Dungeon’s Path

A Groups First Dungeon Dive – Chapter 20

An hour later a group of six people wait before a portal. Antonio stands at the front of his party and fidgets his heavy leather armor. “Come on, I have the skill for it. Why doesn’t this gear fit better?” Off to the side leaned up against a wall Jeremy smirks, “Because you have the skill for heavy armor which means metal and sh” *bonk*

From the side a girl in white robes with a metal heart protector smacks him on the head with a shillelagh. “Just cause mother isn’t here doesn’t mean I will let you get away with cursing.” Jeremy rubs his head, “Come on Jess. No harm no foul.” By her glare though he can tell that even after the end of the world he will have to watch his mouth. With a shrug he continues, “As I was saying your skill is for metal armor like plate, not some trumped up leather. What you have is at best medium armor.”

Antonio sighs and turns to the team's leader. Kyle is over by the parties mage, Fern, trying to hit on her. Antonio rolls his eyes, “Yo Kyle, time to go. With what the guide said and Jeremy saw we should be in for an easy clear against a baby dungeon. Now that Jeremy’s retry timer has expired we should get a move on.”

Kyle coughs, “Right, onward to victory! By the way where is Cas?” Antonio rolls his eyes and Kyle spins around. Behind him is a lanky girl in light leather armor, a bow on her back, and with a great big grin. “Why behind you baby brother! What better place to watch a train wreck?”

Fern shifts her blue robes a bit, “Well you could have stopped the wreck in the first place. Now we need to get a move on. The other groups might be behind us but will catch up soon. Plus, I don’t think the guide can actually stop people from trying a dungeon run before they get all their skills to level ten. That was more of a threat enforced thing.”

Kyle perks up, “true. I don’t know if there is a reward for being the first group in a tutorial instance to complete it but if there is I want it. Now me and Ant through the portal first, Jeremy and Jess second, and you enter last with Cas.” Orders given he grabs Antonio and charges through the dungeon portal.

Cas just sighs as Jeremy and Jess saunter through. Fern giggles, “Don’t worry about your brother. He's harmless though we should think of how to bring him down lightly.” Cas shakes her head and grabs Fern up, “clueless is more like it if he can’t put the clues together. We aren’t exactly hiding it”, and she kisses her. Once back on the ground Fern holds Beth’s hand as they walk through the portal as well leaving an empty stone hallway.

On the other side the rest of the group have spread out to check the large room they find themselves in. clover covers the floor with a couple bushes in the left back corner. Off to the right is the only other way out, a rough tunnel carpeted with even more clover. Cas glances upward and notes that there seems to be a single light source. While there aren’t any threats in this room that she can see she brings out her bow, ready for a fight.

Jeremy with daggers already drawn ducks into the tunnel to do a little exploring as the rest ready themselves. Jess sighs, “You know we should have already been armed and ready for a fight when we came through?” Antonio shrugs at her comment, “Why bother? Jeremy had already checked it out for us after all.” She shakes her head, “But what if something had changed or there was a hidden monster? It is fine to make mistakes like this in the tutorial but once we are out this kind of carelessness could be our death.”

Kyle speaks up at this point. “To be fair talking aloud is also somewhat of a no no. But yes, I agree with you. If we complete the dungeon there is only another day we get to stay in the tutorial so we should spend it questioning the guide. She seemed quite experienced in this sort of career.”

Over at the tunnel Jeremy rolls his eyes as he steps back into the room, “Of course she does. Best I can tell she was some sort of bandit who preyed on new adventurers inside of a dungeon. You and everyone else got warned right when we arrived that this whole tutorial gig is like community service for them.”

Antonio slaps his chest. A move that would be much more impressive with a metal plate instead of leather. “That’s perfect then! She would know exactly what we have to be careful about. Just like companies would hire hackers to test their setups. Who better to learn what not to do in a dungeon from than someone that took advantage of people doing all the wrong things.”

