DxD: Matsuda!

Honey I am home!



     When the silver light cleared up we saw....................

     A flying redhead into my chest and of course I caught her! I said to the overly excited woman,"Are you happy to see me or just happy to get married to me?"

     A pinch to my side and I am dragged into a side room to the laughs of others! Rias just looked into my eyes and said,"Tell me the truth, name every-woman you slept with when you left me?" She looks like she is preparing herself for the long list, including the new girls.

     I look surprised that is what she is asking but I can answer this,"Only Venelana............?!"

     She looks stupidly at me and asks,"Not even Coriana or Grace!?!" Why is she looking at me like I did not meet her expectations?

     "No dear, and even that started as an accident due to test firing the Big Bang Cannon..........." I look unsure if this is what she is looking for?

     Rias just kissed me deeply and then said to me,"Good, I win the bet with Akeno, and she can't sleep with you until after my honeymoon!" She looks like a winner and I can't figure out the anime world!

     She then drags me back to the rest of the group and Kala steals me first to get her kiss and hugs, it is time for the teachers to go be driven to school. Naturally Kyouko followed her example and I gladly did my job!

     My girls go to unpack while Rias new peerage members sit at the breakfast table to meet everyone. I take my place at the head of the table. Rias tried sitting there once but she had no control of the other girls attacking me from the main seat so she smartly let my sides be free. So Rias peerage sits on her side of the table with the noisy angel and my peerage sits on my right.

     Benemue is out in the Underworld doing leader shit so no big pillow-hugs for me! Issei is here with Gasper and Kiba to meet the new peerage girls and Issei looks like he is going to nosebleed!

     "Issei if you bleed at the table I am kicking you out! Sorry for this perv, new girls, he is a harmless pervert so just ignore his eyes and drool!" He of course protests but the booing at the table shuts him up.

     As soon as Koneko saw I was done eating she got right in my lap with a victor's smile to the rest of the group. Akeno is looking heartbroken that I did not sleep around enough! She would have one if she bet with a number of attempts instead.....It was one woman...but ALL week!

     Xuelan just killed my morning by asking Rias in-front of everyone,"Lady Rias, what does it mean if young master Matsuda has seen you before and wont tell you about it? Apparently he knows something about me and won't say anything!"

     But that was not even the worst thing said, NOPE my little traitor kitty says,"Must be sexual, because he just got chubby!" *SMACK* Yes I just facepalm!

     Rias just says,"My servants can't have Mat! So stay away from him!"

     Gasper, the fire-starter says,"So now I cant hang out anymore?" Rias just took an arrow to the knee!

     Issei yells,"No way Pres, he is my best friend!!!!"

     Akeno just looks so sad and says,"Dont worry Mat dear, I will just hide behind her back and we can have quickies!" Koneko is just patting my head right now and the three new girls find this lively table to their liking.

     Rias just puts her hands up and declares,"Fine you bunch of mutineer pirates, at least wait till after my honeymoon!" She sits down and finishes her eggs, but Koneko starts to pet her head! CUTE! Even Rias smiled at that.

     Asia asks Rias,"Will your new members be in school with us today?"

     Rias smiles and says,"Yes, Ravel will be in the first year with Koneko then Xuelan and Siris will be in the third year with Akeno and myself!"

     Issei says,"Why? Mat already gets all the second years! I need some second-year girls!"

     Irina says to him,"But I sit right next to you Issei?" His response to her was crying into his arms on the table!

     Rias says to her new members,"Your books, bags, and uniforms are up in your rooms and a maid can take you there"

     I look to Rias and ask,"What upstairs? The second floor upstairs?" Please Rias don't do it!!!!!!!

     Rias just keeps my expectations of her carelessness going,"No, with Issei now living on the first floor, I want my girls to be safe!"

     Koneko with a flat voice says,"Nope he just got a chub, there is no safe place!"

     I just protested,"Koneko, who is your King? Why are you selling out your man?" I have a defeated look.

     Koneko says,"Because there is an enemy Loli around them, I don't care about big tits but no fire chicken!"

      Huh? I think Koneko in the anime hated Ravel now that I think of it and why are Xuelan and Siris looking at their tits?

     Xuelan asks,"Miss Koneko, are you saying young master Gremory likes me?" What is with all of the smart girls coming out all of a sudden? All devil girls are just fucking easy!!!!

     I think fast and cover Koneko's mouth! I am smart, well I was till Koneko just gave her a thumbs up!

     Siris asked,"What about me, does he find me attractive too?" Koneko thumbs up again!!!!!! I never knew the only lie detector using a Loli lap can find out the truth of a man! And for the love of God do not make this a trend!!!!!!

     Ravel then asks,"Does Lord Gremory also find me attractive?" Koneko gave her a thumbs down! She and I won't talk about the chub! So I pet Koneko for dodging the bird bullet.

     Rias just gives up and says,"And this is the charm I told you about!"

      I protest,"Rias you are now falsely accusing me! I avoided them the whole week! Plus you're the one that said to bring them along! I purposefully avoided her even during the party and rating game! Yet you bring her in front of me, then blame me for the charm! I literally avoided her for a whole year........" Oh I think I said too much......

     Asia my silly angel broke the awkward silence,"You mean Ravel? The other girls were not in your dream?!" OK now there are all kinds of awkwardness.

     Xenovia said to her,"No Lady Ravel was not actually there, plus there were many but she did not experience what we did, my Lord seems to have seen the young woman from China!"  And Xenovia cleared up nothing as well, good job girls!

     Rias just sends off everyone to get their things and I just wait with my head on the table and the only person left is Rias rubbing my head smiling at my form.

     I say to Rias while holding her hand,"Sorry dear, I am just mad at myself not you! I always avoid girls but no matter what I do they find ways to get close to me! I always feel like I let you down!"

     Rias just smiles then kisses me while sitting in my lap and tells me,"I am finally getting married to the man I want to be married to! You have done everything you said you would. I get jealous but I will never abandon you over silly girls! As long as you love me as your wife, what do I care in the end? Honestly even if you made every woman in the house pregnant, I would only be mad for a day or so.....Don't do that though! But out of the new three girls, tell me your honest feelings so I can prepare my heart?"

     I need to be honest with her! OK here it goes,"Xuelan is a girl that I always admired in my visions, she is a fair fighter and a good and loyal Rook! I do find her attractive and I avoid her because I know I would accept her. Siris on the other-hand is a girl I only know a little, so all I could say about her is she is pretty. Ravel is pretty but I absolutely don't want to have her as a lover! She and I have too many differences in opinion about life and people. So that is my honest feelings!"

     Rias just kisses me and says,"I love your honesty! But if you like my Rook don't abandon her because you put a number on her head! What would you do if I was number 25?"

     Without thinking, say,"I would love you even if you were last!" She just puts on a sneaky smile like she knows how to get me back and my gear tingled!

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