Dxd: Ink and Summoning

71- As expected of…

As expected, word of Britain's new rising ruler spread like wildfire throughout the supernatural community; by the end of the first week, every faction was aware of it, and plans and schemes were starting to form.

Someone claiming to be the ruler of a country the size of Britain does not happen very often, and especially not so suddenly.

Much less under such a well-known name.


Typically, this occurs when a group or person's fame rises, and they begin slowly making themselves known, building a reputation, and eventually but gradually gaining support in the country to finally claim it as their own.

It's a process that anyone with a reasonable understanding of what's going on in the world could predict, but this time it was completely different, like the sudden disaster that hit Britain, completely unpredictable, unforeseen and unforgiven, giving them no time to react or defend themselves.

It's not an exaggeration to say that the entire Country was under the watch of thousands of pairs of eyes during this period of rising tension between factions and various organizations all over the world that is referred to as 'peace' where seeking knowledge of and control of everything becomes the norm

Numerous attempts were made to bring them down, resulting in countless battles against their everlasting soldiers.

And if the enemy was strong enough to overwhelm those unyielding soldiers, Mordred, Arthur, and Le Fay appeared to face them, which turned some of those eyes to the known Pendragon family of this world from where two of those three come from

A family that claimed that both Arthur and Le Fay had left the place a long time ago while also stealing one of the pieces of Excalibur.

Fortunately for them, their land is also under the protection of the new ruler of Britain, so they were not attacked.

But that wasn't all; some more confident individuals, as well as those seeking fame and having sufficient strength, attempted to prove themselves inside the eye of the storm by ambushing or challenging the strongest warrior of this new faction, sometimes alone, sometimes in groups.

Most of the time Mordred, Arthur and Le Fay were more than enough to face them and they actually welcomed such challenges, even going as far as healing and having a talk with them forming new acquaintances. 

But not everything went as planned when they were ambushed by hundreds of enemies, some of whom were stronger than they were, and while they could fight for hours and hours, the destruction they would cause to the surroundings would be too much for them to bear, so they had to step forward.

During this time, two characters emerged.

The first was already known, but the world could finally see the one called 'Dusk.'

The second one, The Lion King, on the other hand is the source of all this mayhem and the focus of it.

Each faction used their own methods to determine whether they were what they ought to be.

Whether it was through clairvoyance, recordings made by the people fighting against them, or by reading their memories using various methods, they all got a 'glimpse' of both of them.

The first appeared amid a black rain that weakened everyone who was drenched by it, while the ponds formed by it spawned monstrosities that sent shivers down most viewers' spines.

Dusk has been officially titled as 'Raining Terror' and the wielder of the Longinus Annihilation Maker.

His other deeds also resurfaced with his reappearance in the natural world, initially surprising the various leaders as to why such a person had gone unnoticed.

However, when they looked into him further, the question was answered on its own.

The unofficial leader of the 'Human Faction,' a group of powerful and unknown individuals

The Raider of the Vampire faction.

The Devil's friend.

The ally of the Yokais.

And the hoarder of the young, the one who made the majority of the poor vanish into the unknown.

Someone whose true name, as well as his true appearance, abilities, and even his true affiliation or location, remains unknown.

His shapeshifting abilities, which allowed him to move around unnoticed, and the ability to cast a door-like teletransportation spell made him a ghostly and impossible to catch target. 

The leaders came to the same conclusion.

No surprise they had little to no information about 'Dusk,' with those abilities remaining unknown is simple, and knowing his true identity is impossible unless he himself reveals it.

And even then, who knows if that will be his true identity or another fabricated one...

But, while Dusk was a surprise for them, and they were greedy and curious for him, he couldn't compete with the second one.

The impact of her first entrance into the scene was far too great, far too great.

Because, while Dusk was the source of an uncountable army of monsters, she was an unrivaled leader in terms of strength.

Her simple and unexpected presence in the battle was enough to bring it to a sudden end.

It wasn't because the assailants were under orders not to attack her or anything...

No, it was something simpler and more primal, and that something was strength.

Like children who fight when their parents appear in front of them.

Her mere presence in any fight was enough to put an end to it with a simple display of power.

Without seeking information about her beforehand, they knew she was superior from the moment she appeared in their senses.

To say they felt overpowered, overwhelmed, and outclassed would be an understatement.

Even the best warriors of any faction will experience this feeling once in their lives, and that happens when they meet their leaders.

