DxD: Matsuda!

A Prelude to War!

     The next two days were mostly calm and peaceful. Why did I say mostly? Well genius The Great Me, did not calculate what in the world would happen if my mother met Xenovia........You guessed it nonstop baby-making talk, from each month of pregnancy to what food a baby needs to common health tips for child care......I think my mom is trying to kill me! Xenovia is giving me hungry mother eyes and I am afraid what will happen when she gets into forced mating heat mode!

     Rias and I did a few more fire control tests and on top of destroying her underwear, Rias was able to create multiple smaller orbs of destruction for her rapid shooting on one or more targets. Also she now has a better handle on controlling collateral damage. I was able to regulate my control of the energy in her body.....And yes Akeno made me use it on her....She just fainted with a smile and slept for a few hours.....Now that I think about it, I can use this on my girls to save lower back pain right?

     Xenovia and Asia had gotten along as well as they did in the story, maybe even better due to meeting in the trial. Xenovia had told me when I healed them in the trial, all of her old injuries were erased from her body, including all of her old broken bones and scars. [Restoration] is better than Phoenix tears then? Xenovia also changed her cloak colors from white, to black with gold trim, when she found out they were my Satan Gold colors.....I think she is trying to match her Lord.....Yup that is her nickname for me to show she is my Knight. She also said I knighted her when I told her sword to fight for me....In a weird Xenovia logic, it actually makes sense!

     I have typed up many folders with seals on them and a timestamp for every member of ORC and Sona's peerage to help make sure the events to come will be safer than in the show....But nothing is certain so I put in contingency plans as well. Now each cog can operate in a timely fashion. My only problem that is giving me a headache is my guilt for letting Irina get captured......If I prevent this Kokabiel may take her things more heavy handedly, but I can't be 100% sure she won't die.....my heart is so torn about this.......Even now I wonder if I am doing the right thing letting her go, I don't mind letting Kiba go but he is a strong man......Irina is just a silly girl and I hate letting a girl get hurt......

     It is now game day of our night assault to fight Freed, and both peerages including Kiba and Irina will be present at the ORC. Irina is truly avoiding me due to the Heaven calling incident but at least she is talking to Issei.

     I am currently standing in front of a map of the school and pointing out were everyone will be posted once the battle starts.......Then Saji asked the question many wanted to know but did not, because Sona and Rias never did.."Matsuda, how do you know so much about what is to come? And why are you acting like you are in charge?" this question is valid and normal.....

      "Saji, do not pry into other peerage members' secrets, it is not becoming.", Sona was the first to cover for me. I did not expect her to defend me so strongly.

     "No Sona, he is right for once....His question is both reasonable and correct....Why is he and the rest of you blindly following me into unknown events!" I take a breath and talk,"I of course have secrets that are about to be revealed, and many of you have been left in the dark.....I have a sensitive background that if known will put my loved ones in danger. Even my King is unaware of who I was once in the past. Most of you have heard of the Hero faction right?......They are humans that inherit the spirits and powers of the heroic ancestors.....It is more complicated than that, but my situation is like that."

      Rias asked, a bit hurt she is unaware of my secret,"And why have you hidden your past from me?"

     I just smile and say,"Because if you slipped my identity by accident to the Underworld, they would try and take me away from you to prevent a war with Heaven!"

     Rias and many others were dumbstruck....Even Sona who thought she knew everything was spooked. Silence pervaded the room till one clueless and brave person spoke up,"I dont know whats going on, but I don't care what your past was...I am your friend and that won't change!"

     "Thanks Issei, that actually makes me feel better! Well I will let all of you know now my secret....If I don't it will be known during the fight with Kokabiel. Let me start by saying I have NO memory of my first life......", At this point a crying Asia, Xenovia, and Akeno came up to hug me while I told my tail..."2000 years ago I was a man that was well known in the history of the three factions and most humans......My past life was known as Jesus Christ........"

     "Damn how is that possible? Your are super famous! I am best friends with you? Damn I am screwed! I have taken your name in vain!" I then throw a paper ball at Issei's face, "Shut up dork!" I look at Rias, now you know why my background may have caused you problems......Also I am the one that caused the Heavens Descent incident." I have this feeling that Rias will reject me and I start crying.......She has said nothing till now. I know it's dumb to do and say all of this now...but with the peace talks and the revelation of God is dead......It would be better for those around me to be prepared.

     Rias just stood up and walked in front of me...then she looked at me and asked,"Why would you of all people want to become a devil?"

     This I can answer without any issue,"Because I wanted to be with you and everyone in this room.......I would have become anything to be with the ones I care for and love! Who wants to be human when I can be loved by the greatest women in the Underworld! Plus you are all better than most humans anyway.......My Father told me to be happy even if that meant becoming a devil!" I just smile at the thought of Big G telling me to squeeze Rias's boobs!

     "Were you going to tell me? And why does Akeno know?" I just look at her and reply,"Yes I was and she found out on her own.....she could see my soul in my eyes."

     "Do you truly love me?",she is fighting off tears, so I say,"Did I not tell you before? I loved you before you were even born! And I love all my girls......I hate that I was Christ in the past...everyone looks at me like a monster....I do not want to be known for my past life....I am Matsuda Tanaka! That is who I am......Rias you told me you did not want to be known as Rias Gremory of the Great house, but just Rias...well it is the same for me.", Rias finally felt refreshed in her heart and ran into my arms. I too felt good she is accepting me. Tsubaki stood up and also came to hug me, followed by Koneko, but what is going on??? What is she doing! Sona with a tear in her eye came to hug me...I was petrified! Saji and every member of Sona was dumbfounded too!

