DxD: Matsuda!

Hidden Quest Complete! The Four Divine Beasts!


     One moment I am pumping babies into Ravel Phenex, and the next moment I am once again standing in front of my AI, Stan the man Lee!

     Stan used one of these crappy party poppers with paper strings flying out and happily yelled,"CONGRATULATIONS ON A MISSION COMPLETE!" He just has a warm smile and I am looking confused.

     I see I am still in the same amphitheater with my past lives so I ask Stan,"Why am I here and I thought I would not see you again after my Dragon subspecies unlock?"

     Stan Lee makes the trash vanish and he warmly tells me,"For fun as your old system AI , I made a fun hidden side quest for you, and boy I can't believe you completed it! As a reward I will unlock your 2nd subspecies of Balance Breaker! Actually you needed to do this type of upgrade anyway so you can enter the realm of Super-devil strength going forward!"

     I want to facepalm and ask,"What hidden quest? I was having sex with my girls?" My soul is telling me this AI, messed with me in my World War 2 life!

     Stan Lee then explains,"The quest name was [The Four Divine Beast], you know, like from Asian mythology! Well you obtained the White Tiger by making that girl Koneko your lover! The requirement of the Azure Dragon was when you obtained Issei's potential power! The Black Tortoise, was a combination of your black turtle familiar and Ophis blessing she gave you without you knowing... This was the snake-turtle and the hardest to get! And finally when Ravel gave her heart to you it unlocked the Phoenix! Tad-ah hidden quest complete!!!!" I don't need my gear to tell me this guy is making shit up right?!

     I, with a flat Koneko voice, asked,"And what exactly did I unlock?" I have a bad feeling about this.....

     He smiles and does a game show host style announcement..."You have unlocked your second subspecies Balance Breaker, [Satan Gold: Vampire]~!!!!"

     I put up my hand because this makes no sense,"What wait, you can't have a second subspecies, it's just not possible right?" Plus I don't want to look like Edward Fucking Collins!!!

     Stan Lee answers my question,"No actually there are already those in your world with three Sacred Gears in them, basically two subspecies! In fact in the near future you will meet one who is destined to cross your path. She in fact has three within her!" He smirks at my astonished look.

     "So what did I unlock then?" Please, please, please don't be him!

     Stan rip's off the band-aid and tells me right away,"Well it's the Vampire Day Walker, but don't worry you will keep your current human form with this one! You will only sprout fangs, sharp nails, pointy ears, pale skin, and red eyes! Also you won't have the same powers from your Edward life, but instead become a Vampire Progenitor like with your Devil body, but only while you are in Balance Breaker. So there you won't be a sparkly vampire anymore!" I knew it! I knew as soon as I heard there were vampires in this world my past would come back to haunt me! Now Coriana will be like 'Why did you not look like your old self?' and my heart would shatter!

     Stan then giggles and says,"Greetings Mrs Coriana, I guess you have come to retrieve Matsuda here? He is having one of his self-inflicted mental crises, so he has kept you lovely ladies waiting, sorry for that!" Stan gives her a polite bow.

     Coriana, hearing about Stan Lee before, just smiles and says,"As long as Matsuda is safe we are OK with this."

     Stan bust me, due to reading my mind,"He is hiding due to unlocking his Vampire Balance Breaker and he thinks you will be upset he won't look like his pretty-boy self there!" He then points to sparkle pants Edward.

     Coriana sits next to the crying me and says,"I would feel uncomfortable if you were in another man's body, so cheer up my love! I would prefer you to stay, the same man I fell in love with, OK!" She rubs my head like a small child with a grin on her lips. Now I feel even more ashamed!

     Stan tells me,"Just remember that while you become a strong vampire you will have all the weaknesses other than the ones you are immune to, like leaving no shadows, water aversion, no reflections in mirrors, needing to be invited onto private dwellings, a cold aura, aversion to garlic, no heartbeat, and hunger for blood! But your powers all around are strengthened like a Queen's promotion, and if you drink blood depending on the target, you will become even stronger! This form is as powerful if not potentially more powerful with blood than even your other two forms. Also you will gain all the common powers of the Vampire, but all this knowledge will be given to you when you activate your Balance Breaker for the first time!"

     I get up and ask,"So will I ever see you again then Stan?" I thought it was the last time....

     He looks sad and says,"Unfortunately we will meet one more time.... This is something inevitable. But don't worry it wont be all bad. Just when we meet again you will have to be a true hero and try not to let your heart break! With great power comes great responsibility! Young hero Matsuda if you try hard and don't give up... You will protect all of your loved ones! But if you give up then you may suffer the curse of being a hero. Don't be depressed about my words, in fact let my words give you hope! Fate is not yet decided and you CAN change it!"

     Coriana as well as myself feel heavy hearted at his words, but the two of us begin to be expelled from the space and Stan Lee leaves his trademark smile and salute while saying,“Excelsior!!!!”

     When my eyes open I am still lying on the bed looking up at the canopy. I sat up next to a smiling Coriana and so almost all my girls had come into the room worried about me. Ravel and Siris are both clothed and at my sides worried.

