DxD: Matsuda!

A New Devil!

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     I enter the ORC club room with Asia holding my left hand and looking around carefully, she does not seem to be afraid of the four other people that were watching us.

     "Hello President, your Pawn has returned!" Yup she is trying to look displeased but her curiosity of the green eyed girl with blond hair has made her inquisitive side conflict with her strict side.

     Rias asks,"Matsuda, do you know why I am upset with you?" Rias is in her chair with her legs crossed as well as her arms.

     "Wonder if she knows crossing her arms like that just makes her boobs look bigger and is distracting for me."

     I say,"I know that's why I said nothing, I know you care too much to let me go into danger, and I am sorry for making you try and rescue me. I purposely did not tell you my plans to save Asia, because the four of you could have been killed by that exorcist. He is strong, at least for the current peerage strength."

     I then gave Rias a 90 degree bow, and then Asia copied with me. She still thinks it is her fault, so cute.

     Rias just picks up her boobs a bit more and pouts. Then says or asks,"Hello there I am Rias Gremory and I am a devil of the Great House of Gremory, Matsuda has informed us of your arrival and his desire to save you from the hands of the fallen and stray exorcist. What should we do with you now sister?"

     Asia then bows again then replies,"Hello my name is Asia Argento and I am grateful to have met and been saved by Matsuda, and he has given me two options to think about."

     She then grabs my arm and looks at Rias with determination in her green eyes,"As long as I can always stay at Matsuda's side I would like to become a devil if you would have me!"

     I won't lie, she is really stroking my ego a bit. She has so much love of God she is willing to become a devil for me! I have to not neglect her feelings. It feels like a proposal to me with all the dedication.

     Rias looks in my direction and I just nod and smile knowing if she is confirming her identity as the bishop.

     She then said,"Asia Argento I Rias Gremory formally invite you to become my new Bishop and you can remain by Matsuda's side for as long as you desire, welcome to my peerage."

     I said,"Rias, can you wait for two hours before you do the ritual?"

     Everyone in the room just looks confused so I say,"Please give Asia two hours to read her bible and look at her favorite lines. She won't be able to do it later and I want her to have no regrets about this!" Asia just looks so happy I thought about her feelings. Damn I feel like I have a broken dating simulator and my meter is busting the max level here!

     Rias tells her,"Asia you can go to my back room there and read your book in peace, just come out when you're ready." Akeno then directs a happy Asia to a room for her to read.

     "Why are you so unwilling to ask for help Matsuda?" Rias stands up and leans on the front-side of her desk while crossing her arms? Why is she lifting her boobs to me?

     "Damn there nice!"

     So I say,"Rias, I just want you to be happy. I know I do naughty frustrating things, but I only do it to make us happy in the end. I will no longer ever try and gamble with my life and promise the actions I take are for our sake!"

     After my out loud thoughts she was defeated and grabbed my hand and walked me to the spot on Koneko's couch then sat patted her lap then said,"As a punishment for deceiving me, and as a balance for bringing me a wonderful servant. I Rias your King have sentenced you to two hours of a lap pillow!"

     OK, even Koneko, let alone the rest of us are thinking 'Just admit you want to give him/me a lap pillow!'

     I say while jumping onto the couch,"This naughty Pawn accepts his punishment!"

     As I lay my head in her business I say,"I am willing to double it in humiliation!"

     Rias just lightly smacks my head and says,"Don't push it!"

     Akeno smiles and says,"You know, I got called out of my job on short notice. I think I should also punish you with a lap pillow!?"

     My fucking curse kicked in then and,"In that case will Akeno punish me like that forever! Fuck am I drooling?!" I thought!

     Akeno covers her mouth and says,"Oh Rias I think your power over Matsuda is delightful, of course I will punish you often! Ufufu"

     "Akeno only I am to punish Matsuda. Keep those depraved thoughts to yourself!" Oh fuck it is jealous Rias! I might have to run, but my lap-pillow!

     Koneko pats her lap,"My lap is small but you can try it......" What the fuck, did jail-bait just say the most epic LEGENDARY thing ever! Bad thoughts be-gone!

     Rias, feeling her Mat will be stolen, says,"The two of you stop! I am his only lap-pillow here, and that's final!" Dad, I love the anime world. I will just sleep now!

     A couple hours and a fantastic nap later!

     I am currently talking to the members of ORC and yes the new devil Asia as well,"OK Rias now that I have accomplished our goal of not letting Asia die, We need to talk about the upcoming fight to clear out the trouble! Tomorrow night we have to make sure the old church is free from the fallen's control. If it stays occupied past tomorrow, then Riser may be your new husband!"

     Rias is a bit confused about what one has to do with the other....

     So I say,"The clearing of the church will draw his gaze here and I can find his familiar due to the event, and if I get it, that means we will get what we want from him. Plus if we do not clear out the rats' nest, Kuoh will be destroyed in two months and the 3rd Great war will start!"

     "What?! All that over an old church and some strays!" Rias is truly in disbelieving mode over the revelation. Even Kiba perked up at this!

     "Rias, you once asked me if knowing the future is hard. I will tell you what I just said is the tip of the iceberg! To make sure none of us can die, I recommend bringing in Sona's group for the cleanup! It is your call, I will respect your decision even if I oppose it. You did say you did not want a path pre-chosen right?"

     Rias looks like she is slapping her past self's words right now. She is just looking at me in shock of the consequences of any choice she makes.

     She says to her Queen,"Akeno, call Sona for an emergency meeting so the rest of you get some rest."

     She then said,"Asia stay here with me till we get all this settled, I don't want the fallen to target you during this time."

     We then all head home and I give Asia a burner phone and show her how to use it to call me. Yet again she was so excited to receive something from me. I gotta get her that Ratche-kun doll!


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