Dungeons and Dalliances

6.51 – The Baron’s Daughter

Alaina's stomach had been squirming all day.

Longer than that. Ever since that incident back at The Kraken's Hearth. But it had grown much worse since joining Natalie for the celebration. Being in her presence was intoxicating. Frankly, Alaina was surprised by just how much she was taken in by the other girl. She hadn't ever been this interested in someone before, much less a woman.

She'd been fascinated by Natalie since the start, since their introduction, really, but her stomach hadn't started squirming until that mishap where she'd caught a peek of something she shouldn't have. Some switch in her brain had toggled on when she had overheard those things happening inside Natalie's room. And when Natalie had answered the door in just a towel.

The sight of that had seared itself onto her brain. It was scandalous how often she'd been thinking about it. Had she imagined how big it was? Or had it been a trick of the light or fabric? Somehow, she didn't think so.

Whatever the case, based on the sounds she'd heard, Natalie had been thoroughly entertaining her guest regardless of size. To think something like that was hiding beneath Natalie's skirt … she tried to shake her head clear, but it didn't work, like usual.

She hoped she hadn't been caught stealing glances at Natalie's skirt throughout the evening. Natalie didn't seem to have noticed, at least. Alaina thanked the heavens she had been raised to be composed and discreet, else she wouldn't have stood a chance.

The park they detoured to was mostly empty. Most people out and about at this hour were at the celebration. There were a handful of people scattered throughout the greenery, but not many, far fewer than usual. Compared to the bustle at the celebration, it was practically a private space. Which had been the goal.

On Alaina's prompting, Natalie continued to regale her with stories from the dungeon runs she'd been on. And while those weren't the real topics of her interest, she was nonetheless enraptured. Both by the content, the dangerous fights and exciting escapades she got up to beneath the surface, but also simply by Natalie. Watching her speak with such passion, it wasn't surprising that she had ended up at Tenet.

With how much she found herself hanging on Natalie's words, Alaina wondered whether this infatuation was something more than lust. Certainly, she found herself absorbed in Natalie in a way she hadn't been in a long time, if ever. Alas, even if it was more than Natalie's pretty looks and … interesting secret … reeling her in, Alaina wasn't so irresponsible as to let her interest take hold too solidly. She had duties at Tarenhelm, and Natalie had Tenet. A relationship between them would be completely untenable. No, if anything were to happen, it would be a brief fling.

And time for even that was running out.

Alaina chewed her lip, mulling over her strategy.

"What is it?" Natalie asked suddenly—or what felt sudden to her.

"Hm?" Alaina asked.

The red-headed girl seem amused. "There's something you want to ask. You drifted off."

Alaina's cheeks colored. Had she? She realized she had; the end of Natalie's story had passed right by her.

"Well," Alaina said. "I suppose there is something."

"Go ahead."

"I've been wondering about Tenet life. There's so many … stories I've heard."


"You know, not just classes and competitions," Alaina said. She stalled briefly before continuing. "But also … relationships between students?"

Natalie's eyebrows went up.

A coloring turned into a full blush. "It is an academy crammed full of fit, adventure-seeking men and women. That kind of environment, all sorts of things would be happening, no? Everyone's heard the rumors."

By Natalie's grin, she'd picked up what Alaina was hinting at. Unfortunately, she apparently liked seeing her squirm, because she played dumb. "Lady Crestwood, I don't have a single idea what you're talking about."

"Don't call me that," Alaina huffed. "And yes, you do know what I'm asking."

"Nope. I'm afraid you'll need to spell it out."

"Is it true the students there are … liberal, with their physical activities?"

"Mandated training hours every morning," Natalie confirmed in an over-serious tone. "How else would we stay in shape?"



"It's … normal to cavort amongst each other, I mean? Casually and frequently?"

"If by cavorting, you mean everyone's fucking each other's brains out, then yes, Alaina, that's pretty true."

Alaina floundered briefly, taken aback by the quick swap in tone. Natalie laughed at her lack of words, which prompted a swat at her arm.

"Well!" Alaina said, composing herself. "It does make sense. Everyone needs stress relief. It sounds like a chaotic environment."

"It's not so bad," Natalie said. "The dungeon's the hard part, not the academy."

"I bet." Alaina hesitated. "And how about you?"

"How about me?"

"Do you take part in that … stress relief?"

Natalie's eyebrows went up. Alaina blushed furiously at how unsubtle she was being. After a second, though, her expression settled back into that roguish grin—the one that nearly stopped her heart every time it was sent her way.

"Here and there," Natalie said, in a way that suggested it was a lot more than here and there. But Alaina had already guessed that, if not just from her easily flirtatious nature, then what she'd heard first-hand the other night. Those outrageous noises coming through Natalie's door.

"I see," Alaina said. "Sorry if these questions are personal. I'm just, um, interested in Tenet life."

"Sure," Natalie said, in a way that told her she didn't believe Alaina for a second.

"And when you do indulge in that, ah, stress relief," Alaina said. "Is it usually with men or women?"

Dryly, Natalie asked, "What do you think, Alaina?"

Alaina cleared her throat. "Women?"

Natalie snorted.

"Right. Yes. Of course. I assumed. That only makes sense." Realizing she was rambling, Alaina cut herself off.

"And you?" Natalie asked. "What are your preferences?"

Alaina paused.


There wasn't going to be a better opening. She swallowed and forced herself to meet Natalie's eyes.

"If I'm being honest, usually men. But, recently, there's been an exception."

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