Dungeons and Dalliances

7.11 – ❤ Venting Steam II

Jordan set the [Capture Core] atop the dresser she'd pulled it from.

"Just wondering if you wanted to help me take care of something, real quick," Jordan said, grinning at the wolfgirl.

Orange eyes blinked as they turned, again, from Jordan to Natalie, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, skirt straining upward from her erection.

Malice seemed briefly confused.

"If it's fucking or fighting," she said after a second, shrugging once as if she didn't care which. "I'm always ready." There wasn't an ounce of irony in her voice.

Even Natalie couldn't help but snort at that, despite her current order to keep quiet. Jordan eyed her, which Natalie replied with an apologetic raise of her hands.

"It's one of those two," Jordan replied to the wolfgirl amusedly. "Our dear team leader is a bit worked up, and it's up to us to solve that problem."

Malice considered. Her eyes hesitated on Natalie a second time before returning to Jordan.

"Why are you leading?" she asked bluntly.

Like usual, she went straight for the heart of the matter. Malice wasn't a complicated girl, not in the slightest. Not when it came to this sort of thing.

"Is that so weird?" Jordan asked.

"The Pack-Leader usually leads," Malice said. "It's in the name."

Natalie was, honestly, kind of interested in how Malice would react to the scenario Jordan wanted. Malice had a primitive sort of view on authority, and in their last interaction made it a point that Natalie needed to 'step up' and make it clear who belonged to who. Maybe it was something biological, part of being a dungeon monster: Malice valued hierarchy. So would Jordan's play at being the dominant one be something Malice was even compatible with?

Jordan faltered briefly, and Malice solved her own confusion.

"She's deferring to her mate," Malice said in sudden understanding. "That's fine, I suppose."

"Deferring?" Jordan challenged. "It's not deferring. I'm in charge, right now, by my own volition."

Malice eyed her. "She's submitted to you under her own terms," she disagreed plainly.

Jordan crossed her arms. "I made her submit. By force of personality."

"You're saying if she were to stand up and push you over, she couldn't have you mewling in seconds?" Malice asked.

Jordan paused, then glanced at Natalie—blushing as she did.

Natalie's cock jumped.

"You're ruining the act I'm trying to put on," Jordan told Malice dryly.

Malice blinked.

Then, she grinned.

"The Pack-Leader, at our mercy," she mused in agreement. "How pathetic of her."

"Completely at our command," Jordan said. "Pliable, eager, and fuckable. Our toy for tonight."

"Am I still not allowed to talk?" Natalie asked.

Jordan gave her a disapproving look.

She promptly shut back up, though couldn't quite keep the grin off her lips.

Jordan eyed her a second longer, then faced back to Malice. "You know," she said, walking up to her—to which orange eyes blinked in surprise. "I haven't actually gotten to know you all that well," she said, settling her hands on Malice's hips. "Natalie's been monopolizing your time."

 "The Pack-Leader is possessive," Malice said. "And I am hers. I have no complaints about this."

As Jordan pressed herself into Malice, their breasts pushing together in a way that had Natalie's breath catching, the wolfgirl amended:

"And I belong to her mate as well, by consequence."

"Mate," Jordan said. "Why do you keep using that word?"

Malice turned a dubious look between Natalie and Jordan, even despite her being obviously distracted by Jordan's proximity. She opened her mouth to reply, but Jordan seemed to rethink whether she actually wanted an answer to that question. She barreled forward with a different topic:

"Can I get these clothes off?" she murmured, pressing a kiss into the gray skin of the hellhound's neck. The wolfgirl shivered. For all her bold and assertive personality, it was no difficult task to turn her into a puddle.

"You outrank me," Malice said. "Of course you can."

"Outrank?" Jordan asked. "No one outranks anyone, here." She paused again. "Besides Nat being on the bottom," she corrected.

Malice gave another dubious look, but didn't press the topic. She and Natalie had already been through this, and in greater depth. It was obvious her view of the world was somewhat incompatible with theirs—or their values and perceptions were offset, at a minimum.

Jordan seemed to realize the same, so dropped it. Her fingers slipped to the strings holding the wolfgirl's skimpy metal bottom on. She continued peppering kisses up and down her neck, then across her collarbone as she peeled away the first piece of gear, exposing Malice's lower half to the air. The metal bra followed, tossed aside.

Jordan grabbed two handfuls of the wolfgirl's tits. "Why are dungeon monsters so plush?" she asked. "It's almost unfair."

Malice shivered under the attention being lavished on her. "A manifestation of the Pack-Leader's lust," she said. "This body was crafted to suit her, I'm fairly certain. It is unlike most I've been in."


"There's great variance in the assignments offered by the Cryptkeeper," Malice said.

"And some of them have big tits, huh?" she asked dryly.

"Some," Malice said, not seeming like she wanted to expand.

Since probing Malice for information wasn't their goal tonight, Jordan again dropped the topic. Though that might more have been because of her interest in the other girl's body, based on how she lowered her head to suck at one nipple, swirling a tongue around, then moving to the other. Malice shivered and placed a hand on the back of Jordan's head, pushing her in, tail swishing in satisfaction. She sent a glance toward Natalie, whose cock was seriously aching by now, tenting her skirt upward. Her hands twitched to go between her legs to provide herself relief, but she refrained, both because she would be scolded by Jordan, and because she had two willing girls who would help her out. Soon. Eventually.

 Hadn't she been teased enough by Robin? Was Jordan really dragging it out even more?

Hands still resting on Malice's hips, Jordan raised back up and pressed a kiss onto Malice's cheek. "How pent up does she look?" she murmured with amusement, purposefully not meeting Natalie's eyes. "Think she's ready?"

"If we don't take care of it, it might take care of itself," Malice said with her own hint of amusement. "It's twitching hard enough I can see it in her skirt."

Jordan grinned. "Wanna help get me naked, then?"

Malice answered by throwing Jordan onto the bed with surprising strength—Jordan letting out an audible "oh!" that definitely wasn't disapproving. The wolfgirl crawled atop Jordan and began stripping Natalie's best friend without an ounce of subtlety. Her shirt came off first with all but a yank, a growl coming from the back of Malice's throat that was more animal than human. Her interest definitely wasn't for Natalie's sake: she liked what she saw. That only had Natalie's heart slamming faster.

Shorts, bra, and panties followed, until there were two naked girls in front of Natalie. Malice leaned down to press her own series of kisses against Jordan—neck, then between her tits, then down her stomach, stopping only when she placed one last press of lips an inch above her pussy. She leaned back up, orange eyes intense on Jordan's, before turning to face Natalie.

"So," Malice asked Jordan, though holding Natalie's eyes. "You said you had something planned?"

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