Dungeons and Dalliances

3.39 – Revealing

This being a chest provided by a boss encounter, the warhammer was far from the only valuable drop. Though, as an uncommon, not one of the weakest, either; boss fight or not, this was still the first floor of the dungeon. Their rewards could only be so great.

A collection of various items came out. Nearly everyone on the team got some accessory or piece of gear that suited them to some degree, and Natalie found herself nodding to herself, their decision to tackle the boss despite being mildly underprepared clearly having demonstrated itself as having been worth it—their equipment issues were rectified in short order, bringing them back to where they’d been before Elida’s interference. And they’d still be receiving much of that gear back; Liz had said such excessive robbing went against even Tenet’s unforgiving and apathetic standards. So it was a great payday.

The crown jewel of loot chest came last. Jordan let out a low whistle, reading the item’s description.


Robes of the Sparking Conduit


Lv. 1



- Spark of Inspiration. For twenty seconds, gain moderate bonuses to magical Prowess. Fifteen minute cooldown.



White mage’s robes that glow faintly with an otherworldly light.


“Another rare,” Natalie said, shaking her head. “That’s crazy.”

“At least it came from a boss fight, this time,” Sofia said, though was of course equally impressed. “So it makes some sense.”

Rares were, well, rare, especially on the first floor. If one would drop, it’d be from a boss fight, so it wasn’t nearly as astounding as Liz’s wand, but even so. Two rares in a single day was incredible luck. Their fortunes really had turned around after Elida’s attack. Was the dungeon taking pity on them, or was it just coincidence? Regardless, the team’s mood had improved considerably—at the burst of fortune, Natalie could tell the last lingering discontent vanished.

Liz especially was bouncing on her heels, excited. “That’s Ana’s! Definitely. I don’t need it.”

Natalie found herself endeared at how enthusiastically the healer insisted the amazing mage’s item go to Ana—because Liz herself could absolutely have made great use of the item. A moderate boost to magical prowess every few fights was incredible. Not quite as insane as Liz’s persistent moderate furor boost, but that wand had come from a broken encounter; thinking about both how they’d gotten it, and how strong it was, hurt Natalie’s head.

Sofia finished unfolding the white garment, dropping it out so they could see the full piece of clothing.

“Wait …” Liz said.

“It doesn’t seem like there’s enough?” Sofia said, confused. She turned the piece of clothing around in her hands, trying to make sense of it.

Natalie also blinked. Those were robes?

Sofia finished untangling it, and presented the article of clothing.

“Oh,” Liz said.

As one, her four team mates turned to Natalie. Natalie’s face seared red. “No. Uh-huh. You can’t blame me every time something like this happens. It’s not like there’s no dungeon loot that’s a little …” She struggled to find the word.

“Slutty?” Sofia suggested, quirking an eyebrow. She tugged on the scant bundle of fabric. Natalie couldn’t even fully tell how it was supposed to be worn; it was a tangle of strips and bands of white cloth.

“M-Maybe it’s not Ana’s, then?” Liz asked, laughing nervously and sending a look toward their mage.

Ana paused, then said, “Why? You want it?”

“No! I just mean—well, it’s kind of … what Sofia said?”

“Revealing?” Ana asked. “It’s still an effective piece of equipment.”

Liz gaped as Ana held her hand out for Sofia, and the white-haired girl amusedly gave it to her.

“Turn around, please?” Ana asked.

The team politely did so. Natalie focused her thoughts stalwartly elsewhere, because for some reason, the idea of Ana tugging on those flimsy ‘robes’ were creating problems down low—and while Jordan and Liz both knew about her issue there, Sofia and Ana were still in the dark. Plus, getting hard at her teammate’s new attire would obviously be inappropriate. To understate things.

“There,” Ana said.

They turned around.

Natalie lamented her fate.

She’d been vaguely aware that Ana had a great figure, because even for her loose, extremely unflattering gray robes, her bust and hips had been outrageously noticeable. Still, she’d underestimated what it took to make even thick mage robes cling to her curves.

Maybe it was the outrageous contrast, too, going from what Ana had been wearing to this. And Ana’s panties and bra were clearly visible, considering how little the robes covered. But they were incongruous to the outfit. Two thin strands of white cloth ran down her chest, and if not for her black bra, a truly scandalous amount of skin would’ve been showing. The slightest breeze would’ve exposed the woman.

