Dungeon’s Path

A Stats Worth – Chapter 44

Ruby thinks over the problem of the dungeons new quirk. She has already decided she is going to be hanging around the portal every moment she can. Magic skills are really hard to level up early on because of the limited mana. One more mana an hour could cut off days of time even in the short term. Then she thinks of all the others they had saved, and she sighs.

“We can’t just keep this to ourselves. That sort of thing is the very reason we could get everyone behind us in the first place. Hiding this would set us in a direction to being just like the thugs we put down. However that doesn’t mean we don’t keep this a secret. That this isn’t common knowledge tells us something important.”

“Even if a group controls one and is free in sharing the knowledge the person who eventually stays in control of such a dungeon will wipe that information from history. I am not saying we can’t let outsiders into the dungeon. We just can’t let them find out about the bonus.”

Kelly raises an eyebrow at this, “and how are we supposed to keep this a secret? The fact all of our people spend as much time as possible around the dangerous dungeon portal might tip them off. If not, the first one to check their status before entering will.”

Ruby laughs, “you missed it then. The bonus isn’t instant. In fact, it doesn’t show up on your sheet until either an hour has passed or you know about it. While I was confirming it I had the relief guards check their sheets and it wasn’t there. I had seen it right away because I was looking for it.”

“Because I was there I then sent one of the guards to go and grab the two that had just gotten off duty. It had been a hot minute since the change so I told the guy to let them eat first and what not. By the time they got back the remaining guard had been there long enough to see it. The other guard that returned knew about it from talking to the others so could also see it.”

Kelly slaps her head, “So that’s why you only told us to check for a buff on our sheets!”

Ruby nods, “yep, because you couldn’t see it when just looking for a buff it requires looking for this one specifically. Ace, you didn’t even see it when I told you to look for something affecting your energy recharge.”

Ace smiles wide, “This is perfect! We just need to map out the extent of the aura and put up a wall around it. Those who want to dive aren’t going to just stand around idly in that space, too dangerous. Until then we can explain away our people all being there because it is too dangerous.”

Kelly nods, “Yes, and once we have time to fortify the area, we can make a building around it. No one will question why we have the building there. A single corridor is the best defense and no one will be able to see the rest of our people training in the rest of it.”

Ruby licks her lips, “That would be the perfect setup. Though like I said, we need to keep it a secret. All the people in our community at the moment are ones we can trust thanks to Ace.” 

She turns to him, “Your skill was key to being able to overthrow the tyrants. Now it will be the key to keeping our new home. The town will grow but we can only let those living here and people we vouch through you in on the secret. In fact, we should still get some system backed oaths out of everyone, including ourselves. Who knows what might be out there. I know that I specifically asked my guide about mind control.”

Kelly grimaces, “luckily that doesn’t quite exist, but mind-reading does. Though you really have to ask how far being able to force someone to stand still with a spell like hold person is from it. For now though, an oath to not even think about it unless it is your turn should work. Honestly, I foresee the council meetings taking place up here from now on. Only public audiences need to happen away from here and it isn’t like we can just be firing off spells and skill during then anyway.”

Ace sighs and stretches, “Well it sounds like we have a plan.” He turns to the guards, “I will need oaths out of you both and the other two soon enough. I trust you will keep this on the down-low till then?”

They both nod but he shakes his head, “I want to hear you swear it. This matter could bring a horde of evil upon us.”

The guards grimace but both swear to it. This might not be as secure as an oath but the system will at least let Ace know if they break their word. He turns back to the others and signals to Ruby. She sighs and chants four syllables. A half globe of swirling air encompasses them and she glares at him, “I can’t keep up the noise shield long, air just isn’t in my wheelhouse.”

Ace shrugs, “a real shame. Air can boost fire something fierce. Anyway, don’t trust Jan, she is no longer one of the inner circle. Ruby, I know you have had suspicions about her and I can confirm she isn’t actually one of the founders. Jim will never admit to it but he is the actual tenth. Don’t harass him about it if he ever shows up. I honestly think we are better off with him in the forest.”

Kelly rolls her eyes, “As if both those things weren’t obvious from the start. The paths verbiage said nothing about being a coward and selfish above all else. Quite the opposite really. Also, your connection of fire and air are only true at the low levels. With a higher skill fire can mphphhm...”

Ruby covers her mouth to stop her, “Is that all? I really don’t have the mana to keep this up much longer.”

