DxD: Matsuda!

Damn Panties Dragon!

     Sooooo the first time I wrote this chapter, it took me 3 hours. Well before I could hit the save button, the damn power went out so that is why the chapter is late. Man I wanted to cry when it vanished on me! Well enjoy the second version of the chapter!

     Sona plus all of us who were invited, entered the trap laid out for us. And what appears in front of us after we pass through the magic circle they prepared is...

     A massive square white-room with a big enough area for large dragons to have a free for all in. The Tokyo Dome can fit in here no problem.

     “This is a factory that we made in the Dimensional Gap. It’s a Rating Game battlefield technique adapted from what devils use.” There is a tall man wearing a silver robe with detailed accessories. The voice belongs to a young man and we can’t tell what he looks like because he is wearing his hood up.

     Ravel yells,"Matsuda we are here!" When I look towards the direction where her voice came from, Ravel and Koneko are standing in the far right side of the room. Koneko is carrying Gasper! He seems to be unconscious, and it’s obvious they did something to him.

     Ravel and Koneko aren’t being restrained, and they are still wearing the same Kuoh Academy uniform when they were kidnapped. Besides Gasper, there aren’t any visible wounds from one look at them. Seems their clothing has not even been removed... Good! My rage has lessened only slightly.

     “You can have them back.” The man wearing the robe didn’t do anything while we reunited with these three. 

     Koneko laid Gasper at Asia's feet to be healed and both girls are now in my arms.....

     Koneko then says to us,“Ravel, Gasper, and I, had ourselves scanned for something with a magic circle. They didn’t do anything that much to our body. Except, beat Gasper who defended us!” Gasper has his face beaten so much that it is swollen. It’s swollen in blue color, and I can’t see that happy smiling face of his.

     The man wearing a robe says,“It was our mistake regarding that boy. Since he stood in front of us to protect those two, it seems like my underlings used their fists instead. Other than that, we treated them well.” I can imagine a shitty smile on his face.

     Something seems familiar about this man like maybe I have met him before? So I ask,"Have we met before? You seem very familiar to me?!"

     He responds with amusement,"You and I have definitely not met in person before.... I must remind you of someone then, Lord Gremory...." Why is he being evasive?

     The man snaps his fingers, then the wall at the right side sinks down.  What’s over there is a scenery which looks like a mad scientist lab where there are many capsules. The many capsules are connected to a device, and inside is something. When we observe inside it’s filled with liquids, and is that a person which is floating inside. My gear tells me that these are all clones of the Phenex bloodline.

      The man then explains,“Do you know the methods of how Phoenix tears are produced? The pure-bloods from the House of Phenex go inside a magic circle that went through a special ritual, they also prepare a cup also that went through a special ritual, and they drop their own tear inside that cup, which is filled with water. The water inside the cup which has the teardrop added turns into “Phoenix Tears”. During that procedure, they say that it won’t become a “Phoenix Tears” if it isn’t a tear shed while having an empty mind. It seems like tears with emotions are “That person’s own tears”. So there won’t be any effects if it’s tears they shed for themselves or others.”

     The man then points at the capsules,“The reason why I said this place is a factory is because the magicians were mass-producing them. They created many clones of the High class devils from Phenex, and they produce Phoenix Tears inside the capsules. Since it’s planned for this factory to be abandoned, those clones inside have stopped functioning.”

     Sona asks,“So they have been sending the things they have produced here to the black market to gather enormous funds. The idea itself is repulsive. So the reason why your people were laying your hands on those from House of Phenex is to improve the accuracy of its production, correct?”

     The man who sounds happy replies,“It’s helpful that you can understand the situation quickly, heiress of the House of Sitri. It seems like there are limits of copying the traits of the Phenex even with use of the magicians' studies, so they used the last resort of kidnapping those related to the Phenex and taking the information directly from them. In the end, it seems like there were things they could only obtain directly from those carrying the blood of Phenex, that’s why they kidnapped Ravel Phenex. Ah, you don’t have to worry, we didn’t do anything to Ravel Phenex's body. We only took detailed data of her demonic power to improve the accuracy of the Tears.”

