Dungeons and Dalliances

6.29 – ❤ The Quest To Prove Herself I & II

Double chapter, so next update Monday

Natalie looked down at the girl she was seated on. That calm expression of impassiveness, the bored eyes gazing up at her—it got under her skin in a strangely enticing way. She grabbed Ana's wrists, pinning them above her head against the bed. Ana didn't resist. Nor, indeed, did she react at all. Just watched calmly.

"You think you're so unshakable, don't you?" Natalie growled, grinding her hips forward. Her cock throbbed, begging for friction, now fully swelled out inside her skirt. Her heart beat faster by the second—weirdly turned on by Ana's impassiveness. "I'll prove it to you. I'll make you into my cocksleeve."

"Will you?"

Natalie leaned closer, their noses almost touching. She could feel Ana's shallow breaths against her lips. "I'm gonna use you like the little slut you are," she murmured. "Have you take my dick until you're a whimpering mess. You understand that?"

She punctuated the threat by lifting herself up, scrunching Ana's skirt up to waist, then wiggling her cocktip—still crammed in her own panties—against Ana's clothed slit. Cloth rubbed against cloth, Ana's pussy parting just slightly as Natalie's cock pushed against her through the layers of clothing.

Still, the mage didn't react beyond a slight tensing of her body.

"You're wet," Natalie said. "So you're already lying about how unaffected you are."

"A biological reaction," Ana said. "Is that the best you can get from me? Is that victory?"

Natalie's eyes narrowed. The instigating words made her act without thinking; she grabbed Ana's blouse and tore it open. Buttons scattered, clattering against the wooden floor, and Ana's breasts spilled free, nipples hardening in the open air. Embarrassingly, she shocked herself with the action more than she did Ana. Something had possessed her. Ana's calm, taunting words. Or maybe her need to prove herself?

The mage looked down at her exposed chest, then back at Natalie. "You realize we're on a quest? I only packed so many blouses."

Natalie regained her composure. She tried to press the advantage, but Ana's repeated lack of reaction made her follow-up words not hit nearly as hard as she would have hoped. "You look good like this. Ripped clothing. About to be fucked." She tweaked at a nipple, then leaned forward and murmured into her ear, "Like a back-alley whore."

Even that got no reaction. Would anything? What was this girl made out of?

"I'm going to break you," she promised in a low tone. "By the time I'm done, you'll be begging for my cock."

"As you keep telling me," Ana replied.

Natalie kissed her. Ana reciprocated immediately. She explored the girl's mouth, their tongues sliding against each other's. Ana's quickened breath hit her in the face when she withdrew. Encouraged, Natalie ground her hips harder, dragging her strained erection against Ana's clothed slit, before diving back down. She broke the kiss again, leaving a strand of saliva connecting their lips. Ana panted up at her.

"Starting to feel it?" Natalie asked.

Despite her reddening cheeks, Ana just shrugged. "A physical reaction, as I said. I never denied having those." She ran her eyes up and down Natalie. "Simply that you wouldn't be able to break me like I did you."

Natalie was nearly certain Ana was taunting her because it was visibly riling her up. That she knew Natalie wanted the challenge—and therefore, the bored dismissals enticed her in some strange way.

She nipped at Ana's neck, sucking a mark into the tender flesh. "Yeah, yeah. A physical reaction. Keep telling yourself that, slut."

She rocked her cock against Ana's pussy through their clothing, across the damp spot on Ana's panties. The mage's breathing hitched with each stroke, her chest rising and falling more noticeably by the second. But her voice remained level when she spoke.

"Crass words won't make me start begging. I think you're mistaking me with you." Ana nodded. "But please, continue. I suppose they are doing something for me."

Natalie took a stiff nipple into her mouth, twirling her tongue around. Ana sucked in a soft breath, her back arching involuntarily at the sensation of being played with. Natalie grinned around the nub, lashing it with her tongue, eliciting another soft gasp. She attacked Ana's other breast with equal fervor, nipping at the tender bud with her teeth. Despite her breathing growing labored, her face remained impassive. Undeterred, Natalie released Ana's wrists, hooked her fingers around the girl's panties, and pulled. Her neatly-shaven pussy was already more than a little wet. Natalie slid two fingers between those silken folds, stroking along Ana's slit. The mage tensed beneath her, jaw clenching as pleasure arced through her, but she repressed any noises.

Natalie smirked at the small victory. Repressed noises. Ana wasn't totally unfazed; she was trying to seem unaffected. Probably for Natalie's own benefit.

She leaned down, tonguing one of Ana's breasts while she worked her fingers in a tight circle over the mage's clit. Ana shuddered, a whimper catching in her throat as Natalie worked her skilled fingers and tongue. Still, she didn't cry out. 'Just a biological reaction,' Natalie knew she would have said, if she tried to call her out on it.

