DxD: Matsuda!

If I fall catch me!


     When I hear knocking I get up and put on my dads smoking jacket he gave me...It's purple and black by the way. I was not expecting anyone but my luck is always hard to predict....

     When the door opens I see all the girls from my class with Sakura among them smiling. Coriana, seeing my confusion says,"Miss Kuro came for work and we asked to come in to use your private bath...seems some perverts are trying to peek into the women's bathing area and the Sitri girls and rose are guarding it." I see they all have clothing and towels and I seem to remember something like this in the show.

     So I just smile having the urge to close the door on them as a joke, but not doing it just in-case the sensitive girls will cry.

     Aika stabs me with,"I know that look in your eyes Matsuda, I will blow up the door if you dare close it!" I sweat drop forgetting Aika was my stalker and knows all my looks!!!!

     I open the door fast and say,"Never! I was just taken aback by all the beautiful women in front of me!" I am glad I am immune to mind reading or I would get screwed by these devils! Oh and one angel.

     The girls come in and are shocked at the mini mansion on the top floor of this hotel. Except for the fire escape and elevator area, this whole floor is one big room or home with many bedrooms and massive facilities that a major VIP would have.

     I point and say to the girls,"Down that hall is the indoor pool, sauna, and baths. Over-there is the kitchen and there you will find the wet bar....have at it girls. And Sakura shall we go to the office?" The girls gave me hugs then went off to the showers. Sakura actually did work, mostly.

     After a while Sakura collected everything and said,"I actually have to go back to the Underworld unless you need me for anything Matsuda?" I stand up and hold her then kiss her....

     "I won't keep you from things you need to do but when you are free come for me anytime alright?!" She just kisses me and waves then walks away with a sexy walk wanting me to call her back....Well we will have lots of time in the future so it's fine.

     I go to the bar and grab a glass with ice and Gremory Whiskey, then go to my large comfy couch and listen to some classical music......I am just unwinding and trying not to think of the future.

     While my eyes were shut enjoying the current song from [Canon Rock Piano version], I heard two girls walking my way. I open my eyes and see Xenovia and Irina coming for me.....

     Xenovia says,"Mat I want baby juice tonight.....I sadly still do not have your baby! This is our memorable school trip and this will make a great story to tell our child!" you know what...I hear this from her every time and all I hear her saying is....[I love you Mat, let's make love!]

     I smile and point to Irena,"Anytime my lovely Knight, but maybe not while your friend is forced to watch...." At this time she sits on my right and leans against me.

     At this moment the Universe plays its DxD shenanigans on me and Irina happens to trip on Xenovia's...outstretched foot???

     Seeing that if I don't catch her her head may hit the corner of the table, I am forced to catch her.......Good news is I caught her and her arms grabbed my shoulders...the bad news is my left hand is finding her cup size on her right breast....and yes they are way bigger than they look....her wings and halo came out on reflex for her being startled.

     Irina notices how she is being held blushes but does not move but goes soft so I have to hold her more, I did manage to get my hand off her breast though.

     I say to the confused looking angel,"Irina are you OK? You seem out of it?" I guess all angels smell like cotton candy...Wish Kala was here but she is doing teacher work.

     Irina looks into my face and says,"I am not falling?" This chick must have been drinking?

     Xenovia comes to the rescue,"That is because my Lord caught you Irina!" You tell her off!

     Irina shakes her head and says,"No I meant even after touching me there and being held by a devil....I should have flickered my wings or fallen......Due to my impure thoughts!" She just looks into my eyes and I don't like that look one bit!

     I stand up and help Irina stand and say,"I am sure it is because it was an accident and we did not have impure thoughts for one another. So that is why you are alright." I smile and try to comfort her.

     Irina looks up at me and says,"If I became a fallen angel would you like me more than being an angel?" I see in her eyes this is a serious question and my gear is tingling.....

     I think and say,"I think whether you are an angel or a fallen angel it would not change how I see you...But I think you are a happier person as an angel and Heaven would miss one of their important members if you fell. So I think being an angel is the right choice!" Why am I helping her with life choices? Don't I dislike her?!

