DxD: Matsuda!

Asia where is your Underwear?!

     So you are not confused, when Bennia speaks with her mask on, her speech will be like this... [Hi Boss!], and when her mask is off like last chapter it will be like this... "Hi Boss!".

     Whenever a voice cannot be seen by someone moving there mouth this is how the LN portrays it, and I have done the same thing in my story. Hades and Pluto both had this as well, or when a voice comes from a speaker. Thanks for Reading!

     The other girls ate early and went to do their student council work early so I left the house a while after them. However my walk to school by myself, well from other people's view, was weird!

     [Sorry boss, but my King said to protect you on your way to school! She wants nothing to happen to you.]

     Yes Bennia is following me from the shadows as my escort and her creepy voice has been my constant companion. When she put on her bizarre skull mask, ALL Loli desires I may have had vanished from my mind! She was so adorable and I was thinking naughty thoughts of how to invite her into my harem..... Nope that skull just ruined my fantasy!

     [Hey Boss, do you know why I call you Boss and not my King?]

     I roll my eyes because this girl, despite looking like a reject from a carnival, is so energetic and happy. I ask reluctantly,"So why AM I your 'Boss' exactly?"

     [You're the boss of my boss, so I can't call you both Boss, right?! So Sona Sitri is my King and you're the Boss! Seems so simple right?]

     I see her in the shadows teleporting shadow to shadow in an impressive movement pattern. If it was not for my powers of observation I would not be able to see her, what a good assassin!

     [Hey Boss, thanks for letting me see your vampire form before you show it to the underworld! And if we are ever on the same battlefield together you can use my blood like you tried last night! You were so fast even I could not see you like your faster than most top tier grim reapers! Just amazing Boss!]

     Yup her blood made my speed peak at such an amazing level not even the Knights could keep their eyes on me! The grim reapers movement ability was insane.

     I smile at this trickster,"I will be thankful. Your special ability made me very happy. Honestly out of everyone I experimented on, I had some of the best results from your blood." Just like with Irina and Le Fay, virgin blood tastes so good. It's like drinking a warm flat soda vs a cold freshly opened one!

     The problem is since the bite with the opposite sex is borderline sexual, it made me feel uncomfortable how aroused she got.... Yes this girl just like Xuelan does not wear fucking underwear! Fortunately her skull mast kills the urge to push the Loli down.... Sigh!

     [This trip to school has been fun! no matter where I hide you can find me! No wonder even Hades is worried about you becoming stronger!]

     Out of curiosity I ask,"Hades is a God, why would he be alert about me?" He did look at me for a bit too long when we met before?

     [He said something like.... "I could not see or affect his soul.. It was outside of a Gods reach?!", and after they witnessed you swatting the reapers away like trash, Hades warned all reapers to avoid you! I however do not like how the reapers are doing things nowadays and left the Underworld to join the sister of Serafall! And the fact my hero Satan Gold is married to both the women I look up to, it made me want to become a devil!]

     Damn that is some dedication, and this smells of the classic stripper girl with daddy issues!

     I tell her,"Alright I am at school now so thanks Ben! See you later!" I wave to the tree off to the side and walk into school........

     My school day was like any other and a few Rom-Comedy moments happened here and there to make my day interesting but soon it passed. Most students are freaking out about the upcoming end of semester exams and most students use their free time to study hard. After that the winter holiday will be upon us and that means Christmas and New Years! I love women in Yukata! My powers of Foresight however are giving me truly awful and also wonderful vibes about Christmas. I don't know how one event can be both the worst and the best feeling?!

     Well nothing I can do about that now anyway right? Once again, that's the future, Matsuda's problem, Oh and no Christmas was not my actual date of birth in the past, it is the day that the church celebrates it! My first life's birth happened sometime in July, I think?! Well that's why when someone says it's like Christmas in July, then maybe they are technically right?! Well I don't remember it so who really cares right?

     After our club activity our group walked home together and Rias and Koneko were in my arms tonight.

