DxD: Matsuda!

Bad Angel’s, BAD!


     "Mmmmmaaaaster! What is wrong? I am wearing black lacy underwear for you to inspect!" Aika is greeting us at the gate and she is clinging to my arm with dopey eyes.....

     Rias just smiles at her attempts to cheer me up,"Mat is meeting with some big time VIP's from the company, and he is just nervous about it....If his interviews go well, he will become a big player!" Even though Aika knows we are devils it is superficial knowledge, and letting her know too much is pointless till she becomes a devil herself. So Aika is in a need to know status.

     "Oh so my master will need some stress release....Here then look at this to help when you get nervous!" She puts a picture in my jacket pocket...and of course I am an idiot and take it out to look.......I just stop with my eyes wide open....I have seen all kinds of porn and lewd shit but damn! "Aika, just how flexible are you?! You even can put your ankles next to your ears? I-I am a lucky motherfucker!" all the girls even Rias look at the cosplay picture and just whistle and admire her dexterity!

     "I have practiced for you to be able to take any pose for my hobby.....Now that I have my man, I can use it for other naughty hobby's!" She proudly puffs out her modest chest! Well she is right...What she lacks in raw beauty is made up for in perversion, and knowing what a man wants...damn!

     "I-I do not think I can do that Matsuda! B-but I can try....." Asia is red, and I just kiss her to calm her and say,"Nope I just want you to be the same Asia I love, do not change to be like others....You are not getting away from me!" she just nods yes.

     We get to the gates and I greet my two girls Sona and Tsubaki. I also whisper to Sona a little too close to her ear...."Tomorrow only bring Tsubaki, Issei, Momo, and Yura....Tell all others to stay far from the school...OK my love?!" I then give her a super-fast peck on the lips and hug Tsubaki! Sona is so red and stiff, so cute!

     Reya the silent demon said..."Is there none left for sad me?" I see mischievous eyes....well her eyes are hypnotic to me. So I will call her bluff......

     I open my arms wide and say,"Well if you want a deep and passionate embrace here in public outside the school grounds, then I will help you out!" I put on my lecherous smile and grabby hands gesture to show I will do it!...Sona knows I am messing with her and she just shakes her head.

     Rias just whispers,"And that's the charm I told you you are doing!" She has the I told you so dummy look going.

     It seems that I won the challenge because she just went super red not expecting to do that to her in front of EVERYONE!

     After Reya backed down an excited Aika jumps into my open arms and deep throats me in front of everyone....Sona coughs and says,"Miss Kiryuu, I think your actions are to bold for the school so please stop!" Aika lets go and said,"Sorry my master was left unattended so I just calmed him down!" No Aika you just did the opposite! And why does Reya look disappointed....No lady I do not need more girls...BEGONE!!!!

     As we went to class I was pulled away by Murayama, and she dragged me to a storage closet and shut the door...good thing I am a devil so I can see her perfectly, but she can't see ha-ha. She is blushing hard and says,"Please kiss me like that night...we have not been close the past few days,and I feel nervous...I need to know you still love me!" She is right I have not been touchy with her........She is my reincarnated wife after all......(A/N she is not! Just a coincidence!)

     So I pull her close and make out with her and of course I fondle her all over, for a human she has a nice athletic body. I use my earth manipulation to seal the door and I remove her bra and suck on her chest as well, she is so cute trying to hold in her noises. She whispers......"I do not care that this is school, and I do not care if we get in trouble for being late.....I want you in me now!" After hearing her words I did not even try to talk her out of it...it took a lot of bravery for her to ask me to do this....And I want her too, my love in both lives!

     Fortunately there was a school desk in here and I then put up a sound barrier to hide us and magic to make normal's move from the door. I then remove everything from us and enter my woman, Naturally I am super gentle with her...I love her after all so I tell her in her ear...She just has happy tears......A While later the two of us reached our goals, she claimed me with her purity, and I filled her with my conviction.

     After a half hour and some healing magic on her, we cleaned up and I handed the teacher a slip of paper from the 'nurse' using magic to compel the person reading it to believe it. "Sorry teacher, Ms Mai had hurt her ankle and I helped her out with the aftercare!" The teacher just had us go to our seats, but the smart ones could tell something was up...including Aika, and my other girls. But they just smiled at Murayama, like she just got a job promotion.....Damn that's twice already just this morning including Rias...harems are hard! Sleepy time.

     I had a really nice dream about my old life, it is frustrating when you know no one's name, but my wife was there....yeah they are definitely the same girl....Thanks Big G! I of course am unaware about Big G, busting a gut at my self-hypnosis to convince myself of my past wife being Murayama. But as long as I am happy he would not mention that!

