Dungeon’s Path

Axebeak Plus Kobold Equals A Dangerous Fight – Chapter 208

Jim looks up at the ceiling before focusing on Susan again. “With all the strangeness going on the whole system-thing has probably been hard for you. The fact that a centerpiece of our new life seems to break the rules can’t be easy, either. That doesn’t mean you can be so reckless.

“Now, I’m not your therapist and you likely already know this, but it sounds like your specialization in gathering information likely has more to do with making sure reality doesn’t surprise you. Not to be harsh, but that isn’t going to work anymore. There is literal magic being used and gods walk among us, or can, I don’t think any are literally walking the planet right now.

“I’m going to be honest, at this point you might want to look into system based solutions. Maybe try asking one of the receptionists at the guild if there are any options for getting a therapist. Of course, I’m sure there are magical solutions out there, but just like I don’t want you to do something like what you just attempted with the window. I also don’t want you risking your mind over some magical cure-all, mystery skill, or over-promising path.”

The group stays quiet for a while until Doctor points to one of the kobold groups on the grass that is not so stealthily approaching them. “So, we should probably do something about that?”

Which they do. While the six kobolds are decked out in bows, they aren’t the most accurate at this distance and Zach is able to reuse the root that had anchored Susan to whip out and trip them all. This provided more than enough time for Sammy and Jay to rush up and clobber them.

Of course, things can’t be too easy. With the fight started, the other two kobold groups on the grass shift from passively watching to active aggression. Now, their aim isn’t any better than the downed kobold group, but twelve enemies all shooting at you isn’t anything to laugh at. Though Zach once again has the answer.

While he wouldn’t be able to hold up a block of wood thick enough to block the arrows and cover the group, Zach is more than capable of blocking the sky while the others handle any arrows coming in more directly. Quite a useful addition, especially once the kobolds up by the glass staircase also start taking pot shots.

Then, with the rest of the kobolds on the grass finished, they turn their attention to those above them. Sure, they could get up on the glass platforms and fight them there. That isn’t what they do.

Instead, Jim has Zach and Susan take shots at the goats while he himself uses his bow to take out the kobolds at the top. Soon, the first few kobolds and all the goats are taken care of leaving just three kobolds huddled away from the edge. Jim clicks his tongue at that and moves over to the glass platforms close to the floor.

The others follow him as he works his way upward until he once again has a clear shot. The three kobolds know this as well and so start trying to shoot him as well. One of them even comes close before being taken out. Not close enough to be a threat, but at least it showed potential.

Jim shakes his head, “I think the kobolds do better with slings than they do with bows. Not that I wouldn’t put it past this dungeon to suddenly have sniper kobolds the next time we come through.”

Susan laughs, “That would be something dungeons are actually known to do. Once something proves to be ineffective, they tend towards modifying what is already there instead of replacing it.”

Jim nods, “Fair enough, now let’s see what is above us.”

The group climbed the glass platforms, up the stairs, and out into the next room. A room where they once again stunned, this time by the fact that there is grass and axebeaks just chilling on the ceiling. Jay points up, “What in the world? There are kobolds riding those two birds up there.”

Jim, of course noticed this as well but that isn’t the immediate threat. “Eyes on the ground. We have a couple axebeaks here with us and they’re starting their charge.”

Good thing they have a bit of time to prepare as the four axebeaks had ended up towards the edges of the room instead of right by the portal. On the other hand, it also means the birds had a chance to get up to full speed.

As they charge at the group, Zach tries to trip them with some grasping roots. This doesn’t work quite so well as the powerful legs of the birds easily break the roots. They do slow down a little, but are soon back up to full speed.

Sammy sighs and rolls her eyes, this isn’t her first rodeo with the things and she doesn’t believe getting beat down again would result in another quest. “Just get ready to dodge. They don’t have the best turning ability while charging. I can take out one on the first pass.”

Jim nods, “Everyone spread out and watch their beaks. If we’re all lined up, they might have a chance. Jay, with your poleaxe you can probably do some good damage. Just make sure to be holding it with both hands if you don’t want a broken wrist. Susan and Zach, hold your ranged attacks until they’re beginning to turn around. They might not have the best turning ability, but dodging isn’t out of the question for them.”

With the birds two thirds of the way, the group springs into motion and puts a few paces between each other. Irritated, the four birds squawk as they split up to choose their targets; Jim, Sammy, Doctor, and Zach.

