DxD: Matsuda!

Count Them! One, Two, Three Cups of Christ, Ah Ah Ah!

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     After we got past the 3rd floor boss it was now time to descend into the lower 4th floor ritual room!

     I pat my underclassman's head and say,"Come on little buddy, let's save your princes!"

     Gasper nods to me and says,"I want to save Valerie so we can all go to Japan under the sun together!"

     Yubelluna smirks and says to me,"My King is very good at rescuing women in need, he will even dump a pretty one in a vat of holy water ruthlessly to save one! Ufufu!" I just blush under my Satan Gold helmet and cough.

     When we get to the bottom floor we see a fully loaded ritual room with many vampires standing in the back of the room watching what is going on in the middle.

     In the center of the chamber is a massive magic circle with a bed in the middle of it, on the floor are many magical reagents for performing powerful magic.

     On the bed is a sweating Valerie restrained with chains. She looks like she has been going through an ordeal. She seems to be only half awake at the moment.

     Marius is standing next to her performing the magic rites to obviously remove her Sacred Gear! So the ritual has not been completed just yet?!

     Out of anger all the girls start hitting the barrier at once to shatter it! Xenovia and Irina are using the sword attacks with no effect. Yubelluna rocks the force field with her [Explosion] magic! Kris is punching the barrier as well. Akeno and Rias try their signature demonic attacks as well. Then we all hear....


     Issei yells,"DRAGON SHOT!" Then his powerful attack shakes the whole basement but does not break the shield! BOOOOM!

     Marius sneers,“Oh, please refrain from making unnecessary attacks. If it affects the spell, then both the Holy Grail and the possessor won’t remain safe. It’s also useless even if the former Governor has some plan. I have been in contact with this Holy Grail more than anyone, and have researched it. I’m fully aware of the method to take it out more than anyone else.”

     Assessing the barrier Azazel asks,“This protected code is the one that belongs to the God of the Bible! Why do you know a code which even I don’t know?! Is this also part of the information given to you by Rizevim?”

     I place my hand on the barrier and use my power [Analyze] and I now can see all of its secrets! This vampire is an idiot!

     Marius brags,“He shared a lot of information with me. Thanks to that, my research on the Holy Grail progressed even further where I was able to revive the evil creatures that were supposed to be dead back to this world. On top of that, it seems like Valerie’s Holy Grail has more outstanding aspects than all of the Holy Grail possessors of the past. She’s especially splendid at getting rid of the weaknesses of creatures as much as possible.”

     I like the last boss, laughing and explaining why he is an idiot,"Well he did not share the most crucial information with you! He forgot to tell you that there is one person here with even more knowledge and connection with the Holy Grail right?" From my hand that is on the barrier, the House of Gremory crimson magic circle starts to sink into the ritual!

     So I continuously cast and tell him,"You are using God's code in your magic, this makes it magic of Heaven. So I have already mastered it, thanks! Also that man forgot to tell you who I once was in the past. Well I don't need to explain anymore because I am done!" Marius is looking confused due to the fact he lost control of the spell!

     Just as a Golden cup was about to rise out of her chest, it immediately sank back in like a time reversal, and the whole barrier shattered like broken glass!

     Marius screamed in horror of what I did,"IMPOSSIBLE?! THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE! My Holy Grail! Give it back to me." He just stares at Valarie who is smiling due to who came to her side.

     As Gasper removes the chains on her he says,"Valerie it's alright now, we can see the sun in japan together!" She puts her hand on his face and smiles weakly.

     She tells him,"They already took a Grail out of me, I am feeling like I am leaving. Please be a good man Gasper......" Her hand fell from his face and he held her tight.

     A voice from behind Marius says,"Marius, you have failed! You told us there would be no problems taking it from this half-blood filth!"

     The ones who show themselves are all middle aged men who reached past their middle age. Everyone behaves with dignity. They are most likely pure-blood Vampires. They must be royal or ones with closer standings.

     Gasper had brought Valerie to Asia to be healed and when he heard those words, something snapped inside of him.

     Gasper with his eyes glinting in red light says to the vampires,"It is all of your faults! I won't let any of you leave here alive today! You will pay for hurting my friend!"

     I have felt this presence a couple of times before, but I know the killing intent is only for those evil pieces of shit! I have flashbacks of the sight of my life 19, The Demon Lord!

     From the shadows around his body, a dark shadowy substance encloses Gasper and enlarging him to roughly 25 feet tall. He has a slightly draconic head with glowing red eyes! He has sharp claws, teeth, and many shadowy bat wings from his back. He is completely shadowy except for his eyes! Most of our group has stepped back and away to the entrance.

     The vampires that stepped out before are not looking as confident now that a true monster of the night has come!

     Marius seeing his support crumble tries to calm them down,“Please calm down, uncles. This is the true form of Gasper Vladi that Euclid reported to us. However, there is nothing for all of you to fear. It will be a laughing matter if we, the vampires that have evolved, were to lose against a power possessed by a mere half-blood.”

     As soon as he finished his words, the entire basement was sucked into darkness! The floors and even the walls and ceiling are just gone! From underneath one of the noble vampires a shadow shark came from the floor and ate him whole in one bite! The vampire tried to disperse into animals but his powers would not work. This frightened the rest!

     [Do you know why your vampire’s powers aren’t working properly? That’s because I stopped your power that has been strengthened by the Holy Grail.]

     Except for Marius all the vampires were assaulted and eaten by many shadow creatures with bizarre shapes and bodies! Soon there was only Marius left standing there frozen begging for his life!

     Asia and Ingvild were both holding each other just shaken at the sight of carnage in front of them.

