Dungeons and Dalliances

5.30 – ❤ Dungeon Prep II

Sofia knew Natalie had something planned the moment her eyes flicked her way. She stiffened, growing hot as blue eyes lingered on her own, Natalie's lips curling up the slightest amount up as she raked her gaze across her. But whatever the woman had planned, she didn't enact right away. She turned to face Liz and Jordan.

"So, just to make sure, none of you mind?" Natalie asked. Her attention landed primarily on Liz. Of them, she was the only one who might have a problem with this. Jordan obviously didn't—that woman was worse than Natalie when it came to this. In some regards, at least.

Sofia herself hardly wanted to watch this degeneracy unfold, but she belonged to Natalie up through the weekend. Besides, there were good points being made: this did seem to be the reality of their circumstances. Everyone on the team ought to grow comfortable with each other, simply because of Natalie's class.

At least in seeing each other. Obviously, Sofia wasn't going to be throwing herself into their beds just because Natalie's class was perverted. But simple familiarity was a necessity.

Those were her very valid, very relevant excuses, at least.

"Um," Liz said, shifting in place as her blush grew. "I mean, n-not really? I understand. My wand is a handful too." She laughed a bit nervously, waving the sliver of wood to emphasize the point. "So … yeah! Have fun?"

Natalie laughed, which Liz blushed even deeper at, then faced back to Ana—and approached. Impassive green eyes tilted up as Natalie arrived to tower over the shorter mage. Natalie leaned down, hands settling on the other girl's waist, and she whispered something into her ear. Ana's attention flicked toward Sofia, and Sofia's heart jumped. That was all the confirmation she needed that, whatever Natalie had planned to 'help Ana out', she was about to get roped in too.

Which was ... fine. She did have a bet with Natalie. And if Sofia were being generous to the other woman, maybe Natalie was only planning it because of her collar. It did need to be trained if they wanted to earn its full benefits. Otherwise, Sofia was walking around with a collar around her neck for no reason.

Training the collar concerned Sofia for obvious reasons though. It required Natalie to give her commands she found embarrassing. Degrading. And everyone—the entire team—would be watching it happen.

Then again, even more reason to use it, here and now. What better way to amplify the embarrassment? And thus train it faster.

For a few more moments, Natalie kept whispering into Ana's ear, too low for Sofia to hear. The other girl nodded twice before Natalie pulled away, snorting. Ana's face revealed nothing of what Natalie might have told her. Maybe that meant it wasn't anything too bad.

Who was Sofia kidding? Ana wouldn't react to the sky falling, much less any plans Natalie could imagine up. Ana had been the one to suggest the two of them fuck in front of the party in the first place.

"Say one good thing about this armor," Natalie announced. "It's easy to take off."

At the words, Sofia's eyes flicked down to the metal cup between Natalie's legs. As expected, the revealing armor had reshaped itself to fit Natalie. Or rather, reshaped itself to barely fit her. The pink cup technically kept her modest, in the same way it had kept Sofia 'technically' modest.

Demonstrating her point, Natalie unhooked the band of leather keeping the skimpy piece of armor around her waist, peeling the piece of gear off in one smooth motion and tossing it casually to the side.

Ten inches of fat girl cock stiffened in the air, and somewhere in the back of her mind, Sofia chided herself for how she couldn't tear her eyes away. There was really something about watching it grow and grow to full throbbing mast. She was almost annoyed at how perfect Natalie's veiny, angry-looking girl cock was. Didn't she already have tits, an amazing ass, muscles, and that roguish short red hair and smoldering blue eyes? She really had to have the whole package any girl would die for, then also win the lottery in cock, too?


"You're gonna help, pet, so go ahead and come over," Natalie said with an impatient hand wave, jolting Sofia out of her brief distraction.


Like usual, the word cut straight through her. She fought away the heat squirming in her stomach. Why did that word do so many things to her? It wasn't fair. Especially the degrading flair Natalie emphasized the word with. Almost more than the word itself, it was how she said it.


Her pet.

Natalie's needy, pathetic little sex pet.

Little jolts went through Sofia, imagining each word.

