Dungeon’s Path

Aliens! – Chapter 194

Heyo! New month again and so I'm here to spread the good word about my Patreon. Not only can you read the next two chapters for free ( 195 and 196 ), but you can read even further if you become a patron. I'm also still doing the monthly short stories as chosen by my patrons. There are a good number of them at this point with the most recent one being "Not Playing Their Game".

Ace had a headache. Over the last few weeks, the population of the town had doubled. Now, that wasn’t really all that much, all things considered. In fact, if it wasn’t for the source of these newcomers Ace would have been ready for them.

The problem was that these new people had just exited their tutorials. Not because they took a long time. Rather, their tutorial had started later than his own planets. These new people had actually been dropped on the settlement upriver and promptly kicked out.

Ben, the guy technically in charge of the place, hadn’t wanted to do that. The council, however, kicked up a decent amount of xenophobia among the populace and managed to overrule the guy. Upon hearing that news, Ace was well and truly disappointed with the man. Though he couldn’t entirely blame him. It isn’t every day that a bunch of near human aliens pop up in the middle of your town.

Not that Ace particularly cares about their species or planet of origin. He hadn’t been expecting extraterrestrials this early, but was willing to go with it. In fact, he had even made a deal with the council to take any future refugees. Because that is what they were, refugees.

The system wasn’t all powerful, and sometimes things are just beyond it. Whereas humans have a relatively decent chance of survival, these people went from a population that broke a billion to less than 50,000. Not nearly enough to keep their larger than average planet from turning into a deathworld.

So the system in all its wisdom foisted them off onto this planet as the number of survivors was a little on the low side. How does Ace know this? Well, the system just straight up told the poor folk.

Ace looks up at the beastkin, a wolfkin with graying fur. She was the person in charge of the group and found great humor in the fact that the place they ended up was called wolf’s rest. Ace sighs, “So if I’m understanding you correctly, your people kept a bit closer to the land than mine did, so still have a decent grasp on crafting?”

The matriarch nods, “While all the tech you had here is at least vaguely similar to our stuff, our people never saw a point in excessive automation for the more basic goods. A nice pair of sandals handcrafted by a professional is going to last a magnitude longer than even well-made machine products.

“Besides that, our people tend to be more varied in shape so even if we wanted to, it wouldn’t really work. After all, while my people are all wolfkin, there was an unknown number of other kin. What might fit a wolfkin might not fit even the closely related dogkin or foxkin.”

Ace shrugs, “I can see that. This will definitely be a great help to our town, yes, our town. If you are going to live here, you and your people will be a full part of this.”

She raises an eyebrow, “Says the person that is a part of the leading faction. The rest of the people out there might not notice it, but I’ve seen this enough times before. I can’t trust you, especially not after what happened in the last place.”

Ace snorts, “Camila, don’t try and pull that on me. Yes, they were pretty vile upriver. Hell, this world’s history has more than enough examples of even worse being committed because of skin color. I’m certain your original world wasn’t any better.

“As for our little ruling group? Well, after a good long bit of debate and heated arguments, we are willing to let you in on it as well as any direct family you might have. The only catch is to talk about it, we need to be in the dungeon.

“I understand this sounds a little sketchy but it is required. You can go and tell your people where you will be going, but even we are required to be in the dungeon before talking about it. Also, there will be contracts and oaths involved. This is not a secret you can share.”

Camila laughs, “Everyone likes to believe their secrets are world shaking. I’ll play along with you, but if I don’t believe it is worth it I’m taking my people and moving on. This won’t be the only place that will accept us.”

From there Ace and Camila get ready and head into the dungeon, all the while Doyle watches on. Doyle hadn’t been expecting non-humans anymore than Ace had, though he was a little more prepared for it. With Ally by his side, it was pretty obvious that the restrictions on others coming to the world weren’t as watertight as portrayed. Still, 50,000 animal kin showing up is a little more extreme than a fairy being summoned in.

Though he assumes that things will settle down soon enough. The wolfkin were a little stronger, mostly because of having lived on a larger world and so more gravity, but otherwise fit in with the humans happily enough. More exciting for Doyle was the fact that Camila had four close family members and all of them ended up climbing his cliff.

{Least Personal Rune of Camila Sela: +1 Wisdom

Least Personal Rune of Jay Sela: +1 Strength

Least Personal Rune of Rose Sela: +1 Strength

Least Personal Rune of Bella Sela: +1 Strength

Least Personal Rune of Kaisy Sela: +1 Strength}

It had been a while since anyone even bothered climbing the cliff, let alone manage to break their limits. In fact, as Doyle thinks on it, only the town’s core members had done so. He would prefer more people give it a try. Sure, the +1 to a stat isn’t all that much in the long run, but every bit helps. The problem with trying to get more people to try is that by doing so, it makes it so they don’t actually get as much benefit from it.

