Dungeons and Dalliances

5.22 – Pet I/II

Double length chapter today, so next update Monday

"You can't be serious," Sofia said.

"There's a hot girl getting naked for me. How am I not supposed to touch myself?" Natalie grinned as she teased her panties to the side, edging them down. They'd snagged on her quickly-stiffening cock, which Sofia's eyes were both trying to avoid and seemingly unable to. "And it's been a long day. I'm allowed some stress relief. Help a teammate out."

Sofia, predictably, just gave her a disdainful look, her fallback reaction for when Natalie was flustering her. But Sofia knew her position—that she belonged to Natalie for the week—so she did as she was told.

She started with her shirt, crossing her arms and grabbing the hem to pull it up and over her head. She didn't go slow, as Natalie told her to, but Natalie enjoyed herself nonetheless. Sofia's long white hair cascaded down her back as her breasts were freed. With no bra to hide herself with, Natalie's eyes roamed hungrily over Sofia's newly exposed skin. Her petite breasts were small but perky, cute pink nipples stiffening under Natalie's intense gaze.

"Look at those tits," she murmured, sliding her hand onto her panties and gripping herself through the fabric. "And don't cover up. Stop playing shy."

Sofia forcibly put her hands to the side. They twitched in place as Natalie continued to drink the sight in.

"You don't have to ogle me," Sofia muttered. "You look like such a pervert."

"Oh, please. You're loving this. Showing off. You can protest as much as you want. You're easy to read."

A flush spread across Sofia's cheeks at the accusation, but she just sniffed. "I'm sure you believe that." She hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her pajama pants, then shimmied them down over her wide hips, slowly revealing a pair of lacy black panties underneath. "And no," Sofia interrupted. "I did not wear these for you."

"Just like to lounge around in lacy underwear, do you?" Natalie asked, grinning. She tightened her grip on her cock, squeezing herself through her panties, which Sofia's eyes locked on before being forcibly dragged away. "What a naughty girl." Natalie, of course, didn't buy the excuse; Sofia definitely had worn them in anticipation for tonight. Maybe she'd been hoping Natalie would finally leverage their bet.

"As if," Sofia huffed. Her face burned crimson, but she made no move to cover herself as she bent forward to slide her pajama pants down. Natalie watched creamy white legs get revealed, and she raked her eyes up and down, drinking the sight in. Sofia tossed the garment to the side, now standing in just her panties.

Natalie leaned back, sighing in satisfaction.

"Turn around."

Sofia hesitated. Then, with an exasperated roll of her eyes that didn't mask the deepening blush on her cheeks, she obeyed.

Like always, Sofia's ass was a work of art. Natalie whistled her appreciation—intending to be crude. "Damn," she breathed out. Finally, she slipped her cock out from her panties, wrapping a hand around herself as she admired Sofia's ass. She started to stroke, long, slow up-and-downs, unable to help herself with Sofia standing there, on display. The black lace of Sofia's panties framed her ass perfectly. Blue eyes peeked over her shoulder, seeing what Natalie was doing, and she flushed at the sight.

"I really can't wait to get inside you, you know," Natalie murmured, eyes locked on Sofia's ass. "To bend you over. To feel that tight pussy wrapped around me. You're lucky I'm so patient, Sofia."

Sofia stiffened. She faced back forward, indignance on her face—her mouth opening to start protesting. But the words dried up, seeing Natalie's expression.

Before she could find her voice, the front door's lock clicked. Both of them turned to see Jordan walk in, shopping bag in hand.

Jordan paused. She took in the scene. Natalie's hand on her cock, lounged out on the couch, unperturbed at her arrival. Then Sofia, half-naked and flushed with embarrassment, having quickly covered her breasts.

"I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" Jordan asked dryly.

"It's not what it looks like," Sofia said.

"That's a shame," Jordan replied easily, joining them in the living room. "Because what it looks like is that you're stripping for Natalie while she jerks off. And that would've made my whole evening." Jordan plopped down next to Natalie, set the bag aside, and snuggled into her. Natalie wrapped a free hand around Jordan's shoulder, happy to have her company. "By all means, don't let me interrupt," she said to the two of them. "Pretend I'm not here."

For a moment, Sofia stared at her. "You're just going to join in? Seriously?"

"Why wouldn't I? I'm only human," Jordan said, smirking. "I like a show as much as anyone." She faced Natalie. "Why are her panties still on?"

"Good question," Natalie laughed. She turned to Sofia, who seemed mildly betrayed at how Jordan hadn't come to her rescue. Though Natalie doubted Sofia had really expected help. Not after the events of last morning. "Strip, pet," she ordered. "Let's see that cute pussy of yours."

Sofia took a breath in, orienting to her new situation. Two observers, instead of one. Her hands trembled as she grasped the delicate fabric of her lacy black panties. With a sharp intake of breath, she slid them down her legs, stepping out of them with an air of mortification and resignation. The undergarment joined the pile of discarded clothing on the floor.