     Rias says,"Some of the girls want to show you their current training progress so you won't have to be worried about us as much!" Koneko, Akeno , Asia, and Xenovia all nodded with big smiles to Rias' words? Well let's play show and tell then!

     Later that evening after supper and showers almost all the house resident's have come to the training area for their workouts and the displays of their efforts to show me.

     Sadly when it comes to Kiba I was not able to talk with the swords he got from Sig. The reason is, I can only talk to holy swords and my hammer. However Kiba impressed me by showing how he can avoid the downsides of the demonic swords by having his dragon warriors wield them! That is a fun trick to cheat.

     Next up was Akeno who flies up and transforms into a six winged fallen angel form! Honestly she looks super hot in her new transformation. When she showed me this form before, she needed a pair of bracelets to use it for a short time. This form is like a Balance Breaker in quality! She just becomes insanely tougher during her form transformation.

     Kuroka introduced her sister's new abilities to use, we know of her two tail mode, but what Koneko showed me almost made me form a tent in front of everyone! Koneko, wearing a new battle outfit like a shrine maiden with a miniskirt, absorbed a vast amount of natural energy into her body and she grew!!!! She aged a few years and was taller, with wide hips, and a huge set of boobs like her sister! I had two feelings, the first being noooo where is my Loli! And the second is I now have two Kuroka's!

     Kuroka proudly says,"Nyan, we call this Shirone Mode, -nya! In this form she temporarily gets super strong and can use powerful purifying flames called Kasha and can purify all evil, -nyan!" And she looks smug teaching her sister this move!

     Koneko, not wanting to exhaust herself, does not show me moves but instead leaps into my arms kissing me and making me feel her breast in front of everyone! Oh I see she is teasing Ravel, wow she feels just like her sister! I realized something very important just now!!!!

     I calm the sexy white tiger in my arms and tell everyone,"I am not a true Lolicon!!! I feel the same feeling with Koneko as I do in her Shirone body!! So Shirone don't think I will love you any less in the future! Wow thank God I am not a criminal........" After I said that many devils grab their heads... Oops!

     Shirone smiles at me and says,"Good, I was afraid your feelings for me would change when I grow up like this. Thank you big brother, nya!" And while she was kissing me she began to shrink to her Koneko form, back to holding and kissing a Loli! She was exhausted and her sister is now holding her while we continue. But Ravel looks happy with my words since she too will mature to look like her mother.

     Xenovia displays to everyone all the sword skills and abilities she has mastered. She says to me,"Although I can separate the Excalibur to dual-wield, I have for now chosen to focus on mastering all seven abilities of the sword. Thanks to your blessing I am able to access everything! Watch this my King! Akeno please!" She then holds the sword horizontally.

     Akeno fly's up and unleashes her signature bolt of holy lightning from above, and to many's surprise Xenovia points her sword at it and the bolt in midair just arcs away to the side missing its intended target!

     Xenovia puts her sword away and proudly tells us,"The Ruler ability can even control spells and abilities as well as objects with the right amount of training! I can even send the attack back to the caster like a reflection, praise me my Lord!" So I make everyone laugh by petting her head like a puppy. Xenovia however truly liked me patting her head like this, so cute!

     Asia and Ophis came to me and said,"Thanks to Azazel and Phis, I was able to contract with Fafnir the dragon king! He is now my summoned familiar. Also I had with his help unlocked my subspecies Balance Breaker!" However she looks really ashamed for some reason?

     I hug her, happy for this development but ask,"What's wrong dear? I thought you would be happy to get strong and have a dragon-king support you?" She has tears in the corner of her eyes in embarrassment and whispers into my ears why she is ashamed.......

     My eyes violently start twitching................

     I then make a magic circle call to Azazel..........

     [What's up kid, why are you calling so late, I have to teach chemistry tomorrow?]

     I try to be calm,"Azazel good buddy old pal, why did you give Asia my pure hearted girl, such a broken in the head dragon to contract with?!" Asia is still blushing in shame.

     [Oh you meant Fafnir? Man she got a great deal to contract with him! I had to give that greedy bastard hard to come by treasures to contract with me you know? Plus he helped her unlock her Balance Breaker, I would say the price she paid was a steal right?!]

