DxD: Matsuda!

I would be honored to have a meal with you!


     As I stare dumbly at the lights fading into the air, my gear is telling me that I just purified some corrupted soul fragments! The soul was not destroyed but faded and traveled from the Underworld.....

     I kneel down to examine the dust left behind by the evil pieces, and it seems that they broke down into its simplest components... A fine dust like the Pawn pieces were ground down thousands of times.

     Azazel is combing the residue as well, Rias puts her hand on my shoulder with complicated feelings.

     Rias being smarter than any anime or fan-fiction gives her credit for saying something that freezes everyone and makes Kris stop crying.....

     She remembers my words and asks,"You told me something a long time ago Matsuda.... You told me that if you ever died, don't believe it until one year has passed! Is it because of this very situation that you thought you may seem dead?" My eyes open wide with a stupid look on my face.... That's right! In the past my friend told me Issei dies in the story, and this is why I told her this back then! Unfortunately I do not know how he died or how he got his dragon body?! Maybe his destiny was to die here? This little bit of hope has made my heart feel really good all of a sudden... He might be dead, but there is no body right?

     I stand up, pull Rias into my arms and give her a super deep and passionate kiss that almost steals her breath away! I finally release her from my CPR training and smile at her and say,"Loving you was one of my better ideas! You are absolutely correct, he may not be dead-dead, just a little dead! Ha-hah-aha!" She has no idea what I am talking about but she looks happy anyway.

     Azazel, having an idea, says,"Ophis did not get summoned with the evil pieces! And Shalba Beelzebub was not strong enough to beat a serious Issei! There is a slim chance he might be alive, but I am not sure what condition he would be in?! I will check in with Heaven and see if his sacred gear left for another host!"

     I say to everyone,"For now we will just consider him missing in action, and no one is to speak about him dying! Keep this a secret for a while. And Kris hasn't told his other girls yet! I don't want to give you false hope, but Rias is actually very right! I once told her I might die just like this! For now let's just defend our home and our friends' home! That is what Issei told me to do as King!" (A/N I actually did write this, in the past chapters, but I don't remember where!)

     Everyone agreed and we then switched gears to territory protection mode and headed to our disaster danger-room I had made under the training center. This underground structure is made in-case war breaks out and we have the best technology with every TV station playing and recording 24/7! This room was activated two nights ago when I came here with a bad feeling. From here we have a huge sand table of the Underworld on the main meeting table. This place looks like a meeting room straight from the Death Star!

     Most of the servants and staff have been moved from the main house and are stationed here. This makes it difficult for assassins and terrorists to find us. We use tunnels and teleport circles to enter and leave here. There are many rooms and facilities to accommodate hundreds for about ten years.

     Everyone but Millicas is sitting around this massive table going over things to do for the next few days. Every family member is given documents to take care of for their roles. I hand Kiba a folded outfit with a gold devil mask of Japanese origin. He then looks at me oddly?

     I smile and say,"Both you and Grace will be in charge of killing from the shadows, any member of the Khaos brigade, Hero faction, or Old Satan faction! If you see anyone in our territory trying to cause us harm... Make them vanish! Do not worry if they come from a noble house or not... Just get rid of them and don't get caught... Hence why you are going to dress like that! Also I will talk to any holy sword you got from Sig so you can use it freely!"

     I look to the logistics specialist,"Coriana and Ravel you will man this danger-room for this event and use your skills to coordinate everyone! Forget about other matters for now. This means that we will assist our friends and family when we can share information in real time with them."

     I smile to the Gremory women,"Chysis, Venelana,and Rias can I leave talking to the nobility and higher ups to you lady's?! We need a calm and charismatic face to lead us in the nobility. Please turn away anyone that is not our priority."

     I then looked to my Queen squad,"Grayfia, Akeno, and Yubelluna I will need you to deploy with me to major battle zones around the Gremory territory! I wont have you fight the boss monsters, but keep the small fry off and..... Um, I am not good at teleportation magic..... cough....." Everyone laughs at my embarrassment for having a flaw that most devils do.