Then the birds are upon the group. Jim ghosts around his bird and seems to slip through the space that it slices at with its beak. Sammy has grabbed her sword with both hands and as she moves to the side and ducks down, she slashes the sword at the back leg. While as a whole the bird is going quite fast, the back leg is on the ground and so her sword doesn’t get bashed out of her hands. In fact, the axebeak is unable to react in time and as it tries to continue its charge; the sword takes off the foot and the bird goes tumbling.

Doctor isn’t the most agile and so is the closest to being hit. Good thing Jay decided to be near him as the axebeak ends up distracted by his attempt to slice the thing open. It sadly was only an attempt as like Jim warned, they can do a small amount of dodging and Jay had been a bit too ambitious with trying to decapitate the bird. Zach just used a summoned wood block to take the beak attack as he scrambled to get out from under the bird’s feet.

The axebeaks go a good bit further before trying to turn around. Not far enough though as Jim is easily able to snipe one of them. Though Zach didn’t really need to aim all that much as he just turned the block of wood he summoned into a bunch of nasty splinters and sent it at the one that attacked him. The remaining bird gets turned around, but then flops over.

Jim turns to Susan with a raised eyebrow. She laughs, “I got a scratch on it. Good thing they were running around and had their blood pumping so hard. Really spread the poison out. It should be paralyzed for a good bit of time, though we should probably put it down.”

Doctor coughs, “We might not have the chance as the axebeaks above us are charging as well.”

Jay looks up and laughs, “And what do they expect to do? They’re on the ceiling!”

So with great comedic timing, that is right when the axebeaks reach the edge of the room and step onto the wall.

Susan lightly smacks the back of his head, “Don’t tempt fate”.

Jim lets out a laugh that turns into a sigh. “Those kobolds riding the axebeaks seem to be carrying multiple spears. Be ready for some very dangerous ranged attacks. In fact, let’s get behind some of the boulders.”

The group spread out even more to take advantage of the rocks. This doesn’t turn out to be the best plan as instead of spreading out themselves, the charging axebeaks only split up into two groups led by the kobolds. On the first pass, Sammy and Zach who are on the very edges are targeted.

Zach continued to move around the rock while using some more summoned wood to defend himself. It only works so well as even with a thick piece of wood the kobold’s spear is able to penetrate far enough to scratch him. Sammy isn’t so lucky as while her shield is actually a shield, it is still just wood as well and the spear penetrates into it and into her arm.

Doctor rushes over to her as the axebeaks race into the distance and catches another spear for his trouble. He dodges but the thing still leaves a nasty wound across his back. Though it could have been worse as the spear lacked a lot of the power it would have had it thrown while charging at him.

Jim readies his bow for when they turn around, except they don’t. At least not like axebeaks normally do. No, with the kobolds in charge, the birds instead keep their speed and instead go into a very long turn and are soon heading back towards them from a different direction.

Though the group with the kobold who has thrown both his spears doesn’t keep their speed up. Instead, they keep only enough to get to the group right after the other. While the birds are meant for hit and run, their beaks work just as well as a melee weapon and the kobold with them has commands to do so.

The other group keeps going though to give their kobold another shot at the group with his last throwing spear. Of course, once again targeting Sammy and Doctor. This time though Zach is worried and puts a large chunk of mana into his spell which brings up a very sturdy and extra thick wooden wall between the kobold and the two, allowing the Doctor to continue his work in healing himself before the wound can bleed him out.

With the other group in melee with Jim, Susan, and Jay the charging group doesn’t worry as much about being attacked from range so they quickly dump their speed and charge back to start using melee attacks themselves.

Zach had kept an eye on them so notices, “The other group coming in for melee as well. I’ll hold them up but I don’t know how long.”

Jim puts an arrow through the eye of one of the axebeaks before shouting back, “Do what you can, but try and focus down the kobold. We’ve taken care of two birds over here but the kobold has a nasty tendency to block out attacks on their mount.”

Zach rolls his eyes, it isn’t like he can so easily just target the. His thoughts pause and he realizes there might be a way. The birds are charging at them, even if not at full speed. Both a good thing for his plan, but also a problem as it doesn’t give him much time. He shakes his head and throws all the mana he can into a wood summoning spell.

In front of the birds on both sides of the group, two tree trunks connected by a sturdy branch pops into existence. The axebeaks are able to duck under it easily enough. The kobold, however, isn’t so lucky as it runs into the branch chest first and gets yanked off the bird as bones break.

On the other side, Zach is gasping for air having thrown his mana around a little too aggressively. Still, he doesn’t let that stop him from casting another spell, this one a lot easier on him, a single root spike. Of course, this root spike is going right through the downed kobold and finishing the job.

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