Their mere presence indicated that the fight would be more than 'difficult,' 'hard,' or 'complicated,' because those terms only apply when you actually stand a chance.

No, this is something entirely different; it's an instinctual understanding that the fight will only last as long as she allows it to last.

And that wasn't all, even if it was surprising for the majority of them, it wasn't enough to surprise the leaders to such an extent.

The biggest surprise came from what they discovered after analyzing the situation and the Lion King herself..

A human, but more importantly, a human with the distinct aura and pressure of a dragon, even if only a portion of it alongside something unexpected, the Divinity they sensed in her.

Part human, part dragon, and part divine, that's not something you see every day...

They officially gave her the title 'Lion King' along with some unofficial titles such as 'The Fake Ruler' and others implying that she is not a proper ruler.

But there's a reason why the leaders gave her an official title that includes the word "King" and that's because no one can deny her power, the more knowledgeable ones got the message perfectly.

Of course, there was more to her that only a few could see; with so many eyes on her, it's natural for some to notice different things hidden beneath that radiant display of might.

Her weapons, armor, beauty, and power, as well as her horse and humanity...

It was hidden, but trained eyes can't miss it.

Everything became a target, an objective, and a goal for various people to snatch, claim, and possess for themselves.

Of course, that is assuming they have the capability to obtain them; the leaders were well aware of this, and the presence of Dusk turned those ideas about her into a problem.

That's two factions we're talking about, the Yokais and the Devil's, not to mention the Pendragon family has close ties with the Church, so they might also have some connections with them, and even if they don't it's only a matter of time before they do.

So, despite their eagerness, there is little they can do because her location is unknown.

There are only rumors that the location of 'Camelot' will be made public in the future, so for the time being, most of them must sit back and wait.

But that is just what's happening in the supernatural world.

Our 'Hero Faction' was also caught off guard by a surprise brought in by one of their own members.


Shishou disappeared for a long time, and while she returned to eat some food, she was mostly outside doing something she didn't want to tell me about, so I didn't ask.

And this is the result of ignoring her...

I never imagined Shishou would be the one causing us problems...

No, this is not the end of the world... 'The problem' will be more of an annoyance and possibly a source of drama later on, but Shoshone is free to do whatever she wants and I will support error even if it means that she will start a war.

We've already caused her so many problems, and we're all here to help each other, so it's not such a big deal for her to cause some problems here and there as well...

The problem I'm referring to is the third person in the room who is remaining quiet and docile while Shishou and I engage in a stare contest.

It's my turn to inquire, even if I already know the answer, "So... why is SHE here?" I pointed to the white-haired woman with large assets, who resembled a secretary and had white silver hair and blue eyes that is questioning her choices in life.

Scáthach replied, "My new disciple," without missing a beat. She used a tone of voice and a slight smile was enough to confirm that what I thought was right.

The Valkyr's flinch and helplessness only made it more obvious for me.

"You made her your student? or did you 'made' her your student?... Why am I even asking? " She just smiled at me and that was enough, who would have guessed she had such a mischievous side to her, after all, she was the one who suggested the bunny suit, and I have to say… it suited her quite well... 

And plenty of other fun things she wanted to try, making our alone time memorable.

" I can tell what you did by simply looking at the poor, and still single, women " The Valkyrie finally reacted and responded by pouting at me for pointing out her status in relationships.

"It's... all HIS fault… " the Valkyrie murmured and we simply ignored her.

Shishou is inquisitive, determined, and arrogant, as anyone who has spent time with her will notice.

She won't let go of something once she's taken an interest in it, and a talented disciple is one of those things; that woman just happened to be that talented person.

Shishou will not cause harm to others, but she believes that no one else is better at teaching and getting the best out of a student than she is.

So, even if it appears that she is kidnapping someone, she will help and teach them wholeheartedly, even if she is technically kidnapping them in almost every sense of the word.


I looked at the Valkyrie, hoping to make her feel more secure. "So, tell me, what's your name? and how she..." I returned my gaze to Scáthach, unable to find the right words to describe her method of recruiting people... " 'convinced' you to become her disciple... " The Valkyrie responded sincerely, seeing that it could be a possible way out of her predicament.

"Hello, my name is Rossweisse, and..." She returned her gaze to Scáthach, attempting to recall but clearly failing based on the frown on her face "I'm not sure... I went to a bar at night, and the next day when I woke up, she was there, saying, 'Now you are my disciple,' and bringing me here..."

As... expected of Shishou...

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