Dungeon’s Path

Figuring Out Arrays – Chapter 246

Doyle tilts to the side, ‘So will the level my arrays can affect rise with the pattern level?’

Ally laughs, ‘That would be so, so, so convenient. So no. You can totally have a level one thousand pattern for a level one array. It can even be really handy as you could specialize the array. A popular version of that is a hyper-efficient one which is meant to run off of the natural energy so people don’t have to keep throwing power at it.

‘You would think that an array meant to gather power would be able to use said power to run. It always disappoints people when they find out this isn’t the case. Something about how it pulls the stuff in makes it so it can’t be used. That doesn’t stop the array from using any nearby ambient power, but you generally need a ton more power than is available unless you’re in some kind of heaven or wonderland.’

Doyle, ‘So how does the pattern for the array work if you can have multiple distinct versions?’

Ally shrugs, ‘It just keeps track of them. Though don’t expect to have some list of one to one hundred or some such. The granularity isn’t quite that fine.

‘Instead, you’ll probably end up with a list that goes one, six, 14, 23, 42, and so on. The idea behind it is that the array uses runes and there are only so many ways to put them together and actually get a world energy gathering array. Of course, with higher levels and access to more runes up to and including entirely new runic languages, you can start filling in the blanks.

‘For now, though, you’ll be stuck with the default rune language since it is what the system gives out for free. Anyway, spawn in your array and I’ll help you figure it out.’

Doyle nods and creates a blank tile of stone in the tenth floor’s farm zone, then stamps the tiny world energy gathering array onto it. With that finished, he pulled up a blue screen with a view of it.

Ally nods, ‘Okay, let’s see if we can get the system to rename your pattern to something more descriptive.’

Doyle tilts to the side, ‘What’s wrong with calling it a tiny world energy gathering array? At default size, the array is a relatively small circle of runes and going by the feel I get from the area, the world energy is gathered within it.’

Ally pulls up an image of a potion, ‘Remember, you got the pattern off of one of these. It was likely called tiny because when you received it, the thing was quite tiny. Yet here you have it big enough for one human to sit within it.

‘Also, you’ve lost quite a bit of quality off of the array. Right now since you used your creation skill to lay it out, the array is being directly powered by you. If you tried to make a potion bottle with it and someone took that bottle out, the array would stop working.

‘Remember how I said a level one thousand pattern could power itself? While common, I didn’t pull that example out of nowhere. Anyway, on the Interdimensional Net, this type of array would be called something like “simple world energy gathering array for individuals”.

‘If that sounds a little clunky, that’s because it is. The actual language used to name arrays is a dead language used for naming things, magic, and science. Kind of like how science did things on your world.’

Doyle, ‘What makes it simple? Since that is just the name, I’m guessing it won’t become a complex array with more levels.’

Ally shrugs, ‘It’s two dimensional and made of only one rune circuit. Also, the runes don’t need any kind of fancy carving to work and the lines don’t need to be filled in or colored with other materials.’

Doyle nods, ‘So because a kid could literally scribble this in the dirt and have a working array?’

Ally laughs, ‘Well, the kid would need to figure out a method to power it, but yeah. Though because the methods to make an array more complex are varied they generally just drop the word simple. About the only exceptions to that are arrays that are no longer 2d and any array which layers rune circuits.’

Doyle, ‘Question, how would you even create array flags when stuff like inlays and cut depth are potential variables?’

Ally points to the array he had just created, ‘That looks all fancy and connected, but a lot of that is similar to cursive. All connected together to better control the array and it allows you to write it out in one go. What matters are the runes and rune words.

‘You could make that exact array by just extracting out every rune, slapping them on flags, and laying them out so they’re in a similar pattern. That, however, would be too complicated and would require a ton of flags, so most people use the rune words instead.

‘Now, since this is written in magical cursive it might be hard to pick them out, but there are three rune words being used here. The translation is a little rough because each rune word is actually like a mini sentence all of its own, but the three basically mean “world energy”, “gather”, “within”.’

Doyle tilts to the side, ‘So this would require three flags in a triangle?’

Ally nods, ‘You could even draw lines connecting the flags to help define the array’s boundaries, though that only goes so far. If you try to make silly shapes or have the lines bulge out, the array will ignore them. Now, can you guess how much of your array is taken up by each rune word?’

Doyle turns back to the array and tries to make heads or tails of it. While Ally had compared it to cursive, it wasn’t, not really. The entire array was seamlessly connected into one whole, which now that he looks at it, is somewhat impressive in and of itself.

