of a hiccup. The waves of pleasure coursing through her were impossible to fight off, turning her into a mess even faster than she’d expected.

“Ah,” Natalie said.

“Really don’t see how this is supposed to be possible, though,” Liz gasped. “It feels way too good. Seriously. How long?”

As if answering her question, the sound of grinding stone filled the room. Above and behind Natalie, at the top of the wall Liz was facing, some strange display appeared: ten dark orbs, with a single having turned pink.

“Is that a timer?” Liz asked. It managed briefly to distract her—but then the vibrating seat beneath her shifted a gear up. No longer stationary, it dragged back and forth, pressing and sliding into her pussy through layers of clothing. “And one of ten done? There’s no way.” Already it was becoming difficult to hold back the rising pleasure. It beckoned for her to let go, to grind with the device and indulge. She was still fighting with everything she had, but not even being allowed to distract herself? It simply wasn’t possible.

Stone ground against stone for a second time. Two pairs of eyes turned to the first pillar which held the drawings and instructions of the challenge. A slot had opened up, and in real-time, as the two girls watched, new words etched into the stone with the same ornate script as before.

Share the burden.

Sitting there, in the space created, was … something?

Liz couldn’t tell what. Cylindrical, see-through, and kind of gooey-looking, she genuinely had no idea what the object was. Leveling an [Inspect] its way didn’t help; the object didn’t respond.

“Oh, fuck me,” Natalie muttered.

“Huh?” Liz asked. “What is it?” It sounded like Natalie had an idea, based on the exasperation in her voice. “And what does ‘share the burden’ mean?”

Maybe under normal circumstances she could put two and two together—since it seemed Natalie had—but while being assaulted by a vibrating, rubbing seat? Not so much. Her thoughts were a little hazy, right now.

And she should probably stop moving her hips. She didn’t know when she’d started doing that, but it wasn’t helping matters. With great effort, she stilled herself.

The second of the ten orbs flipped to pink, and it only emphasized how little chance Liz stood of surviving this encounter. Twenty percent done? She was at least half-way there, if not more. Her mind was already going fuzzy with arousal, and each slow stroke of the protrusion beneath her had Liz’s hips wanting more and more to start sliding back and forth, joining in the effort.

“I think it’s a toy,” Natalie said flatly, walking over and taking the object. She presented it for Liz, and the purpose became a lot more obvious from the new angle. The hollow, bumpy space in the middle of the cylindrical obvious couldn’t be interpreted in many ways, not given in the middle of this sort of encounter.

“Oh,” Liz said, her cheeks flaring somehow redder. “Like. For you to use?”

“I guess,” Natalie said.

“Why? And it helps, somehow?”

“Share the burden,” Natalie said. “Whatever that means.”

For a moment, the two of them stared at each other. Liz opened her mouth to reply, but a loud moan escaped, instead, which was pretty mortifying. She cleared her throat and tried again. “Well, go ahead,” Liz said. “I think it’s pretty obvious I need the help.”

“You don’t mind? In front of you?”

“I’m getting off, aren’t I? Why can’t you?” The casualness of the reply was definitely feigned, and Liz was proud of herself for making it so.

“And I’d still need to watch you,” Natalie said slowly.

“Yeah,” Liz said. “Go ahead.”

Natalie hesitated, then shrugged.

Heat pulsed in Liz’s core at the realization of what she would shortly get to watch, and the sensations assaulting her between her legs grew second by second more impossible to resist. In her addled state, she’d have wanted to see Natalie use the toy even if it didn’t help her in some unexplained way by ‘sharing the burden’. She fortunately managed to bite her tongue on that sentiment. Instead, she just nodded rapidly, then gestured for Natalie to get on with it.

Her red-haired teammate did so. She finagled off her belt, then shimmied down her pants, and the sight that welcomed Liz decidedly didn’t help matters. A thick rod of girl cock stood at attention, pointing at Liz, and already dribbling at the tip. Natalie had gotten worked up, watching her.

“So big,” Liz said, the words slipping out by accident—her impulse control wasn’t in highest form, right now. She flushed, eyes flicking up to Natalie’s. “Not that—I just mean … wow,” she finished lamely.