Sofia's eyes flicked to Liz. She'd grown used to—okay, not used to, but at least she'd experienced it a few times—to Jordan and Natalie bullying her in private, but definitely not with her other two teammates watching. Not Liz. Elizabeth Beaumon. A literal royal, a member of high society, someone who was undoubtedly going to be somebody in the world, when they graduated.

And Sofia was expected to, what, perform for Natalie's sake? Right in front of her? Didn't she know how that would ruin her image? Natalie might not have political goals, but Sofia did. Direct power only went so far. Sofia wanted to be somebody—like Liz would be. That was how she could create change, most easily. Accomplish her goals in life. And Liz Beaumon, though her friend, was also poised to be an important political ally.

For a moment, they held eye contact. Liz's face burned red, and she cleared her throat and looked away. Sofia did the same.

"Fine. Since my collar needs to be upgraded," Sofia said—though she couldn't help but feel immediately embarrassed at stating it out loud. Everyone here already knew her circumstances. So it almost sounded like she was making excuses for herself. Or was she overthinking it?

Natalie smirked at her, probably reading the way her thoughts were tumbling around inside her head. Why was the damn woman so good at flustering her? She was so annoying.

Huffing, Sofia approached the other two girls and crossed her arms, waiting to see what her fate would be. Jordan, in the spectator's gallery with Liz, leaned into the royal and murmured something into her ear—making Liz squeak. Sofia wasn't sure she wanted to know what'd just been said to her. Maybe it was lucky that she couldn't hear.

"On your knees," Natalie instructed. "You're gonna put those pretty cock-sucking lips to good use. I think Ana will like the show." She stepped behind Ana and pulled the other girl in close. Gripping her cock, she guided her way between Ana's thighs, her thick member popping out the other side of her legs. Ana, instinctively, squeezed her thighs together. She was still wearing her flimsy dress—more a collection of ribbons than a dress—as well as her panties, so the sight of her body was partially obscured. Still, seeing Natalie's cock jutting out from between the shorter girl's soft thighs made Sofia's head suddenly start spinning.

Put on a show?

With her cock-sucking lips?

While Natalie's cock was sandwiched between Ana's thighs?

"I don't like repeating myself," Natalie said, one hand sneaking underneath Ana's robes and grabbing a handful of her right breast, squeezing. Ana shivered and leaned back into Natalie, her back arching. Her cool green eyes surveyed Sofia, as if curious to see what she would do. The woman's permanent aloofness was really so perplexing—and for some reason, started to make Sofia's skin prickle with heat. Couldn't she have the good grace to even blush while being groped by another woman, her thighs squeezing Natalie's cock? Or was this just any other delving expedition to her?

Sofia stayed frozen for a moment, heat pulsing through her.

"Only if you want to, of course," Ana said calmly.

Well. There was one considerate woman between the two of them. Except Sofia didn't want considerate. Because she couldn't just say out loud that she 'wanted to'. How horrifying would that be? It would've been better if Ana had just stayed silent and let Natalie use her however she wanted. At least Natalie gave Sofia the grace of denial.

So instead, Sofia sniffed loudly, not replying to Ana. She got down on her knees in front of the two girls, pretending her heart wasn't slamming in her throat.

"It's simply part of the bet," Sofia said. "And for my collar."

Ana tilted her head.

"Then you should probably put it on," Ana commented.

Sofia stiffened.

Her hand shot up to her neck.


She hadn't, yet. She wasn't going to wear it through the streets of Aradon, obviously, so that task waited until the floor-selection chamber.

Sofia looked up Ana's body—which was ... quite a sight, from down on her knees, both peeking into her robe's cleavage, seeing the sides of her breasts, the bare hint of her nipples, barely covered, and Natalie's cock jutting from her thighs. Just to the side of Ana's impassive expression, hovering over her shoulder, Natalie smirked down at her, blue eyes amused. Probably delighting in the fact Sofia had almost forgotten to actually wear the collar before they started. Which really would have ruined her excuse.


The truth.

"S-Shut up," Sofia said, flushing. "I just forgot."

She hastily pulled the item out and clicked it around her neck, shivering, like usual, as she felt its weight settle.


Natalie's pet, once again.

Heat coursed through her, just at the idea.

"Let's get this over with," Sofia said disdainfully, already starting to feel breathless—and they hadn't even started. "We have a dungeon to explore, don't we?"

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