Dungeons and Dalliances

4.09 – ❤ Overconfidence

Natalie wasn’t sure how she’d gotten herself into this situation, but she didn’t care. Or, rather, was currently unable to care. She couldn’t think abut anything besides Sofia. Always confident, always better-than-her Sofia, who stared up with vulnerable blue eyes and practically quaked where she stood.

“I’ve wanted this for so long,” Natalie growled, yanking Sofia’s pants down to her thighs, revealing her white panties. “So, so long.”

“You did?” the startled response came.

“Since forever, pretty much.”

Because Sofia had always had the upper-hand, and finally Natalie did. That had been something she’d been striving for since as long as she knew Sofia. And sure, this wasn’t exactly how she’d imagined ‘having the upper hand’ to be, but Natalie also wasn’t disappointed. Sofia might be better than her in the sparring ring, but here? In this arena? Natalie could dominate her rival without a problem.

“Oh,” Sofia said, eyes having gone oddly wide at the words.

Natalie wasn’t in the right mindset to analyze the reaction—or even notice the strange way Sofia had responded. An absolute disaster of emotions swirled around inside her. Part of her wanted to go easy on Sofia, to be caring and gentle, since Sofia had admitted this was her first time. Another part of her saw the perfect, unassailable confidence that Sofia always carried around finally broken, and she wanted to dig deeper and deeper into that vulnerability. Not with hostile intent, but instead, to more easily, and more completely, take her apart.

Because that was, at least, the one part of her desires that had no dissenting or confused voices. Every part of her wanted to take Sofia apart. To disassemble her and leave her a shaking, sweating, moaning mess.

That was hardly a first for Natalie. That type of desire. But not with Sofia—and not in this particular way. The reasons she wanted to have Sofia as pliable putty in her hands was nothing like her usual.

First, there was the obvious: Sofia had just spent several minutes insulting her, and insisting that Natalie couldn’t turn her into a quivering mess. She was still confused by much of that conversation—Sofia hadn’t been making sense—but she didn’t care right this moment. She’d been challenged, and so naturally, Natalie wanted to prove how wrong Sofia was.

The second was getting to be in the dominant position against Sofia. Natalie enjoyed taking the lead in her encounters, but it had never been thrilling in this way. The flipping of dynamics. Sofia always came out on top, but here? Here, Natalie could excel to the point of embarrassing her partner—just like Sofia always did. Natalie wasn’t just confident she was better, but Sofia was a complete beginner. It would be comically easy.

It felt like someone else controlled her body as she pinned Sofia back into the lockers. She ran her hands up and down Sofia’s figure, feeling the curve of her waist, hips, and naked thighs, then further up, her stomach and finally her breasts. Underneath Sofia’s shirt and bra, Natalie cupped Sofia’s tits, squeezing and feeling her rival up. Her fingers brushed Sofia’s nipples, and the white-haired girl shivered under the assault, her breath hitching.

“I’m almost scared I’ll break you,” Natalie said. Sofia’s eyes were locked to Natalie’s, as they had been since the start. She seemed completely enthralled. Her breaths came rapidly. “I mean, look how you’re shaking. You sure you’ll make it?”

The question was half teasing but also half serious. Natalie was delighting in Sofia’s reactions, but at the same time, she seemed overwhelmed to put it lightly.

Sofia swallowed. Natalie almost wondered whether she’d ask Natalie to slow down. Instead, she got the typical arrogance. “You’re not using your three minutes effectively, are you?”

“That’s because I won’t need the full time,” Natalie said, smirking, her hands not moving from Sofia’s tits. She leaned forward and whispered into her ear, “I just wanted to explore your tight, fuckable body first. You know it’s mine if you lose? Mine. A whole week. Whatever I want. And I promise I’ll be making good use of it.”

Sofia didn’t respond. Instead, the words washed through her, and she shook in place—a moan even escaping her. The next part was even more shocking. She closed her eyes and tilted her head up, lips parting. Natalie knew what the request meant—subconsciously produced or not. Sofia, asking to be kissed. It seemed, again, an instinctive reaction. Not at all on purpose.

And unfortunately, Natalie’s response was also instinctive.

She kissed Sofia.

The sensation of her soft lips crashed through her. Natalie had known she’d wanted this since forever—to have a vulnerable Sofia in her grasp—but the intensity of the want surging inside her surprised her nonetheless. And the intensity of Sofia’s reply, just as much. They kissed fervently, sloppily, tasting each other and moaning between each exchange.