     The man wearing the robe says it with a different tone,“Now, for the last demand we are seeking from all of you. There is a certain someone that is wishing to fight strong people like you, so can you become his opponent? The truth is, this is the main objective for this mission. The reason why I granted the wish of the magicians was just an extra for this.” The man who just says that creates a gigantic circle between us. The light runs through the floor, and it glows while forming a circle.

     Saji mutters,“The Dragon Gate?”


     The roar, which vibrates the whole white factory, comes out from the mouth of the dragonoid. What appears in front of us is a gigantic humanoid dragon with dark scales and it is standing on two thick legs. Sharp claws, fangs, and horns. It’s spreading its large wings, and it has a thick and long tail. Its eyes glowing in a silver color are bright, and it’s filled with hostility and killing intent. It has a black aura where you can see its evilness from just one look. 

     The man wearing the robe says“I present the legendary Dragon, [Crime Force Dragon] Grendel!”  I can imagine him acting like a boxer announcer....

     [Brouhaha. It’s been a while since going through the Dragon Gate! So, who is my opponent? He’s here, right? The insanely strong guy that I love so much?]

     Vritra, appears from Saji’s shadow, making the brightness of its iris darker, and releases a shocking voice,[Grendel!? Impossible. This guy was terminated by the first Beowulf where there was nothing left after ending its tyranny.] 

     The man wearing the robe asks,“Red Dragon Emperor, are you not going to wear your armor?”

      Issei looks embarrassed and says,“Sorry, I have not been feeling well as of late.”

     The man in silver robes crosses his arms in frustration,“This is a problem. One of the main objectives is this battle between you and Grendel.”

     Looking at his gauntlet Issei asks,“Ddraig! Can you hear me, Ddraig? It seems like we have a big problem here. The Dragon called Grendel is our opponent. Hey, Ddraig!”

     [............] The gem lights up, seems like there is a response.

     Issei in hope asks,“Ddraig, hey, what’s wrong?”

     A young sounding voice comes from the gem,[Yup, my name is Ddraig! I’m a baby dragon. Big brother, who are you?]

     Sona rubs her chin and mutters,“Perhaps.”

     I know nothing about this part of the story with him becoming a child dragon and asking Sona,“Dear, do you know what’s happening?”

     Sona answers me,“This is just my assumption, but Ddraig was mentally cornered by the influence of Issei's being a [Breast Dragon] and things related to it. On top of that, Ddraig used his power to resurrect Issei back in the incident in the Underworld, and therefore has started to sleep more often. As the result of using too much of his powers, he hasn’t healed completely, and therefore might have reverted back to being a child because of the Breast related things of Issei.” 

     Suddenly, Ddraig makes a shivering sound.... [B-Breasts, b-breasts, I’m so scared!]

     Issei, feeling guilty, pleads,“Ddraig! No, Ddraig! Breasts aren’t scary! Breasts are something which is very soft and good!” Well this time I agree with Issei!

     Saji yells at Issei,"The Heavenly Dragon reverted back to being a child?! What the heck does that mean? Just what do you have to do, in order to corner the legendary Dragon to that state?” Saji then asks.“Vritra, can you do something about it?” 

     The black Dragon King answers like this,[If there was another Dragon King, then we may be able to bring Ddraig’s consciousness back.]

     Grendel asks the man wearing the robe,[Hey, I still can’t fight? Rather, what happened to that shit, Ddraig?]

     His boss shrugs and says,“Heavenly Dragons also must feel difficulty at living sometimes. Let’s see how it will go for now.” Why do bad guys let us talk and chat freely? I feel like this guy is not even serious about this...

     Asia comes to my side and tells me,“Please leave it to me!” We are all puzzled.

     Asia starts to make powerful chants! A golden magic circle appears in front of Asia! Ah it is a Dragon Gate, she must be summoning that pervert....

     She chants her spell,“Answer my voice, Golden King. Crawl on the ground, and you shall receive my reward.” With that chant, the golden magic circle glows even stronger! The Dragon Gate opens once again.