     Finally the school day ended, and I went by myself to Akeno's temple. When we build the mansion, I must bring her to me...Akeno, despite her trouble making ways, is such a kind woman. God was right to seal my memories till I was 16, because I would have tried to save her mom and Kuroka.....I hate their past.....Damn I really don't want to deal with Kuroka now....but if I don't she will do something stupid with Koneko. I thought about ignoring her when Loki comes....But if we do that..she might try to take Koneko during the fight with Loki in the barrier.....She is a high challenge-bar heroine! I am pretty sure I am going to avoid getting romantically involved with her.....She is part of Vali's team anyway. Plus she is a bigger troublemaker than Akeno...my buddy said something about the sisters fighting over one mate too, but I forgot what he said the problem was? Watch out future me!

     When I came to the halfway point up the mountain, just like in the show, she was waiting with a sly smile on her lips. I just say..."This trip was worth it just to be with you dear! But we need escalators installed I think!" She just giggles at my stupidity..at that moment a flock of crows lands in the branches.....

     Caw [Welcome back my lord, we have continued to protect the holy shrine maiden in our lord's absence!] Caw!

     "Good job everyone, here take your reward!" I throw a handful of corn into the woods and have it grow into stalks for the birds to eat. Plant control is cool but limited.

     "So that's how you used to peep on me in the temple! You are a sly young man!" At her young man's comment I retorted,"So if one year makes me a young man what does that make you an old woman?" She shrugs it off and takes no damage and says,"Nope, it makes me a mature mistress!" *slap* and she only got a gentle slap on her butt, up the hill.

     I was not greeted outside the temple by Michael like in the show, Akeno just brought me directly in, closed and locked the door, and what I saw made my heart explode!

     A tall woman sashaying to me, her smirk of confidence plastered on her hot ass!....It is my beautiful angel Kalawarna. She is currently wearing her iconic maroon slut outfit, she knows I love it, and her predatory eyes I have not seen in like ten months have made my lower back go into PTSD spasms....It is a combination of euphoria and fear, all wrapped into one erotic form! Kala is the number one in the [Erotic] department of my wives!

     I smile as I have to look up into her eyes, yup she is two inches taller than me without heels, and with her heels, my neck gets uncomfortable! I look down on all my other wives, so yes I feel like my dad with my mom when she is with me!

     We both hug each other tight and I take deep breaths of that cotton candy smell I love so much.......my heart feels at peace in this very moment....we say nothing for a while, then she says, "Now I will perform the ritual to purify you before we can get you your sword!" Akeno starts to disrobe my clothing....I am confused, this never happens in the show right?

     Kala says to Akeno,"The secret to getting him to give you a child is to force it out of him!....He makes the cutest faces when he has no control...watch!" She then ejected her wings and halo, and pushed me down on the ground hard! She then mounts me and well I was already good to go....her clothing just vanished and she impales herself on me!...Once she had all of me in her she gave me a grin of superiority and said,"I love you honey and I miss you very much, but I have an important meeting I can't miss in a half hour! So I will have to say sorry for this!...I have ten months of build up and stress, and about 25 minutes to unleash it on you, So don't bite your tongue! I promise after the meeting we can be gentle!"

     25 minutes later and a very happy angel leaves through a portal. And a battered and beaten husband lay on the floor looking to find help for his violated pride!

     "Oh shit! She forgot to give me the sword!" As I freak out about important things, a naked Akeno stands over me with a dangerous light in her eyes with her hybrid wings out.

     "Oh the sword is under the table, don't worry! But the ceremony is only half done! So sweetie, don't bite your tongue!" Then Akeno learning bad behavior, dropped on my recovered little brother and spends another 30 minutes finishing off my rape play!.....I don't think I like this.....Fuck who am I lying too, this was the best hour ever! But what if these two live in the same home.......I am done for!

     While Akeno rubs her belly, she looks down at my defeated face and says,"You my dear have been fully purified and we were blessed! You can go play with your sword now...assuming you can get it up!"

      "Oh, I don't think he will have time to play with his sword!.....After watching that little show, I think he needs to be punished for not fighting back!" A pissed Rias is looking down on me like asking, Do you have more energy?

      I instinctively leap up and push Rias down and tell her,"Don't bite your tongue my love!" And I then reversed my role! Rias likes to receive my affection more than give...she is the reverse of those other two succubi!

     30 minutes later and so much fucking back pain, while crying I hold my new sword, Ascalon!

     When the three of us finished straightening up, we headed down the mountain, Rias asked,"Akeno and I have to attend meetings tonight, so what will you be doing dear?"

     "I will be training with the sword tonight to grasp its full ability, I have already bonded with it! Then I might do one or two contracts to get my mind off things....I will be back tonight if you come home! So don't worry about me, and prepare for tomorrow, and don't forget that Rook piece, leave it in the room! Both of you girls be safe...there are a lot of Stray Magicians out there, so it is not safe! Good bye and I love you....." I then walk in the opposite direction of my lady's

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