     Vali at my side, not afraid of the scene, says,“Gremory, you will most likely have restrictions on using your servants in the near future.” I just nod knowing I over trained them!

     [You are the only one I can’t allow to have even a fraction of your body left in this world. Have your soul devoured as well and die.]

     After Gasper's deep and threatening words, small critters slowly ate Marius alive and made him cry the whole while his existence was extinguished!

     In the lowest floor of the basement, all of the higher-ups that had to do with the coup d’état were consumed by the darkness, the darkness covering the whole place starts to disappear and the only thing remaining there is Gasper who turned into a monster.

     Azazel rushes to Valerie’s aid as soon as Marius and the other Vampires die, and he activates a magic circle to check her condition.

     He then tells everyone,“It seems like this girl’s Holy Grail was a subspecies from the beginning Just like you said kid. Two Holy Grail's exist when there was originally supposed to be only one. So there is another Holy Grail missing from inside this girl. I did find it weird. Even though it was an extraction for a Longinus, it was too quiet. In my research, I have come to the hypothesis that an extraction of Longinus would be flashier.”

     I say,"When I questioned my Sacred Gear (Stan Lee) about getting my Satan Gold Vampire form I was told I would meet someone with three like me!"

   Azazel nods,“Yeah, that’s right. So this is what happened. I think it is a subspecies where the three of them are considered as one. This is what happened with your Sacred Gear Matsuda, I need to check more thoroughly. Anyway, she hasn’t died. After all, the remaining two miraculously remained in her body. So she will return to her original state if we return what was stolen. Seriously, I can’t come to understand the Longinus possessors at all.”

     Koneko asks the monster,"Are you Gaspy?" She came to him seeing me standing next to him like there is no issue.

     [Yes. I am Gasper. Except, I can say that I am Gasper, but not Gasper. What possessed this boy when he was in his mother’s womb is a fraction of Balor's consciousness that has been broken.]

     Rose exclaims,“Balor? You are telling me you are the Evil God Balor from Irish mythology?!”

     Azazel answers,“Balor is the most famous God to have evil eyes. He’s also famous to be the God who controlled Crom Cruach. I hear that the Sacred Gear was named as [Forbidden Balor View] as a reference to him. But, I can’t believe that the actual Balor is actually residing in it. Is the reason why Tathlum from before didn’t respond to Balor was due to being a replica of it?”

     I add,"Actually I noticed that Crom Cruach was being cautious of Gasper earlier!"

     [That’s why I’m telling you that I’m a fraction of Balor’s consciousness. I already lost my divinity and only my power of evil remained. The actual Balor was killed by the God Lugh after all. I am Balor but not Balor. I am Gasper Vladi. Sacred Gears sure are interesting things. They can possess anything from legendary Dragons and monsters to even the power of an Evil God. The God from the Bible who created the Sacred Gears truly must be a terrifying being. Right Matsuda?]

     I can only nod to him, if they knew how powerful big G actually was they would piss themselves.

     Well I say,"Well he is not terrifying to me anyway, ha-ha!"

     [For some reason, I felt that I needed to save this girl who is in possession of the Holy Grail. Very strongly, that is. That was a feeling different to my other self who is feeling indebted to her. Is this my gratitude towards her? I don’t know very well about it myself, but most likely, she had been using her power unconsciously even before it awakened completely. Even the fraction of Balor’s consciousness that became me is something she summoned by using the Holy Grail, and did she create me with it?]

     I feel I have to support this combination of souls,"Well big guy, I think I can relate to you as well. I seem to have a lot of combinations of feelings and emotions. So if you ever want an ear, I am always here for you!"

     Issei says,"Me too little guy or big guy right now?!" I think Gasper is grinning? It's hard to tell!

     Azazel adds,"I will help find out what is going on with your Sacred Gear as well!" His science side is taking over now!

     [Thanks you are supportive. This form is at least something created due to the fusion of the Sacred Gear and the Balor inside me. You can say this is the Balance Breaker, but also isn’t. Yeah, I might as well call it the [Forbidden Invade Balor the Beast] I am sure!]

     Azazel adds,“This may be something which you can call a Longinus class soon. No, it already is at a level where you can call it as such. It already became a Sacred Gear that is different to the [Forbidden Balor View] !”

     [Oh my, looks like I’m at my limit. I will leave the rest to all of you and sleep for a bit.]

     Rias tells him,"Thank you Gasper, just rest and I will look after you! Good night."

     The darkness starts to fade away, but as he returns to the usual Gasper, the other Gasper speaks as he smiles with a big beastly mouth of his.

      [All of you from the Occult Research Club, I am an existence that will taint everything in darkness. However, I promise that I won’t hurt any of you at all costs. I did watch over all of you through my other self.]

     Then Rias holds him and places him with his friend Valerie.

    Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! 

     The main villain shows himself to provoke us and says,“Ah-aha, perhaps her consciousness that has been lost already won’t return unless you put this back in her as well♪.” With a foolish laughter.

     And next to that old man a single cup that resembles the Holy Grail floats in the air. Everyone opens their eyes wide seeing that! (A/N picture was shown a couple chapters back!)

     “Yeah, the number of Holy Grail's that Valerie possesses is three in total. So it’s a sub-species Longinus which is so extraordinary since it comes with three in one package~. I already allowed myself to extract one of them out before~. Though it seems like Marius didn’t realize there were several of them~. It sure makes me laugh coming from a self-proclaimed researcher of the Holy Grail's!”

     Vali makes an expression filled with rage at that person and says,“I really wanted to see you, Rizevim Livan Lucifer!”

     “Hah♪ It’s your grandpa Rizevim here you know~? Now then, our [Fun Time] will start from here~. So all the good kids listen to this old man here, okay~?!” His evil intention is about to begin.


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