She toyed with the girl that way for some time, then grew impatient. She leaned up and slid her own panties off, freeing her straining cock. It stood in the air, flushed and aching, pre-cum beading at the tip. Ana's eyes locked to it. Natalie stroked herself lazily, taking some small form of relief, her own urges having started to ache. And also—showing her weapon off for an enraptured Ana's sake.

Then she pressed the head of her cock against Ana's entrance. The mage tensed.

"When we started, you told me you wouldn't fake it," Natalie murmured, amused. "But you're just faking it in the opposite way." She rubbed herself into Ana, spreading her soft lower lips. Ana's hips lifted just the slightest amount, digging Natalie in deeper, betraying the act she was putting on. "You're pretending you aren't having fun."

"Am I? An interesting theory," Ana said. "Let's assume it's true. If that were the case, then you're nonetheless not skilled enough to break the act. So that would be a failure of a different kind. Certainly not victory."

Natalie narrowed her eyes. She was right, of course, as Ana tended to be. And such a dry, straight-faced insult. 'Not good enough to break the act.' Natalie couldn't help but be amused at how rude it was, whether Ana was putting on an act or not.

Of course Ana wasn't going to be like any other blushing conquest. Especially when their first encounter had literally been Ana using Natalie's own body to fuck her nearly mindless. This might not have been how she'd expected their dynamic to turn out, but she couldn't say she was shocked, either. Ana enjoyed taking control, and this was a way that they both could, in different ways. Turning it into some kind of competition, almost.

And Ana was strangely good at reading people sometimes—at least in sex—because the challenging, yet also bored tone she was taking was really doing something for Natalie.

She gripped her shaft and slapped her cock down onto Ana's pussy. Her heart slammed in her throat, the anticipation building—having to force herself to moderate her actions, to not claim what she wanted right away. She had to break Ana's placid mask before this was over. Her dignity demanded it.

Slowly pulling her hips back and forth as she slid her length along Ana's pussy, the dark-haired mage watched, seemingly unable to tear her eyes away. Even if Ana could excuse her reactions as 'biological', Natalie took satisfaction in how her pupils dilated as she prepared herself.

"Ready?" Natalie murmured, pulling back to line herself up. Her cocktip kissed between Ana's lips, and a small wiggle buried herself just the smallest bit in—starting to stretch the girl around her.

"For what?" Ana replied. "Is something important happening?"

Natalie snorted. Not able to take the teasing any longer, she pressed forward, the head of her cock spreading Ana's tight pussy apart. The mage's muscles went taut at the penetration, but no noises escaped her. Natalie grabbed the girl's hips, pulling Ana flush against her as she hilted herself inside that slick, velvet sheath with a quick, unrelenting motion. Ana's back arched, fisting the bedsheets as she came to terms with Natalie's size.

Natalie also froze in pleasure. "Fuck," she groaned, basking in the sensation for a long moment. Ana's pussy gripped her tightly, radiating exquisite heat. "You're fucking tight."

Ana's eyes fluttered as her back slowly un-arched, settling back into the sheets. She stopped gripping the bedsheets. When she spoke, her voice was perfectly controlled.

"You're big," she said simply. "Bigger than I expected."

Natalie smirked. She pulled her hips back until just the tip was still inside, then snapped forward. Ana gasped, unable to hold her silence for a second time at the hard motion, not having braced herself.

Natalie set a punishing pace, her hips smacking into Ana. The bed creaked rhythmically beneath them as she picked up pace. Ana's breasts bounced with the force of her brutal, clapping strokes, her chest flushing red and her eyes starting to flutter. Even so, she refused to make any noises beyond a few strained gasps.

"That's it, take it," Natalie growled. She leaned over Ana, her tits in the mage's face. She grabbed Ana's wrists, pinning them over her head. With her leverage increased, Ana's lower half curled slightly upward, she pounded into the girl mercilessly. Ana made a whimpering noise, her toes curling, pussy squeezing hard around Natalie's invading length.

But though Natalie seemed to be making progress as she pounded away, sweat starting to slick her skin, Natalie realized something damning. She herself was running up against that cliff, too. And rather quickly.

Was she even winning?

She slowed her thrusts to languid, deep strokes, pushing against Ana's cervix with each pulse of her hips, drawing gasps from the girl.

"C'mon," Natalie taunted breathily. "Let it out for me. I can see how hard you're trying to keep it in."

In between hard smacks, Ana released a long, slow keening sound—but then mastered herself, that small weakness all she allowed herself to show. Even this deep in, she seemed in control.