To Natalie’s delight and despair, Ana turned around and presented the back of the outfit, too. The thin, lightweight cloth didn’t cover much more lower down than it did above. Two flaps of white cloth covered her front and ass, but not entirely—Natalie got an indulgent sight of thighs, calves, stomach, back, and the edge of Ana’s ass, the curves still plenty noticeable, even accentuated by the frail efforts to hide them.

“L-Looks good!” Liz squeaked. “If you’re fine with it, of course. Are you fine with it?”

Ana turned back forward, then frowned down at her attire. “It’s acceptable. A bit breezy. Should I lose the bra? The robes obviously aren’t meant for it.”

Liz sent panicked looks to Natalie, Sofia, and Jordan, but Natalie was undergoing her own crucible, so she didn’t reply. She wasn’t sure whether the visible bra and panties were making matters worse or better—that the garments clearly didn’t match to the robe’s scandalizing design almost made the outfit more erotic, despite covering more skin. Natalie desperately struggled to keep her thoughts chaste, and for her not to reveal her problem to Sofia and Ana.

Jordan rolled her eyes, seeming amused at everyone’s reactions. Natalie knew she appreciated the sight, because who wouldn’t, but she wasn’t a mess like Liz and Natalie, and to a lesser extent, Sofia—who was pointedly trying not to stare as well.

“Maybe wait until you can get some tape,” Jordan said. “Otherwise I think you’ll be showing off more than you want. Doesn’t seem like it’ll stay in place.”

“That’s true,” Ana said, pointedly playing with the thin straps that ran down her breasts. A slight breeze would send them fluttering open; she definitely needed tape to keep them in place. “I suppose it doesn’t matter for now.”

“Was that the last of the items?” Natalie asked, a bit louder than she meant. Lingering on Ana’s new combat gear would only end poorly.

Jordan smirked at her, obviously knowing Natalie’s plight, and Natalie only returned a glare. Fortunately, Sofia also seemed eager to move on; she was flustered too. Really, who would have expected Ana to have that much going on? The nerdy, emotionless girl had one of the most unfair figures Natalie had ever set eyes on.

And now she’d be showing it off constantly throughout the dungeon? By wearing those so-called ‘robes’ around? Natalie was completely doomed.

“That was the last,” Sofia said, rummaging around one last time to make sure. She rose, then faced the far end of the arena. “More importantly, though, is whether we’re using the exit.”

It was a question that managed to briefly chase away thoughts of her teammate’s revealing new clothing. The exit. Or, more relevantly, the entrance to the second floor of the dungeon.

All five of them chewed over the question. They’d discussed the possibility earlier, but being faced with the option recontextualized it.

“We did fare well against the boss,” Jordan said. “At the same time, I think I’d rather keep grinding this floor. Maybe tackle one or two more bosses if possible. Second floor is risky.”

“I agree,” Sofia said. “Though my curiosity certainly doesn’t.”

Natalie snorted.

“Either works with me,” Liz said. “Both options have merit. Especially with our gear upgrades, we can definitely handle it. But we’re setting a good pace, and the Wispwood seems suited to our composition. It’d be smart to stay.”

Natalie wavered between the two options. If they went into the second floor, they’d certainly have to stay near the entrance, and would likely have to retreat shortly. From there, they’d have to re-enter the dungeon, and therefore get a new first-floor that they weren’t as familiar with. The hours they’d spent in the Wispwood had improved their efficiency carving through its monsters, so giving up that advantage might be unwise.

“I say we stay,” Ana said, and the last chime-in solidified Natalie’s own position.

Natalie nodded, then said, “We’ll go down on our second boss, then call the delve—assuming it’s getting late.” Tomorrow was classes, and though they could stay overnight and get a bit more delving in that way, it wasn’t strictly necessary, not after their previous fortune. Plus, everyone had stuff to handle up on campus, surely. Most prevalently, Natalie wanted to figure out her new housing situation. They had the loot and cores to afford it, by this point, especially if she was sharing a room with Jordan.

“Second boss,” Sofia said. “That’s optimistic, but if we set a good pace, I think it’s possible.” She nodded, then looked at Natalie. “You’re good to continue?”

Natalie rubbed her side, winced at the bruise there, but said, “Yeah. Maybe take it a bit slow while Liz keeps patching me up. That dryad’s staff was no fun.”

Her teammates made several noises of agreement. Even the backline hadn’t been spared from its devastating arcs. They gave sympathetic looks to Natalie who’d especially not been spared.

In accord, and with the boss chest looted, the team back tracked through the stone archway and set off into the Wispwood once more.

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