     "Sona what are you doing, let go of MY Pawn!" Rias is back to normal now she is being jealous!

     Sona just squeezed tighter to not get pulled away by Rias and says,"Matsuda has done a great service to my family and I need to express my thanks to him and support him!" I look at Tsubaki in confusion and she just has a happy smile on her face for what her King is doing?.......I am so confused. Rias manages to get in-between me and Sona thankfully. But then out of the blue my bad luck hit like thunder!!!!!!!!!

     I do not know what kind of dogs-shit luck Issei has to have an idiot-savant moment and screw me hard, he yelled,"WAIT, KAREN IS ALIVE IN HEAVEN! SHE IS THE PERSON IN HEAVEN YOU CALLED! SHE IS SO FUCKING HOT BRO!" Yes, Issei in his super rare moment of enlightenment outsmarted both Kings and Queens! "When Rias and Akeno asked you in front of the school about Karen you said she left you! Then when they asked where she was, you said Heaven! Damn so that hot ass woman was a real angel! On top of that you said she was your wife, brouhaha!" Issei I truly hope you die a virgin.........

     *cough* The hug Rias is giving me just tightened a lot! Her eyes say 'speak' or its paddle time, "Y-you see, it was just a misunderstanding due to the lie-detection spell cast on me.....I did not want to say anything that would expose I knew the supernatural! So I just told the truth.....A-and I forgot to bring it up...B-because I would have to explain my connection to Heaven,.....s-so I just put it off!" I look like I just ate a hot pepper,and all the bathrooms are taken in a poop emergency.....

     Saji, smelling blood in the water, just said,"So how many girls do you have hidden?" I hope Kokabiel kills you first!

     All the girls in the room looked around at one another as if this was a valid question, and who exactly Matsuda's lovers were. I keep trying to activate my super skill [Pass the fuck out] but it is not activating for me........

     Rias just puts her hands on hips and declares,"OK girls, I will not get mad at anyone here so please if you are currently in or plan to be in a romantic relationship with Matsuda, please raise your hand now...." Rias of course puts her hand up.......

      Next to raise her hand was, Asia then Tsubaki, Xenovia, Koneko, Akeno,and finally the one that almost made me faint, Sona!? Saji fell to his knees with despair in his eyes and wished he could go back in time and not provoke me. Issei just had a wide open mouth with the eyes of a faithful worshiper to a rival harem king. I just felt like my gear was going to tell me to jump out the window like the Lion in Wizard of Oz!

     Rias just puts her arms under her boobs in anger and looks at me in displeasure,"OK playboy who is not present you are in a relationship with, this is an order by your King!" Damn I want off this roller coaster.....

     "Reporting to my lovely King, I am only with Grayfia and Kalawarna mam!" I just gave a military salute.

     "Tell me about this Kalawarna......"Rias is squinting at me......So I begin,"I met Karen a year ago and her dog Precious kept her talking to me for a couple of months, we would chat and stargaze together and we developed romantic feelings as friends......She was one of the fallen angels that was part of Yuma's group but she did not know me as anything more than a human boy. I did know who she was though and she was unaware of that fact!...We had a real relationship....Until that terrible night! My teacher was going to be killed by a stray priest and I saved him, then he called for his fallen angel's support to save him...it of course was Kala. She tried to make me fight back or run, and when I refused...she could not hurt me, and we confessed our feelings....When she asked me to forgive her......I said I forgive you.....Then Heaven heard us and purified Kala into an angel........I almost died then.....She took me home and she nursed me back and we sealed our marriage together......About a week ago she gave birth to my baby daughter named Sera, she is a half-angel! That's it, all of my secrets are laid out for everyone to judge me....."

     The reactions were very different across the room, Sona's inner thought was [Did he name his daughter after my big sister!]. Issei now has worship in his eyes for his best friend. Most of my girls were surprised but not disturbed. But out of everyone the biggest response was Irina who had tears coming out of her eyes,"Matsuda, I am sorry I have misjudged you, even though you're a devil your love and kindness even saved a fallen angel.....that is the most beautiful love story I have ever heard!"

      Akeno just smiled at me,"So you will actually even fall in love with the fallen, no wonder you married me! I love you dear!" Akeno forgot her secret wife status and charged into my arms.

     Rias, brought out of her stupor, just said,"Akeno get off my husband!" Akeno just smiled and said,"Sorry Rias, we have been together for a while now!" Damn I cant follow what is going on anymore!

     Rias looks like she just remembered something and asks,"How can you as a devil be married to an angel? And does she know about us?" Wow, she asked a good question....

     "Oh it is no problem, Kalawarna was granted my Divine Protection as well as my baby...neither one of them can fall from grace anymore! And Kala knows about all of you and is excited to meet everyone....Also Grayfia and Kala keep in touch over circles."

     "Rias in my defense knowing everything you just learned today, could you be one hundred percent sure to not leak a thing to anyone? I just had to protect all of you....My feelings have not changed and never will......When I joined you I told you about all of this headache and this is why I did not want you to throw me away!......just know I love all of you very much...so If we can get out of my baggage and stop the next three way war......?"

      Rias just looks defeated and sighs,"Fine~, But you're going to work really hard to make me happy again!" I hate harems.........

     The next two hours we discussed who would face Freed and then we left for war...............................

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