DxD: Matsuda!

Heaven Descends and then Silence!

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Chapter 15

     After the joy of kicking ass in chess, I started thinking I was the one that got played by Sona. I guess having all my mental abilities improved can't fix arrogance!?

      When I walked in my yard I saw my mom and dad loading up the SUV with bags, so I asked,"What's up?"

     My mother smiled and said,"Dear your grandmother broke her leg, and she is OK but just to make sure your dad and I took a week off to be with her. Do not bother with the shop, we will put up a sign on our way out of town. So be good and we love you!"

     Well that was unexpected, should I have the guys come  and hang out then? Nope those guys will dirty tissues anywhere they stay overnight! So not in my house! Maybe invite some girls over, damn got none to invite. I am sorry Big G, I think I suck at being in a harem world, sigh.

     After finding out there is no fresh food, just ramen noodles and cereal, I decided to go to the Quick Mart for late night shopping........

     It's roughly about ten, and the clouds are thick and about to start raining,"Hope I get back before it pores!"

     A few minutes later my eyes and spine start wigging out more than I have ever felt it. I is not that gut feeling but true danger,"Fuck whats going on?"

     I look around and notice the sky has changed colors to swirling purples and blues,"Oh no it's that barrier magic to keep out normal people and I walked right into it!" I recognize it because of the show. There are no street lights on and all the buildings are dark? No cars are present too, this must be the barrier redirecting humans, but why?

     From in front of me I see a fat man who looks familiar to me holding his bleeding arm as he spots me.

     The man I now recognize as my history teacher sees me and yells,"Tanaka what are you doing here! Forget that RUN there is a killer coming for me, don't be seen!" DAMN I thought this guy hated me? And hear he is trying to save me when he is clearly being chased by the supernatural.

     So I shake my head and hide behind a low wall and make a hole in it with my earth power to see.

     I mumble at this horror movie trope,"Really teacher? You run into that dead end alley!'

     Following slowly is a priest with a light sword entering the alley for his kill and I hear him say,"Well sinner no way out now, go ahead ask for your devils help! If that does not work just ask God for mercy. Well sinner, any last words?" With the light rain this scene would shake weaker men like my poor teacher, however......

     I was not beating my meat behind the wall like a chicken, but instead I looked into my bag and grabbed an apple.

     With an apple in hand I move and mumble,"This is going to tire me out. I hope he is alone or I am screwed, but the teacher is worth saving!"

     I then charged towards where the bastard was flexing his ego, and I used my earth mastery to have the stone and cement under my feet  muffle sound a bit and like a grenade, throwing the apple into a freshly opened patch of dirt near the priest. Oh he noticed it, ha-ha!

     I yell a classic protagonist line,"Say hi to my little friend!"

     As he dumbly looked at the apple, a massive amount of my strength, enough to drop me to one knee, was drawn out of me, Then like a wood ninja from Naruto. The green and lush apple tree sprung from the ground like magic, and impaled him against the wall in a sea of green leaves and apples!

     It was amazing to watch how it grew in like two seconds to a full size tree and at an angle to spear him! He did not die! Even though I see some bones sticking out of his arm, ouch! Plus I hear him moaning.

     Then I turn to the teacher and yell,"RUN DAMN IT THEY ALWAYS COME BACK TO LIFE!" Fortunately my teacher had enough sense to nod in my direction and run like a madman. Good he got away.

     Feeling good I remarked to the messed up villain,"They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but looking at you friend, you might need one?!"

     Yes, the thought of killing this man has crossed my mind, but in my two lives that I remember, I have not killed anyone, and I do not feel good about it. Maybe we can end this peacefully? Damn this is hard!

     The dumb-ass finally reaches for his light sword he dropped due to the high speed fun ride I gave him, and cuts his way out. Damn he looks like shit! The reason I have not done much is, I am trying to get my breathing and body under control after that move.

     The pissed priest says to the air,"Bitch why just hide and watch? Kill this fucker now or I will tell the boss!" He then runs off to the front of the alley to make sure his back up does their job......

     I then see black feathers fall from above as a beautiful tall woman that I know well lands in-between the two of us! The only difference from what I have seen, is the inclusion of a pair of black wings that allowed her to drop from the roof she was on. Crap....

     As she ejects a pale yellow lance made of light in her right hand, she tells the priest,"Go now and see if you can find the other one. He probably got away though. I will finish this one! Move your ass or I will spear you!"

     The broken and battered priest hobbled off in some random direction while I just put my back to the brick wall, I am too tired to run and do not have enough stamina to submerge into the ground, sigh this is awkward!