Ace nods and she drops it before he can even finish the motion. He rolls his eyes at this, “So anyway, Kelly I need you to figure out the oaths we need. Talk to the lawyer, he isn’t a founder but you can trust him. Kyle was my families contract lawyer for over three decades and the system has given him a second wind. Ruby, I know about the discontent you have been stirring up. Bring it to a boil so we can weed out undesirable elements. Not just your target though. We could trust everyone here at the moment with our backs in a fight, but I wouldn’t trust all of them with my life.”

Ruby and Kelly both head off with their tasks while Ace stays behind. At this point he can’t trust anyone else until they have made oaths. His skill might allow him some leeway when trusting others but it isn’t perfect as he well knows.

Back in the dungeon Ally has been watching this exchange with interest. Doyle is still busy so she can only muse to herself.

It takes Doyle until noon to finish expanding his new floors territory. A glorious 24 by 24 small rooms worth of space at the center. And he has plans for it. He’s going big. First though is to check in with Ally.

He finds her engrossed with a group of adventurers bumbling through the dungeon. Not wanting to interrupt her fun he sits back and watches as well. He doesn’t have to wait long though. The group runs away from the big goat room. Though it isn’t quite over as they almost manage to trip over the assassin vine in the vine room.

Once they are out of the portal though he chimes in, ‘hey Ally, you were right. I got three levels in territory control just for pushing it. Anyway, I am going to start work on the floors design. I am thinking fewer but bigger rooms. I noticed that in the first floor people had more problems with the larger groups. If I had stronger monsters that wouldn’t be as much of a thing. On the other hand my main monsters are goats. Cheap and best used in mass, at least for the moment.’

‘Though I guess with my paths, their stat line is going to get silly. The plus three strength a level alone is going to make them beasts. With how cheap they are, I could fill the floor with level three super goats. Once I can reach the full potential for this floor, the level five goats would have over twenty strength. Even their constitution will hit twenty at that point. I have to ask though, what does each point in, for instance, strength, do?’

Ally flies out of her room and she has him bring up the stats for a level one and two goat.

{Goat Lv1 S[9] A[5] C[16] I[2] W[2] P[5]

Goat Lv2 S[12] A[6] C[17] I[2] W[2] P[5]}

‘Those two stat lines don’t look that different does it?’ Ally gestures at it, ‘only strength shows any significant change at first glance and even that is just because it goes from one to two digits. To be honest, we may never know exactly what that does for a goat. After all, you and I are not goats. Just take the example of your wisdom stat. For dungeon cores, every ten points is another floor you can automate. How does that translate to how wise you are?’

‘Strength would seem to be a more straightforward stat right? How much weight can you lift? But wait a second you might be thinking, your stat now talks about making your dungeon’s material stronger. Also, even in a human the body’s strength isn’t uniform. The legs are stronger than the arms for instance. Do you go off of the legs lifting ability or the arms? How does the system decide this?’

‘Short answer is that anyone who doesn’t have half a foot into immortality is likely clueless. Most people prefer it this way anyway. How boring would it be if instead of arm-wrestling people just pulled up their strength scores to see who won? In the end strength is more of a suggestion until the difference gets big enough. What tends to be more important is breakpoints in a stats progression like with your Wisdom.’

‘A well-known example is that humans tend to develop a low level of regeneration somewhere from 20 to 25 constitution. Not enough to regrow limbs but enough that they tend to stabilize when downed even if not helped. Because of this you will rarely meet a human from a developed world who doesn’t aim for that. Mostly because it adds a good hundred years to a human’s lifespan.’

Doyle tilts to the sides, ‘guess we aren’t through with the info dumps.’

Ally chuckles, ‘we will never be done with the info dumps. Though it depends on what you ask about. Stats just happen to be one of those vague open-ended things. I could go on for hours about various examples. What I just told you is the minimum. Most schools out in the greater universe have a class devoted to the system and students get a lecture on stats every few months.’

Doyle rolls back, ‘fair enough. I guess I can’t really say much when I have avoided going over the description of all my stats.’

Ally rolls her eyes, ‘yeah, you really need to get around to that. Those same students are checking the full description of all their stats whenever something changes including just getting a year older. For now, you need to build your second floor. You should be full up on world energy by now so you can really get elbow deep in it.’

‘Oh, though I guess I should mention I learned what your energy well path did. Ruby and a couple other founders were talking about it. The path gives them a plus one to power regen an hour. That isn’t bad. In fact, it is quite good as it won’t temp any visitors from beyond Earth. If it had been a percentage, we would have to worry. Plus one means nothing to someone with pools in the millions or even just thousands. One percent however will pull them in even if the greater community would frown on it. My advice is we go slow with it. Wait till they have the area locked down and definitely not take more ranks if the name changes to something other than energy well.’

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