Natalie seemed pleased by Liz’s response, a smirk playing at her lips, which only made Liz flush deeper. It was a nice cock, which wasn’t something Liz would have figured she’d ever say. She’d always preferred girls. But on Natalie? She could definitely get behind it.

Or on top of it. Bouncing up and down. That didn’t sound so bad.

Liz shivered, Natalie’s throbbing girl cock being on display compromising her almost faster than the rubbing device pleasuring her pussy. The third orb swapped from dark to pink, indicating she was roughly three-tenths finished with the challenge, and Liz’s mind started to go fuzzy. She fought the incoming climax with everything she had.

Really need help,” Liz gasped. “So, uh. Get to it?”

Though neither of them could imagine how this would help, Natalie lined herself up to one end of the gel-like toy pussy, and Liz watched, enraptured. Why did the idea of seeing Natalie jerk herself off with the see-through toy excite her so much? Well, that was a dumb question. But still.

Natalie slid in.

The relief was instantaneous. For all that the sight of Natalie’s cock being wrapped had Liz’s stomach clench in excitement, the throbbing-hot need inside her also started to ease. At the same time, a loud, lewd noise escaped Natalie.

Sharing the burden. As in, Liz’s pleasure redirected to Natalie, somehow, so long as she was getting herself off too?

Because it made zero sense for Liz to be less aroused than a second ago. The sight of Natalie’s cock being toyed with in that see-through gel, her thick veiny member pushing through to pop out the other side of the cylinder, was something that had her shaking with excitement.

And the how behind all this didn’t make sense, but that was the dungeon. Artificial and strange. A statement doubly true when it came to Natalie’s class, she supposed.

“It’s sending it to you,” Liz said. “My, um. You know.”

“Yeah,” Natalie said. “I can tell. Feels way, way too good.” She winced as she stroked up and down her length, the gel-pussy sliding along her shaft, pre-lubricated. “And you are okay with this, still?”

“With you jerking off to me?” Liz asked. Because that was what was happening. Natalie needed to keep her eyes locked firmly to Liz—it was one of the foundational rules. So maybe the toy was what was wrapping her cock, but surely Natalie was imagining something else. That rather than the toy squeezing her cock, it was Liz’s pussy, which the red-head had her eyes locked to as she was played with by the vibrating saddle.

And what would that be like? Taking that thing? That thick, throbbing, veiny, eight inch monster between Natalie’s thighs? What would it be like to have her tank’s cock stuffed inside her? To feel Natalie’s hot breath against her face as she slapped her lower half into her, then filled her up with a creamy finish?

Okay. Liz wasn’t allowed to distract herself, but that didn’t mean to had to actively sabotage herself. She desperately dragged her mind away from those thoughts.

With Natalie stroking away, it was, at least, easier to resist the vibrations between her legs.

Seriously. What was this event? How contrived could it be? Why did the dungeon want this to happen so badly?

Natalie’s class, obviously. But what a class.

“I’m not lasting much longer,” Natalie gasped. “That won’t count as a loss, right?”

“Didn’t say so. Think you’re fine.” The instructions seemed to indicate only Liz’s climax mattered. “Maybe even you can go a few rounds.”

Because while helpful, Liz still had a while to go. The pink orbs had only flicked to the fifth position, the halfway point, and the vibration and rubbing between her legs was only picking up in speed and pressure.

Liz was mesmerized by the way the toy enveloped Natalie’s cock with each stroke—the way the head popped out with each slap down. Strangely, each passing second as Natalie desperately jerked herself off had Liz’s own climax receding. Trading her own pleasure for Natalie’s.

Though to say she wasn’t aroused was wildly incorrect. She was, and to an almost maddening degree. It would surely make keeping control of herself harder for the future stages—as the vibrating saddle worked into higher gears.

Natalie groaned, and Liz watched, fascinated, as her pumping hand reached a crescendo. She finally came. She pointed herself sideways, at least having the sense of mind to aim her climax away from Liz—not that Liz thought she would have minded if it splattered all across her face.

Thick strings of white spurted out from a twitching girl cock, and it was almost intoxicating to watch. The way Natalie’s hips jerked forward and back, the moans, the way she grabbed her tit with her spare hand and threw her head back, body shaking with each ejection of seed.

Liz shuddered. If the dungeon hadn’t been actively draining her lust, she would have finished right alongside Natalie, if simply from the sight of her spasming friend.

