Dungeons and Dalliances

7.09 – Mentorship VII

Natalie had Instructor Robin's breasts in her hands.

Her teacher's tits. The tits of a decorated top-ranker combat instructor from Tenet Academy. Were in her hands.

It was a bit surreal.

Natalie struggled to keep herself grounded as she washed Robin's chest, rubbing her fingers over those smooth, full curves and squeezing ample flesh. Try as she might to rationalize the situation, or remind herself that she needed to be careful, there was no way she could actually ignore the fact she was groping Instructor Robin's tits. She couldn't believe she'd been asked to do this.

"I do believe they're clean already, Natalie," Robin said, voice tinged with amusement.

They were naked in the hot bath of her private estate, standing in the shallower side—the basin sloped down—face-to-face so that Natalie could lather the older woman up. Her combat instructor's nipples were erect as Natalie ran her hands across her breasts, sliding all around, smearing soapy water. It took a second for the words to register. She hastily, though with reluctance, forced herself to move on.

Which wasn't necessarily a tragedy. From breasts she trailed down to Robin's smooth stomach, gliding over that flat, slightly bumpy expanse of toned muscle. And to other parts of her gorgeous body.

Leaning forward just the smallest amount, more by accident than anything, Natalie's very erect cock poked gently in the top of Robin's thigh.

"Mind your spacing, now," her Instructor said in mild reprimand.

Natalie took a half-step back, swallowing. She tried to ignore the fact she'd just felt her cock against her teacher's naked body. No matter how light and fleeting the contact had been, the idea still sent a thrill through her.

Seriously, how had she ended up in this situation?

And was Instructor Robin waiting for her to make a move?

Natalie could barely put into words how tempted she was to push her luck. To find out. To let her hands wander—to grope her instructor under the guise of washing her, to pinch a nipple or slip a hand between her thighs. Even to 'accidentally' poke her cock somewhere less appropriate, just to see how Robin would react.

Because that was what this all was about, right? Testing Natalie's resolve? But Robin had never actually told her not to make a move on her. And it wasn't like this was back at Tarenhelm, with Alaina, where a slip of judgment meant real consequences. She even had logic on her side; she could argue that without ever being warned, or explicitly made aware that this was a test, then she wasn't really at fault for making a move. Not when there'd been so many hints she might be interested. A vague inference that Natalie wasn't supposed to wasn't enough to truly condemn her for her actions. Plus maybe Robin really was waiting for her to make a move; maybe this wasn't a test, and just the older woman trying to get laid. Hardly impossible.

Even if it was a test, Natalie was starting to wonder if she should try anyway. A scolding for her lack of control sounded like a great trade-off for getting to toy with her teacher's nipples, or even more exciting activities. She wondered how much she could get away with before the real scolding began. Robin had barely reacted to having her breasts squeezed or a cock pressed into her, after all.

Natalie finally built up the nerve—or the last dregs of her good sense fled—and her hands started to ascend back upward from their route of cleaning Robin's body, though now with much less chaste intentions. But just as her hands started to once again cup Robin's breasts for another round of squeezing, and this bout to be much more indulgent, Natalie was unceremoniously cut off.

"That will do," Robin said, grabbing her wrists and lowering Natalie's hands away. "I shall return the favor, now."

Natalie didn't have time to absorb the implications of that statement before her instructor began doing just as she'd said. She grabbed the soap bar, lathered her hands up, and began running soapy water across Natalie's own body.

There was, however, no teasing sensuality to her movements: her hands traveled briskly around Natalie's stomach, sides, breasts, shoulders, arms, and so on, scrubbing her body clean without a hint of sexual intent.

Not that Natalie enjoyed it less for that fact. She stood frozen as the naked older woman stood close to her, leaning forward to scrub down every inch of her. For the first time, she got to experience Robin's hands on her body, rubbing up and down her breasts, brushing her nipples in passing, making her breath catch.

It didn't help her devolving composure. Natalie might have acted if she hadn't gone still as a statue, too surprised by the development to react.

Even when Robin reached between her legs, she didn't falter. Her hands slipped onto the base of Natalie's cock, wrapping slim pale fingers around her length, and stroked.

Once. Twice. Three times, her combat lead ran that powerful grip up and along her aching erection, and Natalie's mind went blank.

It was happening. Instructor Robin was jerking her off. And of course she was. Obviously, this whole event had been leading to—

Then she moved on, soapy hands working down Natalie's thighs. Professional as could be.

So much for that. Her cock throbbed hard at being denied, bouncing visibly in front of Robin, and her instructor pretended not to see it.

"I believe," Instructor Robin said a moment later, stepping away from Natalie, "that I've taken a good initial appraisal of you. Please finish getting cleaned up. This session is at an end."

Natalie stirred in surprise. "What?"

"I never intended to take up your entire evening," Robin said matter-of-factly. "I want to be cognizant of your time." She sunk into the steamy water of the large basin to clean the soap off of herself, finishing what Natalie had started. "I believe my goals today have been accomplished, so you may return to Tenet now."

Blinking, and a bit dismayed, Natalie asked, "What were those goals?" Her cock jumped a second time in anger of being denied. Her entire body felt like it was on fire. There'd been too much teasing for too long straight, not to mention the hot and humid air of the bathroom amplifying the effect.

"Taking my measure of you, as I said," Robin replied. "This is where today ends. Progress made too quickly can be a harmful thing." She raised an eyebrow at Natalie. "Finish cleaning yourself. Did I not give you an order?"

At the firm, but not harsh, tone of voice, Natalie hastily began washing herself off as she'd been instructed. Her fingers lingered briefly on her own cock—giving it a few more strokes than the three professional ones Robin had. Which did, she noted, draw the instructor's attention, though she didn't comment. Natalie would've kept going, was pent up enough she almost couldn't help it, but pleasure from her own hand obviously wasn't what she wanted, here and now.

After cleaning off, Robin stepped out of the basin, and while Natalie stole an indulgent look of the older woman's curves from the delightful vantage of being beneath her as she climbed out, she was forced to hurry and follow. Robin wiped herself down with one towel and wrapped another around her waist. Natalie followed her lead.

"Leave the uniform," the Instructor said. "You'll be leaving shortly, no need to put it back on. Your clothes are back in the office."


Robin had already stridden out. Flushing, Natalie jogged to catch up after testing ways to arrange her towel. Unfortunately, the towels were rather slim, which meant she could either cover her chest or her crotch, but not both. Especially not with her erection, which stuck the towel up an unfortunate amount.

And so, a few seconds later, she was walking through Robin's house with her tits out, beside the older woman who was likewise half naked. They passed a maid who, again, didn't bat an eye. They were apparently more than used to such things. Or very well trained.

Robin led her up to the office, where she instructed Natalie to put her Tenet uniform back on.

"A carriage is waiting for you outside," the Instructor said. "See yourself out. I still need to get dressed myself." She hummed. "I'm pleased by how today went. Our next session will be more involved."

More involved? Natalie swallowed thickly at that.

"And it'll be, uh, same time next week?"

"Some time next week," she corrected. "The day may vary, depending on my schedule. But yes. Once per week, on average."

"Okay. It was … nice speaking to you?" She couldn't believe she was being dismissed, that it was over just like that.

"You as well, Natalie."

And so, without further ceremony, Natalie was forced to make her exit. She was still blushing after the short carriage ride and walk, when she made it back to her dorm.

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