     Um actually he is right, but man I feel hella awful for Asia's dignity. I say,"Fine, you make a good point but if it gets too bad I will make sure that the world has one less dragon king!"

     [Oh and how are the talks with Mittelt going, have you made her a devil yet? Let's do this before I go to Romania!]

     I cut the call because I don't want to talk about making Mittelt a devil with him, she and I like our races and roles just as they are... sigh!

     Asia, seeing my defeated look, changes the topic and says,"Husband, let me show you my Twilight Saint Affection." She then moves away and activates her Balance Breaker! So imagine Azazel's Balance Breaker armor he used in the peace talks but like it has the shape of the one Rias wore in the Loki anime curse episode. It is golden with red jewels in it, actually it would look great while I am a dragon. And frankly Asia looks hot as fuck in that battle armor! OK, the price she paid to Fafnir is so worth it! But that dragon is a damn pervert!

Asia's Balance Breaker is something like this with gold armor and red jewels! https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/highschooldxd/images/7/7d/DxDLN20.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150703113729



     Nekomata Mode Level 2: In this mode, Koneko is able to grow a second tail similar to her older sister after further increasing her abilities by covering herself in Touki using Senjutsu, which gives her explosive power and increased physical abilities for a temporary amount of time.
     Shirone Mode: In this second mode, Koneko is able to make her body mature, appearing similar to her older sister temporarily by gathering the natural ki around her and syncing it with her touki. In Shirone Mode, she is granted full access to her nekomata powers, letting her use moves such as Kasha and becoming the power of purification itself. (Picture is in the Glossary!)
     Kasha: Koneko can summon multiple large wheels that are covered in white flames that have the power of purification.

     Fallen Angel Mode: A special form, achieved through Akeno making her Holy Lightning blood denser. In this form, she gained six fallen angel wings, strengthening herself, making herself appear more like a Top-Tier Fallen Angel. At first, Akeno needed special bracelets created by Azazel, however, she is now able to enter this state at will. (Picture is in the Glossary!)

     Ex-Durandal is Durandal upgraded from having all the Excalibur fragments fused into by the Church's alchemists, which functions as a "sheathe" that contains its aura, while combining all Excalibur's seven abilities. (Thanks to Matsuda, she can even turn the sheath into the actual Excalibur and duel-wield both swords.)

(Nightmare) Allows the wielder to cast illusions and manipulate dreams.
(Mimic) Allows the wielder to transform the sword into any shape he/she desires.
(Transparency) Allows the blade and/or wielder to become invisible.
(Rapidly) Grants the user and blade enhanced speed.
(Destruction) Grants the ability to unleash overwhelming destructive force.
(Blessing) Amplify/strengthen the effects during a holy ritual.
(Ruler) Allows the user to control all things that he/she wishes.

     Summoning Magic: Asia is shown to be very adept at summoning magic as she is capable of using it to summon various creatures to assist her and Dragon Gate magical circles to summon her guardian familiar; the Golden Dragon King Fafnir.
     Dragon Tamer: She's shown to have the talent of compatibility and outstanding luck with Dragons, as she made a pact with a baby Sprite Dragon, Blue, whose race is notoriously untameable. After receiving Ophis' blessing, her compatibility increased, and she made a pact with one of the Five Dragon Kings; Fafnir. Pact: Asia can also make a pact, specifically with dragons. With the help of Ophis' blessing, Azazel, Rias, Rossweisse and Akeno, she can make pacts with various classes of Dragons; even higher classes, especially Fafnir the Golden Dragon King.
     Twilight Saint Affection: Asia's subspecies Balance Breaker. Asia's Balance Breaker takes the form of a Golden Dragon Armor with red jewels that cover her body and grants her a field of absolute defense and protection. For a limited time, Asia can cover a field with tremendous healing energy and can negate any damage from virtually any sources. It does not negate the attack but rather it negates the damage that the attack would inflict. As Fafnir's aura is included as well, it also boasts immense defense on top of the healing ability.

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