     I then tell everyone else,"The rest of you will be on standby and can assist in any of the base duties you feel comfortable with!" After some more discussions and duty assignments we all then go to do our roles. I did heal everyone one last time to make sure no one was fatigued!

     For the first day it was on the quiet side due to the monsters being still farther away from the major locations, so our real news and information did not start till the second day.........

     The super gigantic monsters created by Shalba Beelzebub from using Annihilation Maker started their progress on attacking every main capital and important location after appearing in the Underworld. Many big screen TV's located in our danger-room are showing the appearance of the monsters that have begun their invasion as emergency broadcasts from many locations are live.

     [Please look! The gigantic monsters that suddenly appeared are progressing towards the capitals without stopping!] The reporters are reporting about the monsters from helicopters or air-ships that move by demonic-power generators.

     In total, there are 13 monsters created by Annihilation Maker. They are monsters that easily exceed 300 feet. Each one of them is about 450 feet large. The TV is broadcasting about each of them.

     At this rate, the monsters that are close to the important cities will arrive there sometime in the next two to three days! The most annoying thing about them is that they are creating smaller monsters by themselves as they progress towards their targets. The massive 700 foot giant is heading towards the capital in the Devil King territory, Lilith!

     The government of the Underworld named the monster who is bigger than others [Jabberwocky]. The other twelve monsters are called [Bandersnatch].

     [How can this be? The attacks of Ultimate-class Devils and their teams aren’t working!]

     For each one of the monsters, squads were dispatched by the factions that are allied with the Devils such as the fallen angels who sent their team's, Brave Saints that were sent by Heaven, and the Valkyrie squads that consist of battle maidens that were sent by the Valhalla, and large troops of warriors sent by the Greek pantheon.

     The number one rating game champion and his team, Diehauser Belial was dispatched. Although they were able to cause damage to Jabberwocky they could only stall its movement for a matter of seconds. There's no doubt about the strength of Emperor Belial and his servants. They are the strongest team after all, yet nothing could stop them.

     The Old Satan faction who began their coup-d'etat using this invasion of monsters as a part of their plan, are rampaging in the cities targeted by the monsters. Also they provoked servants of High-class Devils to begin rebelling against their masters in various locations.

     After getting all the current events updates from my two Bishops we were alerted that one of the 12 massive monsters the Bandersnatch was about to invade the Gremory territory. A familiar name was mentioned in the details of this monster... The current team that is trying to take it down is led by none other than Roygun Belphegor, who I met not too long ago! She and her team have not been able to slow it down however.

     We have been pretty busy lately dealing with all the terrorists trying and failing to cause us harm, thanks to our two super assassins in the dark. But it is clear that Roygun and her team are not going to be able to stop it. This creature looks like a lion in the front and a bear in its rear body.... It also has wings but cant fly.

     I look at Grayfia and say,"Back me up? I want to try and take a pop at it and see if I can destroy it in one hit? I have not tested my Underworld Dreadnought at full power yet?" If the top rating game champs cant stop it I don't have full confidence. I don't know if my hammer would be better or not.

     Grayfia smiles at me and says,"Sure we can ride my griffin familiar!" She smiles thinking this will be like a date.

     I say,"Wait, that griffin is yours?! I have seen it in my visions before....." She just playfully pokes my forehead as we leave to go to the battlefield.

     As we get close to the battlefield we see the massive monster walking forward like a bulldozer and not even paying attention to the many attackers. The tough part is dealing with the many small monsters that fall from the main body. Weaker defenders have to deal with them. There are stray light beams striking in all directions from the small enemy's while occasionally a massive beam is shot from the big monster's mouth.

