Dungeons and Dalliances

4.15 – ❤ Wand II

Natalie tugged at the hem of Liz’s shirt, and the petite girl didn’t stop her. Her pants followed, and soon, Natalie had Liz laid out across her bed in just her underwear. She crawled back over her, briefly setting the toy to the side, and ran her hands across Liz’s body, her thighs first, then her stomach and chest. Liz had nearly no breasts to speak of, almost completely flat, but Natalie didn’t really care about that—she cared about the way Liz sucked in a breath of air when Natalie brushed her thumbs against her nipples, and the way she wiggled in place.

“This—this isn’t testing my wand,” Liz gasped.

“No,” Natalie agreed. “It isn’t.”

She kept running her hands across her body, admiring her curves and the feel of her soft skin. Liz didn’t protest further; she lay beneath Natalie and let her have her way with her.

Finally, though, Natalie agreed she ought to focus. Not out of a sense of ‘practicality’, to discover the wand’s effect, but because Liz hadn’t given her a complete free pass—and while she knew this whole situation was an excuse for what she already wanted, Natalie wasn’t sure how much Liz was comfortable with when it came to them deviating from the masquerade.

Besides, getting to fill Liz up was more than enough for Natalie to have fun. Of course, the idea of pinning the other girl down and experimenting with how much real cock she could take would be even better, but Natalie had to temper that urge. She didn’t think Liz was there yet.

Grabbing the wand—the dildo—she slapped the twelve inches of soft, flexible toy back onto Liz’s stomach. It really was impressive how much bigger it looked against her small frame. Natalie wondered whether the effect would be similar if she slapped her own tool down on the girl, but she quickly reined those thoughts in—though it was hard. Having a half naked girl pinned beneath her wasn’t the easiest thing to resist.

“How do you wanna do this?” Natalie asked. “Need me to get you ready first?”


“With my mouth?”

Her eyes widened, and she flushed. She looked away. “I think we should just stick with the toy.”

While disappointed, she wasn’t offended. It would take some easing-in for Liz to be comfortable with more, Natalie could tell. She was pretty inexperienced. She supposed a member of the royal family would be. They had reputations to protect. Some nobility could afford to be indiscretionary, but not Liz. And even more to the point—Liz herself was a bit shy in this kind of situation. Outgoing and friendly socially speaking, but not sexually.

Natalie played with the edges of her panties, then started tugging down. Liz didn’t stop her, so she finished undressing her bottom half, exposing her pussy.

Seeing it, Natalie confirmed she really would like to get a taste; it was such a shame Liz wanted to take things slow.

Liz covered herself up with a hand. “Don’t look at it like that, you pervert.”

Natalie sat down, then pulled Liz’s lower half into her lap, so Liz’s butt pressed into her stomach, and the petite girl was elevated for easier access. Either of Liz’s legs went to each side of Natalie, hooking around her. She tugged Liz’s hand away to re-expose her. Liz allowed it to happen, though her face burned furiously.

“This position is really embarrassing, you know,” she protested.

“That’s the point.” Natalie picked up the wand, then pressed it into Liz’s pussy. She rubbed back and forth. Liz didn’t seem like she needed much getting ready—she was already wet. So Natalie’s offer to use her mouth hadn’t been necessary in the first place. The white dildo quickly coated in Liz’s juices as she rubbed it around, lubricating the long, twelve-inch weapon. “Look how ready you are. Been looking forward to this?”

“O-Out of curiosity for the skill effect, yes.”

“Skill effects get you wet, now? That’s naughty.”

Liz sputtered, and Natalie laughed at it. She pressed the gold tip into Liz and wiggled around, splitting her lower lips around the toy. She marveled at the sight. Her cock strained in her skirt, pushing into Liz’s backside through two layers of clothing.

“Yeah, I’m sure it’s totally just curiosity.”

At her pussy being played with so blatantly, Liz could only respond with a shaky breath.

“Going in, then. Ready?”


Natalie pushed, and Liz’s lower lips wrapped around the gold tip of the wand-dildo. She moaned as its thick girth slowly crept inside her, and her hips wiggled back and forth in Natalie’s lap as she struggled to accommodate the toy. It was about as thick as Natalie herself, so it was a good test for the future, should she ever be with Natalie—though she might be making too many assumptions there.

Either way, she was transfixed as she watched Liz’s pussy get spread open by the girthy toy. Natalie took it slow and gentle, letting the toy fill her up at a pace she could handle. When the tip finally slid in properly, Liz let out a moan, her back arching and her fingers digging into the bedsheets at her side.

“There you go,” Natalie murmured. “It’s in. Good girl. You’ve got it.”

When Liz settled back down, Natalie continued to press. Inch by inch of smooth shaft slid into her. The noises got louder. Natalie placed a hand on Liz’s stomach, leaving it there on smooth hot skin, then kept pressing. She wanted to play with Liz’s clit, and her nipples, and, well, the girl in general, but Liz had asked twice to keep it to the toy—so Natalie would.

“So … big,” Liz gasped.

“You’re doing great,” Natalie murmured. “Little bit more?”

“F-Full.” Liz sucked in a gasp of air. “Too deep. I’m—I’m full.”

“Seven inches,” Natalie said, telling by Liz’s tone she meant it; she was as stuffed as she was comfortable with. “Not bad. That means you’d almost be able to take me.”

At the words, Liz squeezed her eyes shut and shuddered. She reached down between her legs and grabbed Natalie’s hand, holding it around the dildo, then pulled out and pushed back in, urging Natalie to start thrusting. Natalie did so. She worked seven inches of dildo in and out of the moaning smaller girl, enjoying the sight and sound of her squirming and whining on her lap.

“You can—you can touch me. If you want.”

Obviously, Natalie wouldn’t turn down that offer. She’d been hoping it would come. With one hand slowly pumping, and the other rubbing at Liz’s clit, Liz started breaking down even faster. Natalie paid close attention to her movements, the hitches in her breath, what made her hips wiggle and jerk. When the moans started to also shake, Natalie picked up pace. She pumped in and out, fast, rubbing at Liz’s clit with her thumb, working her to her climax.

Liz scrambled at the bedsheets, and Natalie hiked her lower half even higher up, so Liz’s butt was sitting practically on her chest. She watched from close up as Liz’s pussy was stuffed full with her efforts. At the shifting in position—at Natalie so blatantly admiring her pussy being pumped into, in purposefully adjusting Liz so that she had a better sight, and bringing her closer to her face—Liz finally groaned and arched her back, the rising pleasure overtaking her.

Natalie worked Liz through her climax, rubbing and thrusting, admiring how she fell apart in her lap. A full twitching minute later, Liz sagged down into Natalie, panting heavily, and still shaking from the aftershocks.

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