There are sections of mostly just connecting lines, but none of it feels like a space. Sure, the longer he looks, the more Doyle feels he can pick out the individual runes, but that is about it. So, instead of trying to figure that out, he backs up and tries to find a larger pattern in the array.

Doyle doesn’t find one they’re either and so takes a guess, ‘I’m not able to spot anything so if I had to guess? “World energy” probably takes up, I don’t know, say a fourth of the array. Then “within” seems simple enough so I’m going with an eighth and “gather” takes up the remaining five-eighths of the array.’

Ally smiles, ‘Not quite right. “World energy” actually takes up the least amount of space. It is the least complex rune word in the array as it doesn’t actually have to say too much. World energy is simply the energy naturally present around worlds. Now, if you wanted to specify something like Mana, it would be a lot more complicated and likely involve an extra word or two to convert world energy into that energy.

‘As for the other two? They somewhat match each other in complexity, though “within” manages to edge out “gather”. While it might seem simple, the actual space it defines isn’t 2d. Instead, it defines an area that extends mostly upward, though slightly downward so a person or item can fit within.’

Doyle pulls up a picture of one of the potion bottles, ‘So I’m going to guess the extra lines carved into this thing helps define the entire inner space of the bottle as where the array will affect?’

Ally shrugs, ‘Yes and no. There are other things going on that require those lines, but that involves array stacking and 3d arrays. Things which if I might remind you, are so special they actually get their own descriptive words when naming an array.

‘Anyway, the array you have seems to be almost exactly the same as the one I got off the IDnet so we can work on teaching you how to actually carve the thing.’

Doyle, ‘Another question first. You said the order you draw the runes in matters, but you also said you could make each rune into a flag and set the array that way. What’s up with that?’

Ally raises an eyebrow, ‘Well if they’re all flags you simply need to place them correctly. That is actually another reason why people like to use rune word flags. Though sometimes, despite using the exact same rune word, one array will require you to draw the runes in a different order.’

Doyle nods, ‘I can see that. I’m guessing the order you draw them helps determine things like energy flow and certain other qualities. So one array could have different requirements for a word than another.’

Ally slow blinks, ‘Huh, yeah, that’s basically correct. There are some nuances, but even I don’t get them. Anyway, let’s look at your array.’

Ally draws three lines, splitting the array into parts on the screen. ‘These are the three rune words and since you know a bit about them, it should be obvious which is which. Since world energy is so simple, we’ll start with that one.

‘To do this, you’ll need to use that new ability the engraving path gave you. Now, the type of power you use to draw the array, especially one this simple, isn’t going to matter much. However, for now, stick to world energy. Now make a stone disc and I’ll show you how the runes have to match up to make a word and the order in which you have to carve them.’

From there it takes Doyle a little under a month to learn how to engrave the three flags needed for the array. Then it took another few days for the two of them to figure out how to power the array. Though the trouble they had with that is the answer was too simple.

To power the array, you simply need to have a socket on one of the flags, and it could be any of them as it wasn’t picky, into which you can slot some kind of energy stone, crystal, or what have you. Ally was mostly certain that it could probably even fit pre-system batteries, though with Doyle’s current skill level they would be sucked dry within a few hours. 

Simple electricity just isn’t mystical enough to be a good power source. Oh, and someone can power the array themselves, but that is even less efficient than the batteries would be. At least with electricity, it is a neutral power source. A person’s own power is marked by their soul and would be hard for the array to use, with the caveat being that the person who sets up the array can power it just fine.

Not that Doyle would have that problem. While he does technically make just as much cruft as any other sapient, it’s like how a plant also makes carbon dioxide. Sure, they put off a little bit of the stuff, but you wouldn’t notice. So he can power any array he wants since he can use pure world energy.

Oh, and Doyle learns why the array is for individuals. While it does fill an area with world energy, the first thing that uses world energy to enter the array will be the focus of the gathered power. Anything else in there that tries to use the power will find it harder than even outside of the array.

The array is designed that way as this style, while also used by people, is mostly used for objects and plants. So to make sure some other entity doesn’t come in and mooch off the power, it is set up like that.

This is especially useful for growing individual plants as it keeps common mystical pests and parasites away. Sure, you still have to watch out for any fungus or aphid trying to suck the power out of the plant itself, but they won’t be able to multiply through the increased density of world energy.

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