     We can see where Roygun is giving commands from, and she is taking her job seriously despite the impossible enemy. At a distance we see the reporters from a few ships circling the battlefield to observe the battle. Roygun sees us fly in and Grayfia lands us near her. I dismount and head to her location while Grayfia stays on her griffin.

     I wave and greet her,"Greetings Lady Roygun Belphegor! I am glad to meet you again, but it's a shame its under such dire conditions...."

     She notices the pregnant Grayfia on the mount, serving me and says,"Hello and what brings Lord Gremory to the front line?" I can tell she doesn't want me here, meh don't care what she wants....

     I tell her,"This beast is about to step foot onto my land and I came to ask you to evacuate your men from that beast about a thousand feet, or they may get caught up in the blast that I will use to kill it!" I smile because I see her pride is getting in her way.....

     Roygun laughs at my words and says,"My whole team has been fighting this creature for a day with little results and you, an Ultimate-class devil, think you can kill it? I am sorry your joke is too funny!" Ah so nobody leaked my demonic power huh? Well whatever....

     I smile and tell her,"Well Lady Roygun Belphegor, I have given you a heads up...... Don't say I did not warn you.... Oh he is officially on the Gremory territory now, ha-ha!" I signal Grayfia to move further away and she flies off, then I activate my Satan Gold form.

     I look at the monstrosity and take flight into the sky and use my fast flight to reach an altitude about one mile over the monster. Roygun Belphegor might have arrogance but her many years of being a rating game champ gives her great instincts and she immediately calls for a retreat while watching me high up in the sky....

     To make sure anyone that did not hear her retreat hears my actions, I use magic to amplify my voice to carry over the region.

     I begin with,"Stage Two!!!!!" Then I begin my chant while I have free demonic power, so for about five seconds I will have free demonic power till I have to use my own,"I, who have fallen from Heaven- I, who sheds God's light to cover the Firmament- When love and hope is stolen- Sorrow and Regrets shall cover the lands- And I shall sunder-everything down with me! [Underworld Dreadnought]" I instantly combine my six blades into my magic canon.

     When I infuse the six counter-rotating magic circles of red light, the first one is 10 feet wide, then the next is 20 feet wide, 40 feet, 80 feet, 160 feet, and finally the last one was 320 feet wide! At this point I have five seconds of free power till I use my own, now I lock onto the monster that has looked up at me feeling the magic power fluctuation..... Too late asshole!

     From one mile up a 320 foot wide gold beam strikes true down to the ground as I shoot the [Orbital-laser]!!! The monster is fully engulfed in the golden light and makes no sound as its body begins to visibly disintegrate! I have run out of my free power and now my demonic reservoir is being emptied quickly as I continue to train the beam on the creature.... As I finally see the last of the creature vanish I immediately stop the beam and release my form. I have about 5% demonic power left and am feeling very exhausted! I eject my devil wings and dive back to the earth......

     So if I do not use my Second Stage I might not kill it.... Not sure? I did wipe out all its body and maybe they only need to have most of it destroyed? By the time I land most of the dust and debris is settled and everyone is speechless at the sight......

     A pit 300 feet wide and deep! Grayfia lands next to me and dismounts and comes to my side to support my exhausted body.

     I smile at Roygun and say,"Lady Roygun Belphegor, I am a bit tired so if you could clean up the small foes, the Gremory family would be thankful! How about after the events of the Underworld settle down we the Gremory would invite you for supper......" Roygun is thinking how stupid this situation must be because her expression is stiff.....

     Roygun comes back to herself and smiles,"Sure Lord Gremory, I would be honored to have a meal with you!" She puts on a brilliant smile like she found gold?!

     Why did her words sound like I invited her to a romantic date?! Why is my gear telling me to run from this lady? And why is Grayfia pinching me right now?!

     I forgot about the reporters, but the news about the first Bandersnatch to be slain was done by me...... I was unaware that in less than 12 hours, Ajuka Beelzebub found a cheat code to easily kill these bastards.......


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