Back with Ace and Camila, the two of them watch the last of Camila’s direct family climb back down. After hearing what they had gained, Camila couldn’t help but shake her head. “I was hoping someone in the Sela family besides me would gain a bonus to something besides Strength. It just can’t be helped, this world has gravity just that bit lower than our original planet.

“Eh, whatever. I’m going to have to figure out how to get people to try and climb this in one go without expecting a reward or knowing what is going on all the while not informing others about it if they succeed. Maybe make it some sort of coming of age trial? Our ancient history had similar things and I could probably spin it.”

Ace sighs, “I still haven’t figured out a way to manage it. Maybe if you can get the ball rolling, I can spread it to the general populace. Of course, it wasn’t ever going to be a problem once the others in the core started having kids, but that is still a bit out there yet.”

Camila nods, “It would be a lot easier if we could just order people to give it a try. Nevermind the fact that this would remove most of the benefits, way too many people would be willing to turn around early. At least with our own, we can just tell them to trust us and to climb it in one go. Hell, once there are enough descendants we might even need to start requiring it to become a true core member.”

Ace shrugs, “I can see that, but we wouldn’t be able to make it a known qualification. Otherwise, we would just be forcing them to do it under a different name and I highly doubt the system wouldn’t catch onto that. All we can do is nudge things in their favor.”

Camila laughs, “Isn’t that just being a leader in the first place? No matter what you say, people will do what they will.”

Ace nods, “The nature of free will is to be unpredictable. That aside, let’s talk about getting your people doing delves. I know you just settled in but even with your greater strength, all of you are behind the curve. Your people could probably take most of the people upriver, but down here the dungeon means everyone is a good bit stronger.

Camila raises an eyebrow, “I’ve seen some of the people in the outer ring. Even some of our kids can take them.”

Ace waves his hand, “They don’t count. I’m talking about the people who have joined the town. Maybe it will change in the future, but for the moment everyone does at least two dungeon runs a week. Even those who are only farming the first floor are as strong, if not stronger, than most of your people unless they just joined.

“But besides that, you don’t want your people to lag behind. Get stronger and secure your place here. I can only do so much. If all of your people are weak crafters, then you’ll be pigeonholed into that role. Yes, we need proper crafters, but I don’t want to limit your people because of early choices.”

Camila snorts, “Crafters can be strong.”

Ace rolls his eyes, “No duh, especially with the system. However, that isn’t how people see it. Even before the system, people would assume a soldier would beat a blacksmith despite the strength being a blacksmith requires. With the system? People who fight will receive skills and paths focused on fighting.

“Even if you manage to raise a crafter who is stronger than anyone else at the same level, people won’t see crafters as being strong. Instead, that one person will just be the exception to prove the rule. You would need to turn your whole race into crafters who fight. Though speaking of fighting, why are you fighting this?”

Camila looks away and sighs, “We’re only kin so in theory our origin species shouldn’t have too much of a hold on us. In fact, for many kin, you can basically just call them humans with strange ears and maybe a tail. Even before magic, some of the closer related kin could have kids without any problem.

“Now that we have magic available? I asked during the tutorial, just to cover my bases, but basically all forms of power have a relatively easy option to permit a kin to have kids with basically any other kin or human. Despite all that, my people have a problem.

“The red haze, the rage, and so many other names. From what I’ve learned, this isn’t generally a feature of other wolfkin, we apparently just got quote unquote, lucky. Part of why us wolfkin are known for our crafters is that we needed to avoid any of the more aggressive options.”

Ace shakes his head, “You aren’t thinking about this correctly. I assume willpower would allow people to control your rage to an extent?”

Camila nods her head, “But that only works to a certain extent. Past a point, all things fall away.”

Ace waves her argument aside, “You’re missing an important factor. The system, skills, and paths. There should be a skill to control your rage and paths to temper it. Besides personal growth, the system should have a way to just remove it.”

Camila freezes, “I hadn’t thought of that.”

Ace smiles, “Why would you? Magic might be a real thing now, but you have all your common sense from before. The only reason I even had this idea in the first place is that your race and similar are only really seen in our fantasy stories.

“Now, though, you should see hope for your people. Even if that doesn’t work, magic has other options still. You just admitted that magic allows for crazy family planning. I don’t expect you to force your people to marry humans. However, watch any kids that might result from such a pairing. Who knows what the result will be!”

Camila rolls her eyes, “Even though it is possible, I don’t particularly see humans being down for that.”

Ace’s only response is to laugh and laugh and laugh.

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