Fern steps forward and claps her hands, “Okay, enough of this jibber jabber. We are here to run the dungeon. Not debate the virtue of our guide. Jeremy what did you see through that tunnel?” Leaned up against the wall again Jeremy shrugs, “Just a handful of goats”

Fern glares at him, “A handful as in five? Or are they micro goats and you meant a literal handful of them? We live in a fantasy novel now so be specific.” Jeremy throws his hands up, “Fine, there are four normal goats. In fact, my observation skill just labeled them goat. Nothing fancy and in fact once again, if what the guide told us is true we might not even have to fight them.” Fern sighs and turns her glare on Kyle. He fidgets, “Okay party, time to move out!”

All six of them gathered together. Antonio in front with Jeremy, Fern and Jess in the middle, with Kyle and Cas taking up the rear. As they make their way through the twisting hallway Antonio swipes at the various vines, “good thing these are only along the walls. This would be frustrating if they blocked our way.”

Then Jeremy holds up his hand and the party stops. With a couple gestures he communicates that the next room is just around the corner up ahead. Antonio centers his stance and advances forward. At the bend he sticks his sword out and waggles it, “not a bull fight then.” Jeremy half smiles, “since when did a normal goat become a bull?” Antonio scoffs, “Since magic, genius.”

Fern facepalms so hard, “We are literally just around the corner from potentially mortal danger. Can you save your quips for after the fight?” Antonio complains under his breath, “he started it” Kyle shakes his head, “well don’t make me end it. Everyone around the bend we can’t keep the goats waiting now can we?”

As a whole the group sweeps around the corner ready for battle. In the room which looks quite similar to the first they find exactly what Jeremy had said. Four goats, all of them munching on clover and currently gathered in along the left wall. This makes them a little closer to the group than either side is comfortable with so the goat meander their way towards the back of the room.

Jess scratches her head, “Well I guess that proves it then. We are in a baby dungeon who hasn’t even figured out how to order its own mobs around.” Antonio shrugs, “I’m not going to complain about not being hit.” The rest of the group nods in agreement.

Kyle walks out into the center of the room and while the goats give him the stink eye still nothing happens. He shrugs, “just remember everyone. Predators will still attack us so this won’t be too much of a cake walk unless goats is all there is. Anyway, from here I can see that the next room is just a smaller version of this one with a single goat. Beyond that I can see a lot of vines so you might just get your wish Ant.”

Antonio grouses that he, “didn’t want the vines in his face.” Everyone else has a good laugh at this as they make their way through the two goat rooms and into the vine-covered room. Jeremy ducks down to try and see under the vines, “drat, the land isn’t flat in here so watch your step. I can’t make out more than a handful of paces.”

Fern grins, “again with these handfuls? How would you even measure your sight range with a volume-based measurement?”  Jeremy scrunches his eyes shut and rubs his temple, “You bloody well know what I mean by it. About five of something. It isn’t an exact measurement because I haven’t taken a f”, Jess taps her shillelagh, “ine ruler to the ground.”

Cas gives Jess’s shoulder a squeeze, “That’s a never ending vigil you’ve set for yourself. But yeah, Fern, give him a break. This is only the second time today but don’t make us add up how many times you have ribbed him for it in the last week. I know it has been stressful for you but who hasn’t been stressed?”

Kyle nods, “Right, she is quite right. Now Antonio, let Jeremy lead till we are out of the vines. We will need his detection skill on full blast just in case there is some real threat here.” Antonio gives a thumbs up and takes a step back with a smile.

Jeremy rolls his eyes then starts the group moving forward again. About seven paces into the room he stops everyone again. He points up towards the ceiling off to the left side but no one else can see anything. He shakes his head then grabs Antonio’s and points his face right at the spot. It takes Antonio a moment but then his eyes go wide, “Wowee that is a giant vine monster.”