Sofia grabbed Natalie’s hips and pulled her closer—though their bodies had already been inches away. Pressed into the other girl, Natalie’s cock slid up Sofia’s stomach, between the two of them, nowhere else to go, and the white-haired girl had to be aware of thick rod pressing into her, but she didn’t react; she kept kissing. In the back of Natalie’s head, she recognized that meant Sofia had found out some other way, but such thoughts were a long distance away.

Sofia’s hand slid down between them, her palm rubbing into Natalie’s cock, and Natalie moaned into her lips—but was also reminded of her circumstances.

She extricated herself from Sofia’s mouth, then grabbed each of her wrists and slammed them above her head, the metal lockers she was pinned against rattling. “Uh-uh,” Natalie chided. “I’m fucking you, not the other way around. But nice try.”

Sofia had, admittedly, done a great job distracting her. How long had it been? A minute and a half, at least. Natalie had burned through her reserves playing with Sofia’s body and basking in the taste of her mouth. Still, she wasn’t worried. Natalie was completely convinced she could take this woman apart in thirty seconds in her current state. She was shaking even more than at the start—the kiss had compromised her more than Natalie’s toying with her body.

Natalie finally got to the job at hand. She pressed her palm against Sofia’s stomach, fingers pointed down, then slid, teasingly slow. Inch by inch she closed the distance. Sofia moaned when Natalie’s fingers slipped into her panties—and when Natalie reached her destination, the white-hair girl bucked her hips, needing more pressure. She was, unsurprisingly, drenched. Natalie could have inferred that from her quivering, flushed body, but the proof was just as delightful.

“Look how wet you are. And for me,” Natalie murmured. She stepped to the side for better positioning, one hand pinning Sofia’s wrists above her head, the other buried into her panties—and with her mouth now whispering hot air into Sofia’s ear. “Look how needy you are. So much talk, but this tells the truth.” She pressed firmly into Sofia’s core, wrenching out another loud moan. “I could win whenever I want. But that’s too easy. I want you to ask for it.”


“Beg. I know you want it. My fingers inside you. So ask. For your relief. You won’t get it unless you ask.”

“I—I won’t,” Sofia gasped.

“You don’t sound so sure about that,” Natalie said, lips quirking. “Come on. Give in. Just one word. ‘Please’.” Natalie rubbed tight circles around Sofia, and Sofia’s hips strained forward, desperately trying to get Natalie’s hand more firmly against her. She wiggled side to side, rubbing herself more against Natalie than the other way around. It made quite the sight, Sofia pinned there, flush and sweaty, back arching and hips shaking as Natalie teased her. “One word, and I’ll let you cum.” Natalie nibbled at Sofia’s ear. “And then your hot, fuckable body will be mine for the week. I promise I’ll put it to good use. So be a good girl.”

“I— I—“

“One word, princess.”

“Please,” Sofia gasped. “Please, fuck me.” She struggled against Natalie’s grip. “I need it. Please.”

Natalie obliged. She sank two fingers into Sofia and curled.

The loudest, most obscene noise yet wrenched from Sofia’s lips, and she whined and thrashed. Her pussy clenched against Natalie’s fingers, and the constant quivering turning into outright shaking as her climax ravaged her. She shook her head back and forth, gasping and whining, as Natalie thrust in and out, eagerly working her higher. She didn’t need any slow and coaxing motions; Sofia wanted to be fucked, and Natalie provided it. Even Natalie was impressed at just how right she’d been—the moment Natalie had entered her, she’d finished. Barely two full seconds. Incredible. And such a shaking, twitching climax, working higher and higher with each thrust of her fingers. This girl had really been pent up.

“That’s it, there you go,” Natalie murmured teasingly into her ear. “Let it out. That’s a good girl. Cum for me. You’re doing great.”

For what felt like a full minute, Sofia twitched and fell apart under Natalie’s thrusting fingers. When her body finally sagged down, completely drained, Natalie kept her dangling there by her wrists, pinned into the metal lockers.

Seeing the wreck of a woman, Natalie kissed her on the neck and laughed gently into her. “See? Look how easy that was. You really shouldn’t have been so confident.”

Because now Sofia was hers for the week.

That opened so many possibilities.

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