DxD: Matsuda!

Damn, it’s the Fuzz!

      Rias had given all of the ORC members a reminder about the all clubs.....[Ball Tournament], that we are required to participate in....Matches would be done as single games and full club games. The types of ball games played changed every year and it would only be announced the day of the tournament. Well I was a sports star in middle school so I know how to play them all...except for tennis....I just thought it was lame and the only thing good about it was watching tits bounce around!

     The only upside to this random bullshit is we have no schoolwork....This is also Koneko's first time with this event because the rest of us did it last year. It is kind of like the track and field day but this is only the clubs that participate. After we got to school it was decided the singles game in the morning was to be Tennis and the afternoon group game was Dodge-Ball!? Why does this seem familiar? Was this not supposed to be the familiar episode?? Not only that the tennis match wont be doubles like in the anime...It will be Rias representing ORC and Sona for the Student Council....So much is not making sense anymore.....Soon I wont recognize any of the plot!

     After many games from all the clubs finished it was finally time for the anticipated Rias vs Sona match.....I am sure I know how this catastrophic game will end but whatever....We have bouncy boobs so I am good!

     Thanks to Akeno and Tsubaki's popularity, I have a private bench with both girls at my side....Koneko is sitting in a folding chair in front of me like a bouncer. Damn she is so cute...but she cant eat food right now so I am sure she is hungry! Kiba is sitting off by himself just looking spaced out...yup it looks like he is thinking too much of the revenge..sigh, this is his path. Issei and Saji are both holding the [Lets Go Sona] banner like some lapdogs ha-ha!

     "Dear, who do you think will win the match?" Tsubaki cutely asks me like she thinks I know the future or something, but I make a guess so she won't think her man is an idiot! If I remember right, how did the anime end????

     "It will end in a draw....because Sona will use magic, and Rias will just try to one up her and it will be a mess......" I put on my best Yoda wise man look!

      To my right, Akeno says,"I believe in you my Lord! I await your wise counsel.....and If your right I will give you a kiss as a reward!" Um...she just wants a kiss I bet! Tsubaki just rolls her eyes.

     And as I guessed the two girls just started turning the court into a death trap battlefield! Koneko watches the intense destruction and says in a flat voice.."This is rad!"

     Just as I predicted the girls cheated each other causing destroyed rackets and both to end in a tie! All of a sudden Akeno stands up dramatically and says...."Matsuda you beast, you win this bet...as you demand, You may have this maidens first kiss!,"...before I can understand what game she is up too, and in-front of ALL of the gathered crowd Akeno grabs my face and gives me the super passionate deep french kiss, like the kind an AV actress would do....Then she parts out lips with the string of saliva hanging..She then looked like she would cry and said,"Now I cant marry, so you should just take responsibility!" All the boys give me evil death looks! All the girls look at me like I just got her pregnant in public...Tsubaki is just ignoring Akeno's drama like it has nothing to do with her...and a random ass comment from Koneko that startled Akeno was said,"Thats funny every morning you smell strongly of Matsuda?!" Did Koneko just backstab Akeno????

     Rias came over with Sona and said to Akeno,"He is my Matsuda homewrecker back off!" My damn mouth almost slipped and told her Akeno was first!

     "Oh Rias it is OK...he just took my purity in front of everyone!....He is clearly going to have to marry me now before my baby is born!" Saji just collapsed to his knees...right next to Issei and Motohama!

     "Kissing wont cause baby's! so scram......" Rias and the girls are really having fun....

     "Matsuda, what did you think of our match...and who do you think was really the winner?" Sona just came out of nowhere at me...she is usually quiet.

     So I think of it and say..."I predicted the outcome.....but what made the match worth it is seeing two hot girls fighting it out in a fair fight! The real winner was all the boy's eyes!" I finished with conviction and saw Issei who is still down from Akeno, give me a thumbs up for that answer!

     Sona just pulled back some loose hair behind her ear and said,"Thank you for that analysis of the match. I appreciate it....." Um? Why is she blushing....did that dumb ass Matsuda trip a hidden flag somewhere?! Nah she must be warm from the match. Rias just looks at her friend in alarm.....Koneko softly mutters.."Damn another strong rival...I best work fast....."

     After the early lunch was served in a brown bag style so it can be eaten anywhere, the students went to the gym for the group Dodge-ball games.

     While the ORC was waiting for its turn up, we watched some of the other clubs go at it....Damn it is a war-zone out there! The students are really taking out their pent up frustrations on each other....I am going home...my gear is buzzing like there is a bonus quest triggered....this NEVER ends well for me! It should be fine as long as I do not face Sona....Her group is the only one I fear...So I will take a knee if we face them.....I remember from the show that Issei and Saji take it in the jumbles! No sir I won't sign up for that shit!....Solo Riser, than get the nuts squashed would be shameful!

     "All right everyone...We are up against the baseball club so let us focus and win this one! Kiba, are you listening to me?" Rias is getting irritated with Kiba because he is just zoning out, and Rias wants to win...she is super competitive!