     "Why? Why did you have to be here, why did you make me be the one to kill you? If only I saw you I could have just wiped your memory, but I can't, you're obviously a Sacred Gear user, so I can't even do that either! I did not want you to see me like this, a fallen angel. I wanted to fall in love and reveal myself on my own terms but you just had to get involved!"

     While she has been talking she has been taking small strides to me like a force is making  it hard to come near me, its reluctance. I see the pain in her eyes. She lifts the yellow light lance into the air ready to run me through. Now her tears are truly running and I have said nothing, just giving her an understanding smile and letting her say her piece.....

     She grits her teeth and continues,"This  is not what I want but there are rules we must follow. Before I kill you there is one last regret I must do"

     Then she holds her lance to the side, walks in front and takes her left hand and pulls me in for a passionate kiss. I did not try to escape or resist, I just let her vent her feelings, then she forcefully pushed me to the wall.

     Oh damn she is stronger than I thought! She lifts her spear again ready to end it then asks,"Why don't you fight back and resist?!"

     I am actually not afraid of her light spear, and I have just now regained enough strength to escape into the ground, but I won't not yet, so I say to her,"I have fallen for the fallen angel in front of me! My Sacred Gear and Precious have long told me who you are, why would I ever resist you? Sometimes it's harder to sacrifice everything for love, than to run and survive?!"

     I then spread out my arms to the sides and say,"If killing me will set you free and let you be happy, then I will sacrifice everything for you!"

     "DON'T LIE TO ME JUST DIE!!!!!!!!!" I won't lie I flinched my eyes shut in fear for a second due to my first life's reactions to violence.

     Then I felt pain from the left side of my head where the spear drove itself into the brickwall with direct impact, but the damn rubble hurt like a bitch! I now clearly see the lance half buried an inch away from my head and she let go of it and wrapped her arms around my back and pulled me in tight crying her eyes out!

     I smile and as her light lance breaks down and vanishes, I tell her,"It is OK I am here, it is over....."

     Damn I can hardly make out her words but what I hear is...

     Sniffle,"I-I am s-so-sorry for hurting you! Please just forgive m-me. Do not t-throw me a-away, I love you, I am sorry, don't leave? I love you!"

     Damn my heart feels good hearing her words, but my eyes are in so much pain all of a sudden! What's happening to me?! My eyes are on fire?!

     Kalawarna continues to pour out her emotions,"Say you forgive me! Say you love me, and need me, please forgive me?!" All of a sudden she stops her desperate words and witnesses Matsuda's eyes fully emanating golden light in all directions.

     Unaware of my eyes glowing, I am fighting off the pain because I know Kalawarna's heart is in turmoil so I ignore my headache and pull her into a tight hug due to the fact she relaxed her hold on me. I noticed she stopped speaking and thought she gave up on me!

     In panic to stabilize her heart I hugged her again and whispered in her ear.....

     "Just listen to me, Karen or Kalawarna, even if you are human or a fallen angel, I love you, I will need you in my life, I will never abandon you, and lastly I forgive you!" Unknown to me, my words of forgiveness fueled by love activated something I should not have...

     She froze in happiness as her tears fell, but this too was brief.

     I frowned in pain as something appeared on my face like wrap-around sunglasses or a gold colored visor, like the one cyclops has in the movies. Then a deep voice echoed in the streets from my sacred Gear.....








     At that very moment the two of us looked above as the barrier shattered and a giant hole in the clouds formed that opened for at least five miles! Kala was terrified at what was being said.

     Then my mouth opened like my soul was leaving me, as what I can tell is a combination of both my body's stamina and magic that I now can recognize, flowed out of me like an open tap. My knees buckled and I would have fallen to the ground if Kalawarna was not holding me in her arms.

     A second hole opened about 300 feet wide showing a brightly lit day sky full of beautiful clouds, and heavenly music!

     Then a pillar of golden light 50 feet diameter fell ten miles to strike my location.

     The scene is like an orbital laser and the beam lasts for 15 seconds, during this time my vision was hazy but I could see everything around us, the ground, our clothes, and the black of Kalawarna's wings dissipating. She has two pairs of golden wings and a halo?!?!



     The hole to Heaven shut rapidly as the clouds in the sky began to return to normal. My visor began to fade as my Sacred Gear  shut itself down. I see nothing but darkness sloshing in my consciousness, and I quickly say,"Take me home my love, you shall never fall again..........."

     After Matsuda went limp in her arms the crying Kalawarna spread her four golden wings and vanished from the devastated location before others came.................

Orbital laser

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