Now that everyone else knows what to look for it takes only another moment for the group to all see the plant monster. Kyle with his chin in his hand ponders for a moment, “Well I don’t think it can be that fast? Hey Jeremy, now that you’ve had your fun what does your observation skill say about it?”

Jeremy has the cockiest grin as he explains that, “it’s an assassin vine. You're both right and wrong. The thing can’t change locations fast but it is an ambush predator. If we had stumbled under it one of us would be off the ground before they knew it. Least that is what the description says. This is another threat we can just walk around. Still need to be on the lookout for others in this room. You can tell that the room was set up just for them.”

With more caution than probably needed they pass the assassin vine single file, hugging the opposite wall. Past that monster the group continues on through the vines. Farther in and Jeremy once again stops the group, “that must have been the halfway point back there cause I see the exit. Bad news is I also see another assassin vine and this one is chilling right over the doorway to the next room. I don’t think we can avoid this fight.”

Cas shrugs, “I bet this wouldn’t count for our dungeon run if we didn’t have to fight. Plus the guide said to expect three different monsters, so this is only the second type. You never know what could be around the next corner. Anyway, let me take a few shots at it. I have this fancy new bow yet there has been nothing to use it on till now.”

Kyle repositions to the front with Antonio while Jeremey gets behind them. The other three line up behind them with Cas in the center. Everyone in position Cas puts an arrow on the bowstring and draws back. With careful aim she lines up a shot on the center of mass. A twang and an arrow sprouts from the assassin vine.

All the motionless vines that cover the doorway lift up and flail about. Antonio lifts his shield up and steps forward into range of the vines. They strike his shield one after another creating a horrendous noise but his strength is enough to stand his ground. Kyle comes up on his side and swings his morning star down on a cluster of vines near pulping them.

The shock from this attack freezes the assassin vine for a moment. Just long enough for Fern to get off a sharp blast of wind targeted at the stilled vines. Three of them fall away from the main body and land on the floor. They thrash around but are clearly no longer a threat.

Antonio braces his legs and then thrusts forward. His short spear pierces through a couple vines and into the main body the plant monster. Another arrow from Cas follows soon after and the monster loses grip on the ceiling temporarily held up by Antonio before it crashes to the floor. 

Jeremy and Jess both stand there and clap. There wasn’t much call for healing or a dagger in this fight so they had stayed back and watched the rear. After all, they left another one of these monsters behind them. Now with the fight over Jess pokes Antonio and sends a short burst of power through him to heal any bruises from the fight. As she focuses on that the dead assassin vine dissipates, leaving behind a small bunch of berries.

Fern picks them up and bags them. She wasn’t the person they intended to hold the loot but the berries were less likely to be squished in her pack. The monster slain and everyone ready to continue they proceed onward. First, they have to pass through four medium-sized rooms of nothing but more goats. Then another large room with even more goats but from there they could see an actual challenge.

Jeremy saw a kobold two rooms away. Their eyes met and it dodged out of his line of sight. He sighs, “Well we weren’t exactly going for a stealth run anyway. Not the room with the orderly bushes but the one after that has kobolds in it. Oh and Fern, before you ask, no I don’t know for certain that they are kobolds. However that is what they look like to me. Until my skill says otherwise, that is what I am calling them.”

Kyle frowns, “I already told her to lay off but that’s a two-way street. Keep your snide remarks on the down-low as well if you would.” Jeremy waves him off, “fine. Anyway, everyone group up. We have a real fight ahead of us.” Kyle raises an eyebrow, “yes an excellent plan. I agree, everyone group up.”

Through the short hallway and the room with bushes the party advances. Antonio glances around the corner into the room with the kobolds and sees them. “Okay, five kobolds gathered against the right wall around the corner. They seem to be defending the way to the next room. From what the guide has told us about young dungeons we should be near the end so that might be our way out. Also, they don’t seem to be armed with anything so it looks like we can deliver her gift package.” Kyle nods, “then we are good to go. Everyone around the corner!”