     "Sorry President....just thinking." Kiba is totally half here right now.

     "I-I don't think I will be any help...I am no good with this kind of game!" Asia says with no confidence.

     Akeno says,"It's OK Asia, just stay by me and I will protect you!" She is so manly right now! Koneko just nods her head.....

     "My gear says there is a disturbance in the Force!" I look worried and all the girls laugh at my cowardice all over my face!

     So the match goes as follows.....The baseball boys wont hit Rias because she is hot as fuck! They wont hit Akeno for the same reason. They wont hit Asia because she is so pitiful! And they won't hit Koneko because the Loli must be protected! So that leaves me and Kiba for their vengeance! Kiba has it better because if he gets targeted all the girls will hate the boy that hits his pretty face......So you guessed it...I am currently dodging balls like Neo in the Matrix....Love my ability to predict paths!

     However one brave steroid infused ball player thought Kiba needed some nose work and said,"The girls hate me anyway so fuck it!" And hurled a meteor strike right at Kiba's head....I noticed from my gear that he is not even aware of the incoming ball due to distractions in his head....So I leap to catch the incoming missile......But it happened....The ball magically lowered its projected path while I was in midair to catch it....And it slammed full force into my little brother and the twins!!!! All I heard before hitting the ground was a collective `EWWW ouch!' from the crowd...but I saw him!

     Saji was smiling and mouthed to me...[And that is for hitting on my Sona!] Oh no he didn't! That son of a bitch used demonic power to alter the path....If I can ever walk again I will get you back for this Saji!!!!!!!! I think he felt my killing intent because he started looking around for an assassin.

     Rias and the team gathered and looked into my blue face, and knew I was not faking it....It was code [Man Down!] Rias was super concerned...in her head she was screaming 'Got to get it healed fast...I have not even had a chance to use it!', So Rias said,"Koneko take him to the emergency clinic, then Asia will heal him fast...All our futures depend on this!" Does she care about big bro or little bro more??? Rias said,"The rest of us will get revenge for our fallen comrade!"

     Koneko held me against her shoulder as the three of us hobbled to the clinic. This clinic seems to be empty and the closest infirmary is just managed by the staff for real injuries. Koneko lays me on one of the three beds and waves Asia over to start the treatment. Koneko closes the white sheet around the bed for privacy while Asia pulls my pants down to my ankles so she can treat better....Since Asia is not a super shy girl anymore she was just all business with no fluster and had the green glow of heaven to start my healing! After a few minutes the life crippling pain had all but vanished....my body just slumped to the bed and I thanked Asia for her gentle mercy!

     While I am plotting my revenge for that bastard Saji I heard Koneko telling Asia to go back to Rias and help in the game, and she would stay and keep guard...So Asia was convinced to rush back for the team....That was not what made my gear gently send cautious tingles...nope....it was the sound of the clinic door being locked!

     Koneko came back and when she came into view I saw her pulling off her PE uniform to get naked! I was so petrified I did not even register that with one hand Koneko launched my pants across the room!

     When my senses came back Koneko had already climbed over me and the worst part was that she was inspecting little brother for injuries.

     "Big Brother! It looks OK on the outside but I am afraid it might not be able to do its job, after such an injury...We should make sure it is working propeuuuurllly~nya!" She had made it to my ear at the end and my body felt like it had electricity numbing my senses....What is Koneko doing?...No why is she doing this!? I can't think of anything! Holy shit my hands moved on their own and they landed on those buttocks! NICE!

     Koneko sensing the desired result she was planning...she just plunged her kisses into her Big Brother and was going to claim her mate!

     Before my brain could convince me to stop this obviously dumb idea, I already noticed little brother found yet another nice warm womb to call home!.......FUCK there is no going back now! It's time to drink that sweet lemon-aid!

     After truthfully accepting his self imposed title of [Loli-con] Matsuda said "Screw it I am a devil and you want it! Koneko you are my mate for life......." I think her purring noise is a yes!

     An hour later and a very happy kitty is laying on her Big Brother's little brother and she says,"I love you Matsuda!" I noticed she dropped the nickname there so she is serious, so I just replied..."I love you more soulmate!" She just cutely giggles and makes light scratches on my chest..........Then it happened!


     Rias's voice rang out and said,"Matsuda are you in there...the door is locked?"

     Koneko shot her body up straight and said in her flat tone...."Damn, it's the Fuzz!"

     She then got up and tossed me onto the adjacent bed, then quickly gathered up all her first time sheets threw on her gym wear and just fucking leaped out the window.....No goodby, no see you later....she just did a ninja vanish!

     As I lay there naked on the bed looking at the open window, Rias used her magic to enter and see my disorientation and my pants across the room and could not figure the situation out.

     "Where is Koneko? and what happened and are you OK?" I just told her the truth....Koneko left and locked the door so I could rest.....that's it!

     Rias says,"We need to go back to the club...I need to discipline a Knight for letting down the peerage." I just nod and we cleanup the mess and end the school day and leave for the ORC!

Bad kitty

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