She watched each sticky ejection, aroused and fascinated. Because the payload was surprisingly large. How did she come so much? It kept going and going. Liz guessed it was fitting for such a big cock—Natalie came proportionally to its impressive size.

Panting, Natalie came down from her explosion. She’d kept eyes on Liz almost the whole time. Likely, she’d used the gyrating grinding against Liz’s pussy to fuel that orgasm. And that was, again, a seriously compromising thought.

With the toy still wrapping her softening cock, Natalie asked, still panting, “How are you doing?”

“Surviving,” Liz said. “We’re seven of ten done, I guess. So … not a chance, assuming that was one and done.” Because Liz’s own pleasure was rapidly building back up, no longer fended off by Natalie’s assistance.

Natalie looked down at her cock. Reasonably, her explosive climax had left it softening. She tried to rouse it, teasing herself with the toy, but Liz recognized that it wouldn’t work.

“Maybe … if I help?” Liz asked.

The question slipped out without much direct intention on her part.

“Will that get it up?” she continued, cheeks burning furiously. “If it’s me stroking you with it?”

Liz had expected Natalie to hesitate, but her concerned nature had apparently receded in the excitement of everything. The red-headed girl shuffled forward, and—almost by instinct—Liz’s hands went to the toy.

To Natalie’s cock.

She grabbed Natalie’s cock. She’d really just done that? And her hands were moving, now. Stroking her. Her teammate’s girl cock.

“C’mon,” Liz said, lips almost numb from how hot her face burned. “Up you go. We need your help. I’ll let you finish on me, too. Doesn’t that sound fun?”

Whether it was the words or the motion of Liz’s hands, Natalie’s cock swelled, quickly returning to full mast despite having just expended itself. Liz sucked in a breath of air as the impressive member hardened only a foot away from her face. The throbbing piece of meat was even more entrancing from this close up.

She was seriously jerking her teammate off?

How had this happened?

Why was she so insanely turned on?

“I can tell you like this,” Liz mumbled, not daring to meet Natalie’s eyes. She could only focus on her cock, anyway, and the way it sank into the gel-like toy with each stroke of her wrist. How was it the most amazing thing she’d ever seen? She grabbed the toy with her other hand and leaned forward, jerking away eagerly, stroking Natalie’s entire impressive length. “It feels good, right? And you’re going to finish all over my face? It’s for the mission, so you can do it.”

The emotions crashing through her were hard to describe. She was more turned on than she’d even been in her life, but the strange toy drained the approaching climax, leaving her almost unsatisfied. Her hips jerked forward and backward, actually aiding in the vibrating seat’s pleasuring of herself. Liz was lost to the event in entirety, now, and so was Natalie—her teammate made no comment on the noises she was making, and the way she humped desperately against the seat she was supposed to be resisting.

“You’re close. I can tell. You’re all twitching. Let go, it’s fine. Paint my face. I want it. Can’t you tell I—“

A thick white string sprayed across her face, making Liz jump with its suddenness, and she squeezed her eyes shut just in time. Liz shuddered, moaned, and pumped faster. She wanted Natalie’s entire sticky second load covering her. The first one had been so wasted.

“There we go,” Liz murmured. “Every drop.” String after string coated her, and she tasted Natalie’s musk on her lips. She peeked one eye open—the other was glued shut—and worked Natalie’s second orgasm with rapid pumping. She milked her friend for everything she was worth. “Thank you. I love it. You’re doing great.”

A glance upward showed the last of the ten pink orbs filling, and something in the walls shifted. The challenge was finished. Liz could finally give in.

And she did, immediately. Even with Natalie siphoning her own orgasm away, she’d already been struggling to resist—her hips gyrating back and forth to assist the seat had been way too compromising. She wanted to cum. So badly she felt like she was on fire.

The sensation exploded through her, dousing her in liquid flame. Her toes curled in her shoes, and she slumped forward, humping desperately. Her whole body shook as she surrendered, the intense orgasm pulsing through her. The realizations of what she’d just done spurred her on. She’d really just jerked Natalie off and had her finish across her face. Why was that idea bringing her to such a scorching peak?

When the clenching, shaking finish left her, Liz was left slumped over, still strapped down to the saddle, her entire body turned to jelly.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.