Dungeons and Dalliances

4.43 – Ana IV

Apparently, Ana's expression joined with her hesitation gave her answer away—because Natalie's face morphed into incredulity.

"Really," Natalie said. "You've got no problem at all with fucking yourself. With sticking my cock into your pussy. That's not something you have the least bit of feelings about?"

"That's not true," Ana calmly defended herself. "I have plenty of thoughts on the possibility. Primarily, that I'm looking forward to it."

Natalie stared at her.

Perhaps that had been too blunt.

"And not for the rewards," Ana clarified. "This is an opportunity we might only get once. Thus, I'm more than willing to discover what it's like."

She wouldn't consider herself a thrill-seeker, always looking for new experiences, but growing a cock, and getting to play around with her own body? Ana would admit interest—and the practical benefits granted by the dungeon just made it better.

Because of how little it bothered her, Ana could tell that this was a challenge focused more on Natalie than Ana herself. As fitting, seeing how it was Natalie's class influencing the dungeon.

"And that it's with you makes it even better," Ana tacked on.

That part, she wasn't sure whether she should include, but she did anyway. Ana couldn't decide whether approaching this from a personal or impersonal perspective was smarter, so she would just be honest. That was probably for the best anyway.

Natalie flushed, some of the heat taken from her posture. "Well, I'm glad you can take it all in stride, but seriously? Having sex with your own body is a bit much, isn't it?"

Ana shrugged.

"I'm allowed to be flustered by the idea, okay?"

"But is it too much?" Ana asked.

"No. It's not too much," Natalie growled, looking away. "I'm fine, and I said I was. If that changes, I'll say something. You don't need to do all of this."

"Yes, I do."

"Why?" Natalie shot back. "Is this some kind of power play? You just have to make sure I embarrass myself as much as humanly possible? Drag as many mortifying statements out of me as you can?"

Ana tilted her head. She studied Natalie. Seeing the woman stand there, blushing, annoyed, and most importantly, vulnerable, something unexpected stirred inside Ana. Something that had reared up earlier, when she'd been playing dominant during their first encounter.

Maybe it hadn't been 'playing'.

Ana's feet carried her forward, not entirely by active intent. She stalked toward the other girl, and at the sudden advance, Natalie's eyes widened. She took an instinctive step away, but her back pressed into the wall, with nowhere to escape to. Ana closed the gap and used her newfound height to tower over Natalie, pushing the shorter girl by her waist and pinning her into the wall.

"Maybe that is what I want," Ana murmured, drawing her face close. "Maybe I do like seeing you squirm. Is that so bad?"


"But even if that wasn't true," Ana said, "I think it's best if you just admit what you want. It'll put both of us at ease."

Natalie stayed frozen, eyes wide, breathing heavily as Ana towered over her. Ana could get used to the height difference—it was unfortunate she wouldn't keep it forever.

"Go ahead," Ana insisted, getting her face even closer. "Tell me the truth. You can be honest with me. It's just us here."

"I …"

The other girl was at a complete loss for words, which satisfied Ana. Her angry confidence from earlier drained so fast Ana would almost think she was always this wide-eyed and blushing.

"Come on, then. Say it." Ana leaned closer. "You want to find out what my cock feels like, don't you? What your cock feels like. Stop dancing around it. Just tell me the truth."

Natalie finally stammered something in response. "Are you—are you serious?"

"Yes or no, Nat? Do you want my cock? I could give it to you here. Get the ceremony out of the way, so the dungeon can't hold it over us." Ana's hands wandered lower down onto her hips, and she tugged the other girl into her. "Would you like that?"

With wide eyes, Natalie panted as she stayed frozen solid. Seeing the expression on her face, Ana couldn't help herself—that same feeling from earlier surged inside her, forcing her body to move. She leaned forward, closing the last of the distance, and captured Natalie's mouth. The other girl reciprocated instantly, opening her mouth and letting Ana's tongue slip inside.

They stayed that way, kissing hungrily, Ana's hands exploring Natalie's body, and the other girl doing the same. It hadn't been the way Ana had intended this conversation to go, but something had overwhelmed her, her body acting of its own volition.

But at how easily Natalie had kissed back, she had received a straightforward answer.

Ana broke away, gasping for air, her eyes dilated with excitement. Natalie was the same, her chest rising and falling like she'd been sprinting.

"I still want an answer," Ana murmured. Obvious as the kiss had been. Though at this point, it might be because she really did want to embarrass Natalie.

Natalie swallowed. Ana let her find her words; the poor girl was obviously overwhelmed, if in a different way than Ana.

"It's just … weird," Natalie mumbled.

"But not bad?"

"Not bad."

"And you're fine with what's happening? What's coming up?"


Ana wasn't satisfied with the one-word response. She pressed back into Natalie, kissing her again. When she pulled away, leaving Natalie panting even louder than before, she nearly growled her next words.

"I want a real answer. Tell me. Do you want me to fuck you? Say it."


Ana shoved Natalie back into the wall, then pressed herself into her. Her cock pulsed against Natalie's stomach, their faces an inch apart. "Say it, Natalie."

Natalie swallowed.

Ana waited intently, staring into the other girl's eyes. She would have her answer, one way or another. And there was something endlessly intoxicating about a vulnerable Natalie, her burning cheeks giving away her thoughts so easily. Maybe because she was so normally confident? And because she was so easy to read, like this—her trembling body giving her away.

Finally, Natalie cracked.

"F-Fine," Natalie mumbled. "Yes. I do. I—I can't wait for it."

"Can't wait for what?"

"For you to fuck me, okay?" Natalie growled back—some of her heat finally showing. "There. Are you happy? I want you inside me. I want you to pin me down and fuck me until until I cant think straight and I'm screaming your name. I want to know what my cock feels like. I want to know what your cock feels like, Ana." She started slowly, but soon the words tumbled from her, like she was trying to get them out before she could stop herself. "That's the truth. All of this is weird as fuck, but I want you inside me, I want myself inside of me, and this dungeon bullshit was giving me an excuse to hide behind—but you couldn't let me have that. So thanks. Are you happy now?"

Ana smiled. She was. She patted Natalie gently on the cheek and pulled away. "Thank you for the honesty."

Natalie watched her, breathing heavily, and visibly dazed at the words that had come from her mouth. They'd been surprisingly easy to get from her.

"Okay. I'm confident I know where we stand, now," Ana said, returning to her professional tone—and this time, not because she was actually calm, but to tease Natalie, because it was just too much fun.

If Ana didn't know a challenge was coming up, and that she would get to indulge then, she would have pinned Natalie against the wall and taken her right there, just as the girl had all but begged for her to do. But, there was combat coming up, and other challenges. So it was best to save all of that for later. And it was best to let Natalie stew. It would make it even better when the time came.

Seeing Natalie panting against the wall, scarlet-faced and unable to form words, Ana just laughed. She grabbed Natalie by the hand, pulled her forward, then spun her around. The forceful manhandling of the other girl did something for Ana—and something for Natalie too, from what she'd seen earlier.

"Go ahead, then. Let's keep going. We've got a dungeon to clear." She smirked, then, another impulse taking her over, she slapped the other girl on the ass to get her going—who jumped and covered herself, spinning to look at her with wide eyes. Ana laughed, then made a shooing motion. "And the sooner we get to the next challenge, the sooner you can find out what your cock feels like. Isn't that a great motivator?"

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