     “Please come out! Gigantis Dragon! Fafnir!” The moment Asia finishes her chants, the one who responds to her call appears!

     The one who appears from the golden Dragon Gate is a giant four legged Dragon with golden scales. It’s emitting a magnificent aura from its body. This one here is also more than 30 feet tall, just like Grendel. It’s a Dragon without any wings. There is something which looks like a cloth wrapped around the horn of its head. Fuck its Asia's panties!

     Fafnir opens its heavy jaw,[Treasure, O-panties, I have received, panties, happy.] I just facepalm in-front of everyone! Why the fuck am I more ashamed than Asia?

     While enduring embarrassment, Asia asks the Panties Dragon King,“Fafnir, Ddraig’s mentality is weakening! As the fellow legendary Dragon King, is there any way for you to help him!?”

     The gold piece of shit answers,[I can.]

     Asia who is happy to finally have her moment to shine for me asks,“Is that true!? Please! Please return Ddraig back to normal!”

     [Treasure, give me.] He started begging for it like a fucking dog would for a bone?!

     “I-I understand. It’s the price for the pact!” While enduring such embarrassment, Asia takes out a cute looking light-blue colored panties from her pocket. Then Asia shouts very embarrassingly! “My panties!”

     [O-panties, treasure! I prefer blonde beauty’s panties, I want the treasure of 'Panties Sister'.] Yes this feels like the shit Issei pulls...

      [Hey, what’s going on? Is Fafnir my opponent? Can I start my attack now?]

     The boss shakes his head,“No, please wait a bit. The Two Heavenly Dragons and their comrades go through irregular evolution with a woman's breasts and buttocks. They have entered their preparation phase. The real battle starts from here.” Why am I hoping Issei will get killed now?

     “I will give it to you!” Asia with her face red, puts the light-blue colored panties on the horn located on the Dragon’s nose.

     The golden Dragon expands its nostril, and breathes in! [Asia’s panties, sniff sniff.] THE FUCK?! This guy is really enjoying Asia’s panties which are on its horn! He’s greatly enjoying the smell of it! What a perverted bastard!

     [O-panties, I have received. Ddraig, heal!] Fafnir releases a golden aura towards Issei's gauntlet.

     [Uh!! Such embarrassment!] Responding to Fafnir’s aura, Vritra also releases its black aura to Issei's gauntlet while complaining. No he is definitely the only normal dragon here right?!

     After a pause, Issei's gauntlet starts to emit the usual red glow.

     [Huh! W-What was I doing!? Ah, partner!]

     [Sniff sniff.] Damn Panties Dragon, he’s still enjoying the smell!

     Issei, seeing my dead-look, gets jazzed for a fight, says,“I won’t let Asia’s sacrifice go in vain Matsuda! Balance Break!” [Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker!!!!!!!!]

     Ddraig makes a shocked voice,[Grendel? What’s going on? This guy was supposed to have been terminated before I was.]

     [Brouhaha, man, you look awful. Well, it’s okay. Oi! Come, Ddraig. Shall we start a fight to the death, again?]

     [It seems like you weren’t sealed into the Sacred Gear like I was. How did you come back to this world?]

     [Let’s leave the simple matter aside. The thing is, there is the strong me, and there is the strong you. Then, let’s start killing each other!] It lowers its posture, and Grendel is now set on attacking Issei.

     [Partner, that guy is an insane Dragon that only thinks of going wild. If you are going to do it, go through it to the end. Don’t feel even a bit of sympathy.]

     Grendel then says,[Hey, all of you, I changed my mind. Let me fight Ddraig one-on-one.] My gear says to not trust him so......

     Issei pounds his chest and says,“That’s alright with me!!! Everyone, can you leave this to me?”

     I transform into Satan Gold Dragon and move in front of my team and say,[Sure big guy, go nuts, but remember he is strong, the rest of you get behind me!]

     My [Luck Aura] will reach Issei and help out just a bit, plus I can stop this evil dragon if he attacks us!


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