     I, in front of everyone, kiss Ravel and say,"Thanks to both you and Koneko, I was able to unlock a new power in my Sacred Gear! I am sorry to everyone for worrying you all." I bow my head to my women.

     Ravel with a huge blush asks,"I-I unlocked a power? You mean like how Koneko did?!" She knows about Koneko being my radical catalyst and looks hopeful to have done the same. I just nod with a smile to her expectations.

     Koneko with a sigh says while patting Ravel's head,"I guess you are now a worthy rival, if you can even move him. But just remember I was first!" Ravel stiffened at Koneko's declaration. Koneko smiles like a victor.

     Rias excitedly asks,"So what did you unlock?! Tell us, tell us!" She is way more happy than me and looks like a child shaking Christmas presents...

     I let out my breath in defeat and revealed,"Not only can I become a Dragon, but it seems I can now become a Vampire!" The room froze in disbelief.

     Coriana explains for those that might not know,"One of Matsuda's past lives was in fact a Day-walker vampire......" The girls then get it like with the dragon.

     Kalawarna suggests,"Why not try it out and see what it can do?"

     I tell them,"Maybe tomorrow, I have a feeling that if I activate it, I may hunger for blood and I don't want to go on a feeding frenzy without precautions. Plus it's late and I feel mentally tired." Stan's words felt heavy like he was not looking forward to our next meeting. Well he said to not have worries, that fate is never set right?!

     Rias smiles at me and says,"Good then sleep and tomorrow we can play around with your vampire abilities! it will be good for everyone to get familiar with the vampires before they show up on Wednesday night!"

     After about ten minutes of hugs and kisses, the other girls went back to their rooms. I am once again left with a pair of shy girls waiting for me to join them in bed.

    I pull both women into my arms and breathe in their scent and Siris lays her hand on my chest just looking at me with a silly smile. Ravel is laying on my arm and chest looking into my eyes with her impressive Loli boobs squished on me!

     Ravel blushes and says,"Before you passed out I wanted to tell you.... I-I love you Matsuda...." And Siris is looking at me and nodding in agreement with Ravel.

     I feel warm in my heart and I slide my hand on Ravel's butt and tell them,"After hearing your confessions, I can only respond to you both one more time with my actions!" After saying that I then engaged in another couple of rounds of battle with my girls before resting for the night. It's a good thing her powers of healing kicked in or she would have had to explain why her breast looked like a cow-print! Based on Ravel's mothers looks, I need to enjoy every moment of Ravel's small body before she explodes into a mature beauty!

     Stan Lee, I hope we do not meet for a long time!


     The following information is taken from the DxD wiki, and I am putting it here so you as readers can know what to expect from DxD Vampires, If you know this already than skip it!


     Vampires have superhuman physical abilities, such as strength and endurance. In addition to being able to breed and control bats and insects (Matsuda can already do this), turning into a flock of bats, using them for reconnaissance and transform their body parts such as their arms into them as well. Uniquely, vampires have immortal bodies and are able to change their appearance to their liking. Befitting their lineage, vampires can gain far more power by drinking the blood of other beings.

     Their presence, also creates a cold aura that can be felt by others several meters away, even while being inside a building. Vampires can manipulate darkness and shadows to various extents, which is most notable during the nighttime, which is also notably based off their mastery.  Vampires are able to create and control mist, often using it to create barriers and search for enemies with High-Level Vampires being able to blanket an entire town, even turning into mist to avoid attacks or escape, however, it was noted this mist isn’t on the same level as the Dimension Lost.

     Vampires are capable of creating their own peerage and increasing their numbers similar to Devils who requires Evil Pieces, however, their method requires them to bite a person's neck under the full moon, causing said victim to be under their absolute rule. As such, this method is easier than the reincarnation ritual using the Evil Pieces, in addition to a single individual being able to create as many vampires as desired, however, this is used by only Low-Class Vampires who wants to increase their numbers and is considered a disgusting act by High-Class Vampires.

     However, those who have a weaker resistance to the bite will be turned into an undead who will continue to devour people and turning those bitten into undead, continuing the cycle until the vampire source is killed or all of them are destroyed.


     Being creatures of the night, Vampires are weak against sunlight (Matsuda is immune as a daywalker and from his gear). Vampires also need to drink blood occasionally to stay alive, with pure-blooded vampires incapable of consuming anything else. They also can't heal themselves unless they sleep in their coffins, though resting in a cardboard box has become a popular substitute as it is just as narrow as a coffin. Vampires are beings that can’t enter buildings unless they are invited to come in. They cannot walk across running water and hate garlic.

     Like Devils, Vampires are also weak against objects related to the Church, such as crosses and holy water as well as being weak to powers and objects that are infused with Holy Power such as Angels' Light Weapons and Holy Swords. (Matsuda keeps his immunity to this from his gear)

     Vampires can be diagnosed with dragon blood poisoning if they consume too much dragon blood.

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