Natalie—and Jordan, now—drank in the sight. Sofia stood in all her glory, pale skin nearly glowing under the soft light, and her full-faced blush having spread down and across her chest, which was rising and falling like she'd been running. Natalie leaned back into the plush cushions, her arousal evident in the way she stroked faster, enjoying the show. Sofia's exposed, cleanly shaven pussy, her small tits, her wide waist—but more than everything, her embarrassment. The way she squirmed as her two spectators raked their eyes across her.

Jordan's fingers brushed Natalie's hand away. "Let me." She took over, jerking Natalie off, going up and down in long, slow strokes. Sofia froze at the sight, seeing Jordan pleasure Natalie's cock right in front of her. She couldn't seem to tear her gaze away, even as her blush deepened.

"I thought she was putting on the show," Natalie said to Jordan, voice low and teasing. "But maybe we are." She faced Sofia and said louder, "You like what you see, pet?"

Sofia jerked her eyes up to meet Natalie's. "I …" It took longer than it should have to find the obvious response. She sniffed. "No, of course not. Don't be gross." Her words lacked conviction. "You're the pervert, not me."

This woman was so easy. Natalie seriously couldn't get enough of it. She smirked, but didn't press.

"Well, you have armor to try on, don't you? What are you waiting for?"

Sofia twitched, as if she'd forgotten. She seemed almost grateful for the distraction as she grabbed the monster cores. Relieved to have something else to look at besides the lewd display on the couch.

"Armor?" Jordan asked. "You got it already, then?"

Natalie caught Jordan up on the situation. She concluded with, "And it has a set bonus. Was gonna find out what it is myself, but I figured I'd let Sofia do the honors."

"Good choice."

The conversation was briefly interrupted as Jordan shuffled off the couch. Grinning mischievously, she retrieved Sofia's discarded panties from the floor, then snuggled back into Natalie's side. "Don't mind me," she said. "Just had an idea."

She draped the lacy fabric over Natalie's cock. Sofia's eyes widened as she watched it happen.

"What—what do you think you're doing?" Sofia demanded.

Jordan's hand wrapped around Natalie's cock, bunching Sofia's panties in with it. She gripped tight, then stroked up, dragging the fabric along. Twisting her wrist, she really worked the silky material around Natalie's cockhead.

"Using your panties to jerk your owner off," Jordan said. "What does it look like I'm doing?"

Natalie shivered, the motion more pleasurable because of the lewdness than the actual sensation—knowing it was Sofia's panties being rubbed around on her cock. Her heart was slamming, suddenly.

"Seriously?" Sofia mumbled, staring. "That's so …" She couldn't find the right word.

"Hot?" Jordan suggested. "Yeah. It is. And I can tell Natalie agrees. She likes it. It's really twitching in my hand." Jordan grinned at Sofia. "Her cock must like being in your panties."

Sofia kept staring with wide eyes, speechless at the display.

"Aren't you supposed to be putting that armor on?" Jordan reminded her.

Sofia's mouth worked for a moment before she snapped out of it. She returned to her task. One by one, she donned the various armor pieces, though with each addition, her incredulity grew. It was, as Natalie had already noted, a scandalous design. Thin straps of black leather joined forged plates of erotite, creating a bikini top that—reforming to suit Sofia's body—struggled to contain even her modest chest. The bottom piece was a wisp of metal, leaving nothing to the imagination, not even fully covering the gap between her legs.

It looked even better than Natalie had hoped for. Sofia's blush was immediate and intense as she incredulously examined herself. The sight was so absurd that she even seemed to forget Jordan was jerking Natalie off with her panties; her attention stayed on her own body.

"This is ridiculous," she muttered, facing them with mortification in her blue eyes. "You don't expect me to wear this, do you? It's not even armor. It's lingerie." She shook her head. "And slutty lingerie at that." Her hands self-consciously attempted to cover the parts of her that the armor didn't, before she forced them back down to her side.

Natalie laughed, not disagreeing. "What's the set bonus?"

Sofia paused as she examined the armor, her eyes going up and to the right as she read something in her mind that only she was privy to. Her nose wrinkled at what she found.

"Ah," Sofia said. "I suppose that makes sense."


"'Forcible Allure'," she repeated from whatever hidden words she'd read. "It's a taunting effect. Enemies are drawn to the wearer."

Natalie's eyebrows went up. One of the biggest missing pieces in her kit was a taunt. So the effect was even better than she hoped for: perfectly suited to her class. Jordan's stroking hand also paused in surprise.

"It seems you don't have a choice in the matter," Jordan said to Natalie. "You have to wear it, with an effect like that." She shared a grin with Sofia. "I'm not sure who's luckier. Her, or us, since we get to see her in that all day, now."

Sofia sputtered at the implication—that she would be happy that Natalie would be wearing something so lewd throughout the dungeon—before huffing. She crossed her arms under her breasts, which only served to push them up provocatively. She didn't have much up top, but the armor helped accentuate even her modest assets.

"Oh," Jordan said suddenly, facing Natalie. "And, the armor's great, but I also went shopping for our pet." She reached over for her shopping bag, leaving Sofia's panties dangling on Natalie's erection. Her lips curled mischievously. "I think she—and you—will appreciate what I found."

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