Kyle and Antonio both advance around the corner at the same time with their shields locked together. Once the kobolds glimpse them with a smattering of growls, they charge only to be rebuffed by the shields and a light shove pushes them all back. One kobold even falls over. With the group now engaged Cas pops around the corner with her bow drawn and lets loose an arrow towards the center of the kobold group.

Even though she didn’t aim at a specific enemy, they are bunched together tightly enough that the arrow catches one in the arm. That kobold falls back and scratches at it. The monsters now distracted miss it when Jeremy stealths into the room and flanks them. Before he attacks though Fern finishes a spell from around the corner and both Antonio and Kyle glow as a wind wraps their bodies.

The both of them swing their weapons in unison the spear piercing forward and the morning star crashing down. Most of the kobolds scramble out of the way but the one that had been knocked over didn’t make it in time and died with a crushed leg and pierced stomach. The two kobolds on the left side might have dodged out of the way but this brought them right into Jeremy’s range.

His two daggers swipe out and angry red lines are drawn on both of them. However they weren’t as oblivious to his presence as the party had thought as he catches a couple claw attacks in turn. One claw is blocked by his armor but the other scours his hand forcing him to drop his dagger.

As the unsuccessful kobold goes for another shot though an arrow sprouts out of its shoulder. Cas having taken the time to aim hits it right where it would disable the monster from attacking. Then the wound bursts open as the arrow head explodes into shrapnel, her skill having successfully activated. With this half a chance Jeremy swings his remaining dagger at the kobolds leg, hamstringing it, as he picks up his dropped dagger.

While this happens Antonio sends out a flurry of stabs at a kobold that dodged into the wall. The monster is agile but Antonio’s strikes speed up as he activates a skill which stacks with his already enhanced speed from Ferns buff spell. The kobold never stood a chance and it falls to the floor with more holes than it can survive.

Kyle steps over the dead kobold on the floor and brings his morning star up and across. Bashing the kobold that had dodged backwards into the wall where it gets sliced by a blast of wind from Fern. Meanwhile Cas finishes off the one she blasted and Jeremy gets his daggers into the hamstrung kobolds heart.

With the fight over Jess enters the room. She looks a little ill from the bloody mess but gets down to work and heals Jeremy’s cut hand. Cas not having been too active in the fight looks through the hallway to see what she can see while everyone else recovers. It might not have been a long fight or all that tough for them. However, it was one of the first real fights in which the enemy had intended to kill them.

Through the tunnel she sees one more kobold just sitting on a stone chair with a couple of goats. “Hey Kyle, come look at this. I think this is the last room. Want me to finish it for us?” Kyle walks over and takes a glance, “Sure, why not. I will stand here just in case something happens.”

Cas aims carefully but the first shot is a miss. The kobold that had been sitting still chose just the right moment to dodge. Its luck didn’t last though as the next arrow catches it in the leg and the third ends its life with a headshot. The goats scamper into the corner bleating in fear.

Cas stretches, “well that wasn’t fun at all. Once we are out of the tutorial if we ever find this dungeon again I hope it has cleaned up its act.” Kyle nods, “This was more dangerous in theory but it was missing something.”

The kobolds had all faded away by now so the rest of the group gathers some packaged horned rabbit meat of all things and gathers on them. Formed up they move into the next room which proves to be the last as they thought. There is a giant circular stone door that looks like a pain to roll out of the way. However right in front of it is one of the tutorial portals. With one giant sigh of relief from everyone in the group they step through leaving behind their first dungeon experience and stepping into whatever future the changed earth may hold for them. All that is left behind is an awkwardly shaped package which Kyle had dropped right before he stepped through. On it is a small note, “From The Dungeon of Never Ending Caves, Here is a care package just in case you didn’t start with any good stuff. I expect nothing in return but consider paying it forward next time you're able to help another new dungeon core.”

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