Gritting her teeth, Natalie poured all her focus into fucking Ana as hard as she could. The mage's body shook with each powerful thrust. It was maddening how little she was reacting; a few escaped moans was hardly enough to satisfy Natalie. That bored expression was driving her crazier by the moment.

And not just frustrated, but some other hot, flustering emotion was filling her too.

"Fuck." Natalie needed more. It felt too good. Ana's pussy was way too tight, too hot and wet to resist. And more than that, her impassive expression—how she was pretending to barely even notice Natalie was there, overtop her, pounding as hard as she could.

Grabbing Ana's hips, she flipped the smaller girl over onto her hands and knees. Natalie lined herself back up and slammed inside, burying to the hilt. Ana's back arched, dark hair spilling across her shoulders. She grabbed a fistful of it, yanking Ana's head back as she regained her pace. After all the manhandling Ana had done to her down in the dungeon, some repayment was only in order—some rude words and rough treatment would only be half payback.

Skin slapped against skin, the bed frame shaking as Natalie's hips met Ana's ass. Ana buried her face into the bed, hands gripping bedsheets for her life, but still infuriatingly refused to give Natalie the satisfaction of breaking down in any meaningful way. She knelt there, ass in the air, taking what Natalie had to give.

Desperate, Natalie reached around to rub tight circles over Ana's clit. The mage's thighs trembled, breaths coming in staccato gasps.

"That's it," Natalie panted. "Come on, scream for me. Let go."

Ana shook her head—which was some kind of reaction, she guessed. But not what she was aiming for. Natalie could feel her own orgasm building, pressure coiling tight in her core.

She wasn't going to last much longer.

She wasn't going to win, was she?

With a frustrated groan, she picked up speed one more time, her hips betraying her mental commands. She simply couldn't stop herself.

"Go ahead," Ana moaned, voice muffled while her face was buried in the bed. "You can finish inside. Breed your good girl. Give her your cum."

The mage was too devious. She knew exactly what to say. Disappointment flooded Natalie's veins even as fire started to. She buried herself deep with one last thrust. A whining moan escaped her as her cock twitched and throbbed, finally releasing, flooding her body with hot ecstasy. Ropes of cum pumped into Ana's spasming sheath as Natalie came hard, filling her to the brim in a dozen thick pulses. Some barely-there part of Natalie remembered to activate and empower her ability, [Invigorating] Ana as they had planned.

As Natalie pumped her full, Ana let out her own whine, the biggest break in her composure yet, but definitely no real victory on Natalie's part. Feeling herself be filled up, Ana let go herself. She shuddered through her own silent climax, but even cumming as Natalie filled her up, she refused to give Natalie the satisfaction of a proper moaning, gasping finish. Her body shook, pussy clenching down on Natalie to milk her out just that much more, but otherwise, she maintained her composure. Even while climaxing.

Natalie collapsed into the bedsheets. Gasping for breath, both of them wrung out, they lay there. After a second, Ana scooted up next to her, cuddling in. Natalie wrapped an arm around her. Though breathing hard and flushed, Ana was obviously less of a mess than her. To be fair, she hadn't been the one setting the pace.

"Hm," Ana said. "That was nice, I suppose."

Natalie groaned, covering her face with one hand. "Don't patronize me."

"I mean it. You gave it your best effort." She patted Natalie's stomach. "I already told you, I'm not you. I don't break so easily. You can't be blamed."

Natalie glared at Ana. Ana met her expression calmly.

"So you're a smug winner, then?" she asked.

"Smug? That's the wrong word. Simply satisfied. I enjoy making deductions and seeing them come true." She sat up. Her torn blouse and hiked-up skirt was a rather appealing look, and despite having just expended herself, Natalie felt her arousal stir. Ana glanced in that direction, and her face betrayed none of her thoughts as she saw Natalie stiffen. "We have a quest," Ana said. "And now I need a shower, so there's no time to attend to that. One is all you get." She hummed. "You'll need to fetch a blouse from my room for me, too. I can't go around like this."

Still flushed and barely recovered from her orgasm, Natalie was a bit miffed that she hadn't even done a good enough job to leave Ana scrambled for a few moments. Back to business in less than a minute. The mage scooted over to the edge of the bed and stood, cupping her pussy to stop Natalie's load from dripping everywhere. She headed for the bathroom to find a towel.


Well, Natalie just had to do better next time. Come up with a better plan. She'd only failed because she'd gotten a little too carried away, getting to use Ana's pussy for the first time. The whole 'expressionless while being furiously pounded into' thing had been strangely exciting, too.

Sighing, and with her head finally starting to clear, Natalie scooted off the bed and went to join Ana in the bathroom.

"Don't get cocky just because you won the first round," she muttered. "I'll have you next time."

"Perhaps," Ana replied. "But if I were to take an educated guess, I think most likely you won't."

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