     Xenovia says to the side,"Even as a devil he is so kind.....I can't wait for our kids to inherit this fact!" Um I think that is just raising your child right not a genetic predisposition?!

     Irina gets a sparkle in her eye and she tells me,"Heaven needs to repopulate, and I am willing to be the mother of future angel devils, with divine protection! This will make heaven a better place in the future and it will mean I won't be lonely! I will be able to be with my friends Asia, Xenovia, and the others too!" I watch this crazy girl's wings looking to see if they will start flickering and why is she making choices like this? We don't even have a romantic relationship! Hm but my gear seems to think its Xenovia over there poisoning this girl's head....

     "Irina, I think you have not thought out this idea of yours and don't push eggs like Xenovia there! She is my woman so it is good for her to be with me...But we are not in a committed relationship together and harems are bad in Heaven!" Nailed it!

     Irina hugged me and looked up into my eyes with a smile and said,"There are no harems in Heaven yes! But the Bible does not forbid them...Just look at Noah's Arc and his son and many others in the bible had many wives!" Um I seem to think she is right........What the hell is going on?

     While I was contemplating life Xenovia came up to us and reached into my robe and grabbed onto an energetic little brother and held it,"Irina it is clear to see you have attracted my king, hm perhaps try holding it to test if you might fall or not?" Irina is looking down with wide open eyes at what Xenovia pulled out of the robe!

     Before I could pull back the offending snake, another hand landed on it...in panic I looked to Irina's wings and saw.......White angel wings with a halo on her head?!

     She should have fallen! Kala could only be with me because she had my Divine protection right? No, Irina having bad thoughts alone should have made her fall?! Am I sort of an exception to the rule for angel women........

      Xenovia pushes me on the couch and says to Irina,"I will show you how lovemaking is done first then you can try it!" As usual, events go out of my control and Xenovia starts her vigorous motion up and down.....Crap I just realized I am having sex in front of Irina Shidou! This was the last thing I was expecting....Do I secretly like all of these weird encounters that seem to happen to me?!

     Irina, I just realized is like Precious!.........She says,"Oh my love making really makes both partners look happy! Plus it looks like good exercise. Oh and you can still kiss each-other while connected and moving, wow! Oh and Mat likes to suck on your nipples too while making a baby...This makes sense!!! Oh and that is a lot of white stuff coming out of you Xenovia! Is that from an overflow?!" Holy crap I will just call her Precious....and if your wondering why Irina's comments don't bother me...its because the dog did that to me for four fucking days straight!

     Xenovia with a smile says,"My first round is done if you want your turn, go fast...the other girls will be out soon!" Um I want to say no don't do it, but part of me really wants to! What should I do???

     I say as I get up,"Irina don't be pressured into this! I don't think Michael would be happy with me for taking advantage of his Ace. right?" Looks like I will go with the right thing to do after so many wrong ones!

     Irina watching me be kind and stopping her from rushing into things made her smile at me and she says,"Mat can I still devote myself to you and take my time and think, will you accept me if I make a wise choice?" I can see she is honest with her feelings......sigh fine whatever. Just change my name to Ash ketchum!

     I smile and say,"Kala would be your best bet to get advice about being an angel and loving a devil, but I will accept you if your feelings are forever...and do realize I have too many lovers already! Just take that into consideration......"

     Irina, still with her wings and halo out, jumps into my arms and gives me a soft kiss of a very inexperienced girl trying really hard to seem mature....She then smiles at her wings and says,"This means heaven and your father agree!" her smile was like she met Big G for the first time......I thought I disliked this girl?!

     Asia off to the side yells excitedly,"Sister Irina your wings have not changed! Does this mean we will be real sisters?!" Irina just smiles like a winner, while holding up the love compatibility slip for everyone to see!

     Aika drops to her knees seeing this and says,"Oh no I am screwed!" Everyone just laughs at her acting.....and that is how I spent the night before Kyoto went wild!



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