Dungeons and Dalliances

6.44 – Nest

The trek into the Duskwood was a smoother process than the first time, with them knowing the general location to look through. So long as their assumption was correct, the goblin nest would be near where they had fought the empowered Raid Leader.

They took Malice out of the [Capture Core] on the outskirts of the forest, wanting to have their sixth member ready to respond at a moment's notice. The wolfgirl vibrated with excitement, having been looking forward to the fight. To her senses, it hadn't been long, if any time at all, since leaving yesterday. Malice had said being stored in the capture core was similar to sleeping, but not exactly, and that was obvious enough just by how aware she was between transfers: she didn't have to groggily wake up; she barely had to orient.

Natalie wondered whether she even had some vague awareness of what was happening outside of the core. She could see that going either way.

Less than an hour of exploration led them to their target.

The goblin base, or nest, or whatever a person wanted to call it, was a collection of primitive and hastily made shelters with a large fireplace at the center for cooking and providing heat. Animal corpses lay scattered a short distance away, stripped for meat, their bones exposed to the air. More interesting were the crates: food, textiles, spices, the plunder of merchant wagons they'd been attacking for the last several weeks. They were stacked in one giant pile, obviously unused, just sitting there to be … she didn't even know. Worshiped? The pile of goods gave a vague impression of an altar.

Natalie wondered whether that was a valid impression, or if she'd been influenced to believe so, knowing Greed had made one of these creatures a champion. Though maybe 'champion' was too strong a word. Natalie doubted that Lust's patronage of her was at all comparable to Greed's for these goblins.

There were plenty of the creatures left, even with the limited view Natalie had, peeking between trees a fair distance away. They'd done good work thinning their numbers during previous skirmishes, but clearly the operation was larger than Tenet, or Tarenhelm, had initially thought. For that matter, it had already been a more difficult quest than assumed from the two bands they'd already fought, much less this final encounter.

The creatures busied themselves with their daily lives, and it was a bit unnerving watching them eat, walk around, organize their altar of goods, and other such activities. It didn't humanize them, since none were talking, chatting, laughing, or anything else she'd expect to see in a camp of sapient beings, but it was still weird and made her uncomfortable.

One goblin stood out, bigger than the rest. That, too, came as no surprise, or only half of one, because it was still a shock to see a goblin nearly three times the size of the rest. The thing's muscles were even more bulging than the Raid Leader, and if Natalie had to guess, that was not only because it was more deeply imbued by Greed—the true leader of this clan—but also because it was strength-focused, not agility like the dagger and bow wielding Raid Leader.

After observing the camp, taking care to stay hidden—it was fortunate they'd found the base without being seen—Natalie and her team retreated to discuss their plans.

"About twenty I saw," Jordan said. "And probably a few hidden here and there. We can get the drop on them, take out five or six before they know what's happening."

"So only a bit more difficult than the other fights," Sofia said. "Which we expected. The real problem, obviously, is the big one."

"Yeah," Jordan said. "The big guy."

For some reason, everyone's attention turned to Natalie. She could only assume it was because both she, and it, were paladins of sorts.

"Well," Natalie said. "There's no telling how strong it is. But it's gotta die either way." She shrugged. "So let's go fuck it up."

"Free energy, as far as I'm concerned," Malice said with a grin, eyes flicking toward the goblin camp. She was bouncing on her heels, barely able to suffer through these 'practical talks.' It set Natalie's own bloodlust itching too, seeing how eager she was to get going.

"And at least there's only one," Natalie said. "I was worried there'd be the main boss, and maybe another Raid Leader too. That would've been tricky."

"Just a bunch of weak ones, and the big guy," Jordan agreed. "That's easier. We thinking two sub-parties, like before?"

That was all but inevitable when fighting so many enemies at once. "Liz gives Ana her buff," Natalie said. "Sofia guards the two of them. Me, Jay, and Malice see what we can do to take the boss down. Maybe we can get on top of it before it knows."

"Probably won't happen," Sofia grunted. "It's in the middle of the camp."

"Don't see a weapon though," Jordan said. "So maybe it'll be unarmed?"

"Do you see the size of that thing? I'm pretty sure it's a brute. All the other goblins are carrying their weapons with them, so the boss would too—but it just doesn't have one."

Jordan nodded, conceding the point. "Probably true. Doesn't change anything though. Getting the drop on it will help."

"Still try to take out as many on the way as you can," Liz chimed in. "Don't just rush for the boss, ignoring the rest. New Ana is scary, but she's still one mage. Twenty or more goblins is a lot."

"Especially since some will be level three," Ana said. "Those won't die in a single shot. Once they get to us, it's harder to deal with."

"That's why you'll have Sofia," Natalie said idly. "And we'll come if we need to. But yes, I'll take out what I can during the rush." She just figured occupying the boss's attention would go a lot further toward the ultimate goal—and be necessary anyway. It wasn't like they had much choice in the matter; it would engage them within seconds of the fight breaking out, regardless. "Any objections, or should we go for it? Every second we spend chatting is another we might get caught. Don't wanna lose the advantage."

"Let's do it," Sofia said, rolling her grip on her rapier. "And Malice?"


"Don't howl to announce us, please," she said dryly.

The wolfgirl paused, then frowned. She sniffed. "Ambushes are beneath us," she said. "But yes, fine, whatever. I can stay quiet." Her grin came back, canines exposed. "As long as I have something to kill, I'm happy."

Natalie nodded.

It was time, then.

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